63 research outputs found
As identidades regionais e papéis do Estado na retórica populista : os casos do Brasil e da Polônia
The focus of this study is directed to the way national-conservative decisionmakers envision their own neighborhood and its core cooperation platforms. Through a comparative analysis of the political rhetoric on their respective regions and the ties connecting Poland and Brazil with it, the article seeks to answer the following research questions: How do Brazilian and Polish ruling elites envision the regional belonging of the state? How do they depict major regional integration initiatives of which Brazil and Poland are members and how can regional identities affect those discursive articulations?Este estudo examina a maneira como os formuladores nacional-conservadores de política externa conceitualizam sua própria vizinhança e as principais plataformas de cooperação regional. Por meio de uma análise comparativa da retórica política sobre suas respetivas regiões e os laços que ligam a Polônia e o Brasil a elas, o artigo procura responder às seguintes perguntas de pesquisa: Como é que as elites políticas conservadoras brasileiras e polonesas imaginam o pertencimento regional do Estado? Como elas retratam as principais iniciativas de integração regional das quais o Brasil e a Polônia são membros e como as identidades regionais podem afetar essas articulações discursivas
Of roles and gifts - Brazil's quest for a redefined relationship with African states
The paper seeks to analyse efforts undertaken by the Brazilian administration since 2003 to create a strengthened relationship with Africa with development cooperation at its core. It examines discursive strategies implemented by President Lula da Silva and, to a lesser extent, his successor President Dilma Rousseff, to reconceptualise the donor-recipient relationship ingrained in this kind of cooperation. Brazilian efforts to change existing imaginaries of paternalistic donors and submissive recipients engaged in a neo-colonial relationship to images of equal partners engaged in a mutually beneficiary relation will be analysed by applying the theoretical concept of role and gift theory to a content analysis of presidential speeches delivered during official visits to African states
Constitutional atomic bomb or paper tiger? : the institution of impeachment in the Federative Republic of Brazil
Over the course of less than a quarter of a century, two Brazilian Heads of State - Fernando Collor in 1992 and Dilma Rousseff in 2016 - have been removed from office by impeachment. There has been much controversy surrounding both proceedings, particularly the latter. The article seeks to discuss briefly the history of the proceeding of impeachment in Brazil and its significance for the country’s political life after 1988. Through an analysis of the impeachment cases of President Fernando Collor and President Dilma Rousseff, and overview of the literature on impeachment in Latin America, the paper will address the similarities and differences present in both cases in which a Brazilian Head of State was removed from office. The last part of the article will further discuss the disputes among Brazilian jurists triggered by differing evaluations of this legal measure and, in particular, the more recent case of its implementation in Brazil
Una historia de violencia urbana en Brasil. El caso de Marielle Franco
The paper aims to analyze the first months of the federal intervention in the state of Rio de Janeiro introduced by presidential decree on the 16th of February 2018. The security crisis in the state, which started in 2017 and gained significant media coverage, led to Michel Temer’s decision to put the Armed Forces in charge of public security, for the first time since the country’s redemocratization. Deemed controversial since its announcement in February, the measure was further questioned after the assassination of Marielle Franco, city councilor of the Municipal Chamber of Rio de Janeiro known for her fierce opposition to the military intervention. The paper examines whether the dysfunctionality of the Brazilian state in the sphere of public security can be tackled by hardline policies such as the federal intervention and questions the validity of this measure in the given context. It claims that harsh security policies are inefficient in combating violence in Brazil and stresses that the dominating discourse on crime and violence, which contributes to the