21 research outputs found

    Phenomenological model of motility by spatiotemporal modulation of active interactions

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    Transport at microscopic length scales is essential in biological systems and various technologies, including microfluidics. Recent experiments achieved self-organized transport phenomena in microtubule active matter using light to modulate motor-protein activity in time and space. Here, we introduce a novel phenomenological model to explain such experiments. Our model, based on spatially modulated particle interactions, reveals a possible mechanism for emergent transport phenomena in light-controlled active matter, including motility and contraction. In particular, the model's analytic treatment elucidates the conservation of the center of mass of activated particles as a fundamental mechanism of material transport and demonstrates the necessity of memory for sustained motility. Furthermore, we generalize the model to explain other phenomena, like microtubule aster-aster interactions induced by more complicated activation geometries. Our results demonstrate that the model provides a possible foundation for the phenomenological understanding of light-controlled active matter, and it will enable the design and optimization of transport protocols for active matter devices

    Persistent fluid flows defined by active matter boundaries

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    Biological systems achieve precise control over ambient fluids through the self-organization of active protein structures including flagella, cilia, and cytoskeletal networks. In active structures individual proteins consume chemical energy to generate force and motion at molecular length scales. Self-organization of protein components enables the control and modulation of fluid flow fields on micron scales. The physical principles underlying the organization and control of active-matter driven fluid flows are poorly understood. Here, we apply an optically-controlled active-matter system composed of microtubule filaments and light-switchable kinesin motor proteins to analyze the emergence of persistent flow fields in a model active matter system. Using light, we form contractile microtubule networks of varying shape. We analyze the fluid flow fields generated by a wide range of microtubule network geometries and explain the resulting flow fields within a unified theoretical framework. We specifically demonstrate that the geometry of microtubule flux at the boundary of contracting microtubule networks predicts the steady-state fluid flow fields across polygonal network geometries through finite-element simulations. Our work provides a foundation for programming microscopic fluid-flows with controllable active matter and could enable the engineering of versatile and dynamic microfluidic devices

    Collective magnetism in an artificial 2D XY spin system

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    This work was funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF project grants 200021-155917, 200021-159736, and 200021-172774). D.L. acknowledges funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No 701647. J.R.L.M. is grateful to the Swiss National Center of Competence in Research, Molecular Ultrafast Science and Technology (NCCR MUST).Two-dimensional magnetic systems with continuous spin degrees of freedom exhibit a rich spectrum of thermal behaviour due to the strong competition between fluctuations and correlations. When such systems incorporate coupling via the anisotropic dipolar interaction, a discrete symmetry emerges, which can be spontaneously broken leading to a low-temperature ordered phase. However, the experimental realisation of such two-dimensional spin systems in crystalline materials is difficult since the dipolar coupling is usually much weaker than the exchange interaction. Here we realise two-dimensional magnetostatically coupled XY spin systems with nanoscale thermally active magnetic discs placed on square lattices. Using low-energy muon-spin relaxation and soft X-ray scattering, we observe correlated dynamics at the critical temperature and the emergence of static long-range order at low temperatures, which is compatible with theoretical predictions for dipolar-coupled XY spin systems. Furthermore, by modifying the sample design, we demonstrate the possibility to tune the collective magnetic behaviour in thermally active artificial spin systems with continuous degrees of freedom.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Phase diagram of dipolar-coupled XY moments on disordered square lattices

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    <p>Open access data set for manuscript "Phase diagram of dipolar-coupled XY moments on disordered square lattices" published in Physical Review B (2018).</p