20,073 research outputs found
Homogeneity and projective equivalence of differential equation fields
We propose definitions of homogeneity and projective equivalence for systems
of ordinary differential equations of order greater than two, which allow us to
generalize the concept of a spray (for systems of order two). We show that the
Euler-Lagrange fields of parametric Lagrangians of order greater than one which
are regular (in a natural sense that we define) form a projective equivalence
class of homogeneous systems. We show further that the geodesics, or base
integral curves, of projectively equivalent homogeneous differential equation
fields are the same apart from orientation-preserving reparametrization; that
is, homogeneous differential equation fields determine systems of paths
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A new multi-spectral imaging system for examining paintings
A new multispectral system developed at the National Gallery is presented. The system is capable of measuring the spectral reflectance per pixel of a painting. These spectra are found to be almost as accurate as those recorded with a spectrophotometer; there is no need for any spectral reconstruction apart from a simple cubic interpolation between measured points. The procedure for recording spectra is described and the accuracy of the system is quantified. An example is presented of the use of the system to scan a painting of St. Mary Magdalene by Crivelli. The multispectral data are used in an attempt to identify some of the pigments found in the painting by comparison with a library of spectra obtained from reference pigments using the same system. In addition, it is shown that the multispectral data can be used to render a color image of the original under a chosen illuminant and that interband comparison can help to elucidate features of the painting, such as retouchings and underdrawing, that are not visible in trichromatic images
Results from computational analysis of a mixed compression supersonic inlet
A numerical study was performed to simulate the critical flow through a supersonic inlet. This flow field has many phenomena such as shock waves, strong viscous effects, turbulent boundary layer development, boundary layer separations, and mass flow suction through the walls, (bleed). The computational tools used were two full Navier-Stokes (FNS) codes. The supersonic inlet that was analyzed is the Variable Diameter Centerbody, (VDC), inlet. This inlet is a candidate concept for the next generation supersonic involved effort in generating an efficient grid geometry and specifying boundary conditions, particularly in the bleed region and at the outflow boundary. Results for a critical inlet operation compare favorably to Method of Characteristics predictions and experimental data
Shape maps for second order partial differential equations
We analyse the singularity formation of congruences of solutions of systems
of second order PDEs via the construction of \emph{shape maps}. The trace of
such maps represents a congruence volume whose collapse we study through an
appropriate evolution equation, akin to Raychaudhuri's equation. We develop the
necessary geometric framework on a suitable jet space in which the shape maps
appear naturally associated with certain linear connections. Explicit
computations are given, along with a nontrivial example
Double structures and jets
We show how the double vector bundle structure of the manifold of double
velocities, with its submanifolds of holonomic and semiholonomic double
velocities, is mirrored by a structure of holonomic and semiholonomic subgroups
in the principal prolongation of the first jet group. We use the actions of
these groups to construct holonomic and semiholonomic submanifolds in the
manifold of double contact elements, and show that these give rise to affine
bundles where a semiholonomic element has well-defined holonomic and curvature
components.Comment: Based on a talk given at a meeting in Krakow for the eightieth
birthday of W. M. Tulczyje
Lepage equivalents and the Variational Bicomplex
We show how to construct, for a Lagrangian of arbitrary order, a Lepage
equivalent satisfying the closure property: that the Lepage equivalent vanishes
precisely when the Lagrangian is null. The construction uses a homotopy
operator for the horizontal differential of the variational bicomplex. A choice
of symmetric linear connection on the manifold of independent variables, and a
global homotopy operator constructed using that connection, may then be used to
extend any global Lepage equivalent to one satisfying the closure property.
In the second part of the paper we investigate the role of vertical
endomorphisms in constructing such Lepage equivalents. These endomorphisms may
be used directly to construct local homotopy operators. Together with a
symmetric linear connection they may also be used to construct global vertical
tensors, and these define infinitesimal nonholonomic projections which in turn
may be used to construct Lepage equivalents. We conjecture that these global
vertical tensors may also be used to define global homotopy operators
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