public opinion’s support of counterproductive hardline measures, requires a redefinition.El artículo pretende analizar los primeros meses de la intervención federal en el estado de Río de Janeiro, introducida por el decreto presidencial del 16 de febrero de 2018. La crisis de seguridad en el Estado, que comenzó en 2017 y obtuvo una importante cobertura mediática, llevó a Michel Temer a tomar la decisión de poner a las Fuerzas Armadas a cargo de la seguridad pública, por primera vez desde la redemocratización del país. Considerada controvertida desde su anuncio en febrero, la medida fue cuestionada luego del asesinato de Marielle Franco, concejala de la Cámara Municipal de Río de Janeiro, conocida por su feroz oposición a la intervención militar. El documento examina si la disfuncionalidad del Estado brasileño en el ámbito de la seguridad pública puede ser abordada por políticas de línea dura como la intervención federal y cuestiona la validez de esta medida en el contexto dado. Afirma que las duras políticas de seguridad son ineficaces para combatir la violencia en Brasil y destaca que el discurso dominante sobre el crimen y la violencia, que contribuye al apoyo de la opinión pública a las medidas contraproducentes de línea dura, requiere una redefinición
La búsqueda de estatus: el activismo de Brasil en el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU 2006–2020
The paper seeks to investigate changes in Brazil’s activism within the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) between 2006 and 2020 and addresses the modifications of status-seeking strategies (of social mobility, creativity and competition) applied by the state within this international body. My claim is that Brazil under the Bolsonaro administration chose the role of the defender of the faith advocating for a recreation of the global human rights protection system over being a good international citizen committed to the maintenance and development of this system. This role was selected in conformity with a populist political agenda based on a conservative set of values that the state’s diplomacy had to promote. The changes, exemplified by Brazil’s conduct within the HRC since 2019, undermined the state’s prestige and moral authority that led to status losses.El trabajo busca investigar los cambios en el activismo de Brasil dentro del Consejo de Derechos Humanos (CDH) de la ONU entre 2006 y 2020 y aborda las modificaciones de las estrategias de búsqueda de estatus (de movilidad, creatividad y competencia social) aplicadas por el Estado dentro de este organismo internacional. Mi argumento es que Brasil, bajo el gobierno de Bolsonaro, eligió el papel de defensor de la fe que aboga por una recreación del sistema global de protección de los derechos humanos en lugar de ser un buen ciudadano internacional comprometido con el mantenimiento y desarrollo de este sistema. Este papel fue seleccionado en conformidad con una agenda política populista basada en un conjunto de valores conservadores que la diplomacia del Estado debía promover. Los cambios, ejemplificados por la conducta de Brasil en el CDH desde 2019, socavaron el prestigio y la autoridad moral del Estado, lo que condujo a pérdidas de estatus
In search of international status : brazilian acts of environmental vandalism
Niniejszy artykuł, wpisujący się w nurt badań nad polityką zagraniczną państwa, ma na celu analizę powiązań działań podejmowanych przez brazylijskie władze szczebla fede-ralnego na rzecz ochrony środowiska (z naciskiem na inicjatywy podejmowane w celu zaha-mowania zmian klimatu) po 2019 roku, z międzynarodowym statusem Brazylii. Wykorzystując kategorię teoretyczną statusu i strategii poszukiwania statusu autorka pracy twierdzi, że dycho-tomiczna wizja brazylijskich władz, przeciwstawiająca sobie rozwój społeczno-gospodarczy i ochronę środowiska, wraz z inicjatywami przyczyniającymi się do niszczenia zasobów natu-ralnych państwa oraz brakiem aktywizmu na szczeblu międzynarodowym osłabiły pozycję Bra-zylii na arenie międzynarodowej.This paper explores the Brazilian foreign policy after 2019 and aims to analyze the relationship of the Brazilian federal government’s environmental policies (with an emphasis on initiatives to mitigate climate change) with Brazil’s international status. Using the theoretical category of status and status-seeking strategies, the paper argues that the dichotomous vision adopted by the Brazilian authorities, juxtaposing socio-economic development and environ-mental protection, along with initiatives that contribute to the destruction of the country’s nat-ural resources and a lack of activism and leadership at the international level have weakened Brazil’s position on the international stage
