351 research outputs found

    Injection of Platelet Rich Plasma in the Olfactory Cleft for COVID-19 Patients With Persistent Olfactory Dysfunction: Description of the Technique.

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    peer reviewedIn this paper, we described technique of platelet rich plasma injection into the olfactory cleft in a 22-year-old female with 24-month post-COVID-19 anosmia. The technique starts with the blood extraction and the isolation of PRP through a 10-min centrifugation. The supernatant was injected in nasal regions after a local anesthesia through a 0° rigid optic. Several points of .2-.5 mL were performed in the nasal septum in regard of the head of the middle turbine and in the head of the middle turbine in both sides. The baseline threshold, discrimination, and identification scores were 1, 8, and 0, and the Olfactory Disorder Questionnaire score was 51, respectively. The injection of PRP in olfactory cleft was done without complication and mild pain. The patient perception of recovery of smell sense occurred at 3-week post-injection. From this time, the smell sense progressively improved to the 2-month consultation. At 2-month post-injection, the TDI scores reached 16, 16, and 16 (48), while the Olfactory Disorder Questionnaire was 73. The injection of PRP into the olfactory cleft appears to be a safe and easiness new approach that may improve the recovery of smell sense. Future controlled studies are needed

    Bisphosphonates et ostéonécrose maxillo-mandibulaire : synthèse

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    Association between laryngopharyngeal reflux, gastroesophageal reflux and recalcitrant chronic rhinosinusitis: A systematic review.

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    peer reviewed[en] OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and recalcitrant chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). DATA SOURCES: PubMed, Cochrane Library and Scopus. REVIEW METHODS: Three investigators searched the specified databases for studies investigating the relationship between LPR, GERD and recalcitrant CRS with or without polyposis. The following outcomes were investigated with PRISMA criteria: age; gender; reflux and CRS diagnosis; association outcomes and potential treatment outcomes. The authors performed a bias analysis of papers and provided recommendations for future studies. RESULTS: A total of 17 studies investigated the association between reflux and recalcitrant CRS. According to pharyngeal pH monitoring, 54% of patients with recalcitrant CRS reported hypo or nasopharyngeal acid reflux events. The number of hypo- and nasopharyngeal acid reflux events was significantly higher in patients compared to healthy individuals in 4 and 2 studies, respectively. Only one study did not report intergroup differences. The proportion of GERD was significantly higher in CRS patients compared to controls, with a prevalence ranging from 32% to 91% of cases. No author considered nonacid reflux events. There was significant heterogeneity in the inclusion criteria; definition of reflux and association outcomes, limiting the ability to draw clear conclusions. Pepsin was found in sinonasal secretions more frequently in CRS patients than controls. CONCLUSION: Laryngopharyngeal reflux and GERD may be contributing factors of CRS therapeutic resistance, but future studies are needed to confirm the association considering nonacid reflux events

    Galectins as Modulators of Tumor Progression in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas (HNSCCs)

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    peer reviewedHead and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCCs) remain a significant cause of morbidity worldwide. Biological therapies able to induce and/or upregulate antitumor immune responses could represent a complementary approach to conventional treatments for patients with HNSCC because, despite advances in surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy, the overall survival rates for these patients have not changed over recent decades. Galectins are involved in the control of cell proliferation, cell death, and cell migration and in the modulation of various functions of the immune system. In this context, galectin-1 is known to protect HNSCCs from the immune system. The present review details the involvement of galectins in HNSCC biology and suggests a number of approaches to reduce the levels of expression of galectin-1 in HNSCCs, with the aim of improving the efficiency of HNSCC immunotherapy

    Implication des papillomavirus dans les cancers des voies aéro-digestives supérieures

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    peer reviewedL'infection à papillomavirus humains ou human papillomavirus (HPV) représente la maladie sexuellement transmissible la plus fréquente au monde. En Belgique et en France, les cancers des voies aérodigestives supérieures (VADS) ont une incidence particulièrement élevée et en augmentation. Chez l'homme, il s'agit du quatrième cancer le plus fréquent après le cancer de la prostate, du poumon et du côlon. Bien qu'un lien causal soit actuellement bien établi entre les HPVs oncogènes et les cancers du col de l'utérus, le rôle de ces virus dans la survenue des cancers des VADS reste discuté. Cet article de synthèse permet de faire une mise à jour de nos connaissances concernant la relation entre les infections à HPV et les cancers des VADS. Selon notre revue de la littérature, 20 à 25 % de ces cancers seraient induits par les HPVs oncogènes et plus spécifiquement le type 16. C'est l'oropharynx et plus précisément la tonsille palatine, qui est le site tumoral le plus fréquemment concerné par l'infection à HPV. Une augmentation évidente de la proportion des cancers tonsillaires a par ailleurs été observée. Les modalités de transmission ainsi que les voies de signalisations, p53 et pRb, impliquées dans les cancers des VADS semblent similaires à celles décrites dans le cancer du col de l'utérus. Plusieurs études ont montré que le sous-groupe de patients infectés par les HPVs oncogènes présentait un pronostic beaucoup plus favorable, notamment lorsque ceux-ci surexpriment la protéine p16. Il semble donc nécessaire de poursuivre les recherches concernant les infections à HPVs et les cancers des VADS, et cela, afin peut-être de valider la vaccination à grande échelle des jeunes garçons

    HLTF and its implication in cancer progression

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    peer reviewedThe helicase-like transcription factor (HLTF) belongs to the SWI/SNF family of chromatin-remodeling factors. Several SWI/SNF genes are disrupted in cancer, suggesting their possible role as tumor suppressors. Similarly, the HLTF gene was found to be inactivated by hypermethylation in a significant number of colon, gastric and uterine tumors, indicating that HLTF silencing may confer a growth advantage and that HLTF could be considered as a tumor suppressor gene. However, 20-fold HLTF overexpression was detected in various transformed cell lines, suggesting that HLTF could be associated with neoplastic transformation and act more like an oncogene. Moreover, HLTF activation was recently linked to the initial steps of carcinogenesis in an experimental model of estrogen-induced kidney tumors. Those apparently contradictory observations suggest that HLTF might play various roles in cancer. In this review, we will try to reconcile all these data in order to specify the role of HLTF in cancer progressio

    Post-thyroidectomy dysphonia and swallowing symptoms: The role of cricopharyngeal sphincter

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    Dear Editor, We read the paper of Kim et al. entitled “Persistent subjective voice symptoms for two years after thyroidectomy” [1]. Authors observed that some voice quality parameters improved from pre-to post-treatment, while others deteriorated such as the Thyroidectomy-related Voice and Symptoms' Questionnaire scores. Voice abuse history in professional users was associated with worse vocal quality after thyroidectomy. We congratulate authors to have investigated this controversial topic through a prospective study. Post-thyroidectomy voice disorders are prevalent in otolaryngological consultations, but this topic is poorly investigated in the current literature [2]. In this letter, we would like to draw attention to an important condition that was not considered in the study, which is the impairment of the upper esophageal sphincter (UES) during the surgery