3 research outputs found
Selection of parents based on their combining ability is an effective approach in hybrid breeding. Four CMS and four restorer lines were crossed in line x tester mating design to obtain 16 F1 hybrids rice. The 8 parental lines and 16 hybrids rice were planted in randomized complete block design with three replications at Kuningan and Muara field station of ICRR during 2012-2013. The results revealed that mean squares for GCA were significant for number of fertile spikelet per panicle, a thousand-grains weight, and 50% days of flowering. Mean squares for SCA were significant for plant height and grain yield. Parental lines exhibited the highest GCA effects for GMJ12A (line) and CRS703 (tester) for grain yield trait and revealed good potential to be used as parents for hybrid rice. Among all the crosses, GMJ6A/CRS707 and GMJ12A/CRS707 showed the greatest positive SCA effects for grain yield and had heterosis over better parent and midparent
Pengujian Ga3 Dan Rasio Tanam Tetua Terhadap Produksi Benih Hibrida Hipa 14 Melalui Rancangan Petak Terbagi
The three lines methods in hybrid rice have disadvantages in seed production procedures that result in low seed yield. Low levels of natural crosses (outcrossing) is one of the causes of low seed yield in hybrid seed production. GA3 application and proper spacing , expected to improve of F1 hybrid seed production. The experimental design used was Split Plot design with three replications. The main plot was doses of GA3 application consist of 0, 200 ppm and 300 ppm. The subplot was row ratios of restores:CMS i,e 2R:8A, 2R:12A; 2R:16A. The material used is parental lines of HIPA 14. The results showed that GA3 application was able to increased plant height of parental lines (CMS and restorer), number of productive tillers, exterted panicle and stigma also outcrossing rate at seed production of HIPA 14. The row ratio was influenced for plant heigh of CMS lines. Interaction between GA3 and row ratio was increased plant height of parental lines, exerted panicle, and outcrossing rat