Interrupted orthodontic force results in less root resorption than continuous force in human premolars as measured by microcomputed tomography
Introduction. Root resorption is an undesirable but very frequently occurring sequel of orthodontic treatment. The aim of this study was to compare root resorption caused by either continuous (CF) or interrupted (IF) orthodontic force. Material and methods. The study was performed on human subjects on 30 first upper and lower premolars scheduled for extraction for orthodontic reasons. During four weeks before extraction 12 teeth were subjected to either CF or IF. The force was generated by a segmental titanium-molybdenum alloy cantilever spring that was activated in buccal direction. Initially a force of 60 CentiNewton was used in both CF and IF groups, the force in the former, however, was reactivated every week for 4 weeks. There was no reactivation of force in the IF group after initial application. A morphometric analysis of root resorption was performed by microcomputed tomography and the extent of tooth movement was measured on stone casts. Furthermore, a Tartarate-Resistant Acidic Phosphatase activity (TRAP), the marker enzyme of osteoclasts and cementoclasts, was determined by histochemical method. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the difference in measured parameters between treatment and control tooth groups. Results. The number of resorption craters was significantly higher and their average volume almost twice as large in the CF compared to the IF group (p < 0.05). However, the distance of tooth displacement was similar for both groups. Cementoclasts were detected with the TRAP technique on the surface of two teeth only; both were subjected to continuous force. Conclusions. The use of IF leads to less destruction of root structure as opposed to continuous force while the same tooth movement was achieved
Mineralogy and organic geochemistry of phyllite from the Dewon-Pokrzywna deposit, the Opava Mountains (SW Poland)
Phyllites from the Dewon–Pokrzywna de posit in the Opava Mts., SW Po land, were in ves ti gated by XRD (Rietveld method),
XRF, EPMA, SEM, and ATR-FTIR from the per spec tive of their po ten tial us age as a buffer and/or back fill ma te rial in a geo -
log i cal re pos i tory of ra dio ac tive waste. Or ganic mat ter dis persed in the phyllite ma trix was ana lysed by GC-MS. Fine-grained
Mg-Fe-mus co vite (13 to 29 wt.%), Fe-ripidolite (10 to 25 wt.%), de tri tal quartz (20 to 46 wt.%), and al bite (7 to 28 wt.%) ±
microcline, illite or illite/smectite, and kaolinite are ma jor min er als in phyllite sam ples. The chlorite/mus co vite ra tio ranges
from 0.65 to 1.1. Mg-annite in her ited from the pre cur sor rock is a mi nor con stit u ent. De tri tal il men ite is a dom i nant ac ces sory
min eral. Ancylite-(Ce) oc curs in quartz-cal cite-ripidolite veins. Two types of phyllite have been dis tin guished based on the
pro por tion of phyllosilicates to silt frac tion: ar gil la ceous (47 to 55 wt.% phyllosilicates) and silt-rich (28 wt.% phyllosilicates).
Ar gil la ceous phyllite shows el e vated con tent of alu mina and mod er ate con cen tra tion of sil ica. It is highly en riched in Fe com -
pared to phyllites from other lo cal i ties world wide. The BET spe cific sur face area of ar gil la ceous phyllite ranges from 1.73 to
3.64 m2/g. Whole-rock chem i cal com po si tion, min eral as sem blages, chlorite geothermometry, and the oc cur rence of
aliphatic hy dro car bons sug gest that ar gil la ceous phyllite orig i nated from a pe lagic pelite protolith un der low-tem per a ture
(260–370°C) greenschist to subgreenschist fa cies con di tions. Per sis tent biomarkers are in dic a tive of bac te rial deg ra da tion
of plank tonic or ganic mat ter sus pended in a high wa ter col umn. En rich ment in Fe-rich chlorite and Mg,Fe-mus co vite, low vol -
ume of in ter con nected pores with dom i nant mesopores sug gest that ar gil la ceous phyllite from the Dewon–Pokrzywna de -
posit is a po ten tial can di date for a buffer and/or back fill ma te rial
Elevated blood pressure in 11-years-old children in Slupsk county
Wstęp Nadciśnienie tętnicze stanowi jeden z głównych
czynników ryzyka rozwoju chorób układu krążenia.
