23 research outputs found
Abelian versus non-Abelian Baecklund Charts: some remarks
Connections via Baecklund transformations among different non-linear
evolution equations are investigated aiming to compare corresponding Abelian
and non Abelian results. Specifically, links, via Baecklund transformations,
connecting Burgers and KdV-type hierarchies of nonlinear evolution equations
are studied. Crucial differences as well as notable similarities between
Baecklund charts in the case of the Burgers - heat equation, on one side and
KdV -type equations are considered. The Baecklund charts constructed in [16]
and [17], respectively, to connect Burgers and KdV-type hierarchies of operator
nonlinear evolution equations show that the structures, in the non-commutative
cases, are richer than the corresponding commutative ones.Comment: 18 page
Construction of soliton solutions of the matrix modified Korteweg-de Vries equation
An explicit solution formula for the matrix modified KdV equation is
presented, which comprises the solutions given in Ref. 7 (S. Carillo, M. Lo
Schiavo, and C. Schiebold. Matrix solitons solutions of the modified
Korteweg-de Vries equation. In: Nonlinear Dynamics of Structures, Systems and
Devices, edited by W. Lacarbonara, B. Balachandran, J. Ma, J. Tenreiro Machado,
G. Stepan (Springer, Cham, 2020), pp. 75-83). In fact, the solutions in Ref.7
are part of a subclass studied in detail by the authors in a forthcoming
publication. Here several solutions beyond this subclass are constructed and
discussed with respect to qualitative properties.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, Proceedings of the Second International
Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (NODYCON 2021), W. Lacarbonara et al, Ed.
Construction of soliton solutions of the matrix modified Korteweg-de Vries equation
An explicit solution formula for the matrix modified KdV
equation is presented, which comprises the solutions given in [ S. Carillo, M. Lo Schiavo, and C. Schiebold. Matrix solitons solutions of the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation. In: Nonlinear Dynamics of Structures, Systems and Devices, edited by W. Lacarbonara, B. Balachandran, J. Ma, J. Tenreiro Machado, G. Stepan. (Springer, Cham, 2020), pp. 75–83]. In fact, the solutions therein are part of a subclass studied in detail by the authorsin a forthcoming publication. Here several solutions beyond this subclass are constructed and discussed with respect to qualitative properties
Soliton equations: admitted solutions and invariances via Bäcklund transformations
A couple of applications of Baecklund transformations in the study of nonlinear evolution equations is here given. Specifically, we are concerned about third order nonlinear evolution equations. Our attention is focussed on one side, on proving a new invariance admitted by a third order nonlinear evolution equation and, on the other one, on the construction of solutions. Indeed, via B ̈acklund transformations, a Baecklund chart, connecting Abelian as well as non Abelian equations can be constructed. The importance of such a net of links is twofold since it indicates invariances as well as allows to construct solutions admitted by the nonlinear evolution equations it relates.
The present study refers to third-order nonlinear evolution equations of KdV type. On the basis of the Abelian wide Baecklund chart which connects various different third order nonlinear evolution equations an invariance admitted by the Korteweg-deVries interacting soliton (int.sol.KdV) equation is obtained and a related new explicit solution is constructed. Then, the corresponding non-Abelian Baecklund chart, shows how to construct matrix solutions of the mKdV equations: some recently obtained solutions are reconsidered
Soliton equations: admitted solutions and invariances via B\"acklund transformations
A couple of applications of B\"acklund transformations in the study of
nonlinear evolution equations is here given. Specifically, we are concerned
about third order nonlinear evolution equations. Our attention is focussed on
one side, on an invariance admitted by the interacting soliton equation and, on
the other one, on the construction of solutions. Indeed, via B\"acklund
transformations, a B\"acklund chart, connecting Abelian as well as non Abelian
equations can be constructed. The importance of such a net of links is twofold
since it indicates invariances as well as allows to construct solutions
admitted by the nonlinear evolution equations it relates. The present study
refers to third order nonlinear evolution equations of KdV type. On the basis
of the Abelian wide B\"acklund chart which connects various different third
order nonlinear evolution equations an invariance admitted by the int sol. KdV
equation is obtained and an explicit solution is constructed. Then, the
corresponding non-Abelian B\"acklund chart, shows how to construct matrix
solutions of the mKdV equations: some recently obtained solutions are
reconsidered.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with
A novel noncommutative KdV-type equation, its recursion operator, and solitons
A noncommutative KdV-type equation is introduced extending the Baecklund
chart in [S. Carillo, M. Lo Schiavo, and C. Schiebold, SIGMA 12 (2016)]. This
equation, called meta-mKdV here, is linked by Cole-Hopf transformations to the
two noncommutative versions of the mKdV equations listed in [P.J. Olver and
V.V. Sokolov Commun. Math. Phys. 193 (1998), Theorem 3.6]. For this meta-mKdV,
and its mirror counterpart, recursion operators, hierarchies and an explicit
solution class are derived
An operator equation on a Banach space, which represents the operator
analog of Burgers equation, is here considered. The well known Cole-Hopf
transformation, a particular case of the wider class of Backlund
transformations, which connects the classical nonlinear Burgers equation
to the linear heat equation, is extended to the case of operator valued
equations. Then, since the operator Burgers equation admits a recursion
operator, a whole hierarchy of Burgers operator equations is generated.
Notably, each member of such a Burgers operator hierarchy is related,
via Cole-Hopf transformation to the corresponding member of a heat
operator hierarchy. Indeed, also the recursion operator admitted by the
Burgers operator equation, is related, via Cole-Hopf transformation, to
the (trivial) recursion operator admitted by the linear heat operator
equation. Furthermore, the Burgers recursion operator is not Abelian,
hence, the whole hierarchy does not enjoy commutativity properties