U dzieci nadciśnienie tętnicze występuje rzadziej
niż u dorosłych. Dotyczy ono 1–12% populacji
dziecięcej w wieku do 18 lat i ma w większości przypadków
charakter wtórny.
Przedmiotem badań były dzieci z 29 szkół podstawowych
ze Słupska i powiatu słupskiego. Dzieci
zważono, sprawdzono ich wzrost, zmierzono ciśnienie
tętnicze krwi, oznaczono cholesterol, trójglicerydy,
HDL, LDL. Badania przeprowadzono w okresie
od 15 września do 30 listopada 2008 roku.
Materiał i metody W badaniu udział wzięło 658 dzieci
- 321 chłopców (48,78%) i 337 dziewcząt
(51,22%). Wysokość ciała dzieci z badanej grupy
mieściła się w przedziale 135-179 centymetrów,
waga - w przedziale 23-85 kilogramów, BMI -
w przedziale 12,3-33,7. SBP wynosiło 80-150 mm Hg,
DBP - 40–98 mm Hg, a MAP - 52-110 mm Hg.
Średnia wartość SBP u chłopców to 113,83 mm Hg, u dziewcząt - 109,15 mm Hg, z kolei średnia wartość
DBP wynosi: u chłopców 62,78 mm Hg, u dziewcząt
- 63,23 mm Hg.
Wyniki Dzieci, u których wskaźnik masy ciała BMI
oscyluje ≥ c85, znacznie częściej wykazują tendencje
do podwyższonych wartości ciśnienia tętniczego
(BP). W grupie ≥ 85. percentyla BMI wartości ciśnienia
SBP i DBP ≥ 90. percentyla występują odpowiednio
u 31,19% (19,98% - dziewczęta, 11,21% -
chłopcy) i 11,54% (5,93% - dziewczęta, 5,61% -
chłopcy) badanych dzieci. Natomiast w grupie < 85.
percentyla BMI wartości ciśnienia SBP i DBP ≥ 90.
percentyla występują odpowiednio u 27,41% (12,47%
- dziewczęta, 14,94% - chłopcy) i 8,80% (4,45% -
dziewczęta, 4,35% - chłopcy) badanych dzieci.
Wnioski Korelacja między nieprawidłowymi wartościami
BMI oraz podwyższonymi wartościami ciśnienia
tętniczego (0,1 ≤ rXYBackground Hypertension is one of the main risk factors
for developing cardiovascular disease. Hypertension is less
common in children than in adults. It applies to 1-12% of
the population of children under the age of 18 years and is
in most cases a secondary condition.
Material and methods Children from 29 primary schools in
the city and county of Slupsk were included in the study. Body
weight and height, blood pressure and cholesterol, triglycerides,
HDL, LDL levels were measured. The study was conducted
between 15 September and 30 November 2008. 658 children
took part in the study - 321 boys (48.78%) and 337 girls
(51.22%). The height of the body in the study group was in the
range of 135-179 cm, weight - 23-85 kg, BMI - 12.3-33.7.
SBP ranged from 80 to 150 mm Hg, DBP - from 40 to 98 mm
Hg, the MAP - from 52 to 110 mm Hg. Average SBP was
113.83 mm Hg in boys and 109.15 mm Hg in girls. Average
DBP was 62.78 mm Hg in boys, and 63.23 mm Hg in girls.
Results Children with a body mass index ≥ 85th percentile
much more frequently show a tendency to elevated blood
pressure (BP). In the group of children with BMI ≥ 85th
percentile, SBP and DBP values ≥ 90th percentile were
observed in 31.09% (19.98% - girls, 11.21 - boys) and
11.54% (5.93% - girls, 5.61% - boys) respectively. However,
in the group with BMI < 85th percentile, SBP and
DBP values ≥ 90th percentile were observed in 27.41%
(12.47% - girls, 14.94% - boys) and 8.81% (4.45% -
girls, 4.35% - boys) respectively.
Conclusions The correlation between increased values of
BMI and elevated blood pressure (0.1 ≤ rXY < 0.3; 0.3 ≤ rX
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