57 research outputs found

    Stabilitas Hasil Dan Daya Adaptasi Lima Padi Hibrida Di Jawa Tengah

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    Five rice hybrids (H40, H41, H45, H57, and H63) and three check varieties (Maro, Hipa3, and IR64) were tested for their yield stability and adaptability at 7 locations in Central Java during the dry season of 2005. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with 4 replications. Objectives of the research were to evaluate stability and adaptability of the rice hybrids at 7 locations in Central Java. Yield stability and adaptability were determined based on the stability model of Eberhart and Russel and the adaptability criteria of Finlay and Wilkinson. Results indicated that yield potential of the five rice hybrids varied greatly, ranging from 4.92 t/ha (H41) to 6.35 t/ha (H35). Four rice hybrids yielded 2.33-8.61% higher than did IR64. The yield performances of hybrids H40, H45, H57, and H63 were stable across locations. Hybrids H40, H57, and H63 adapted well in all environments. Hybrid H45 adapted only to an optimal growth environment, while H40 adapted to sub optimal areas

    Membangun Kemandirian dan Profesionalisme Polisi Republik Indonesia sebagai Pelindung Pengayom dan Penegak Hukum

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    Posisi polisi ditengah dinamika masyarakat yang kompleks dihadapkan pada berbagai tantangan substansial untuk menegakkan ketertiban tidak dapat dielakkan. Kehidupan yang tertib ini merupakan cerminan dari terselenggaranya keadilan melalui penegakan hukum. Sebagai alat negara, polisi menjadi pengawal dan penegak peraturan dan hukum, posisinya yang berhadapan langsung dengan masyarakat membuat polisi membawa tanggungjawab moral dan kebenaran pada aspek penegakan hukum, dalam artian polisi berada pada pihak yang netral, tidak pilih kasih, dan profesional dalam menegakkan hukum. Jadi jelaslah mengapa polisi disini memegang peranan yang teramat penting dalam mewujudkan masyarakat yang maju dan modern

    Pembentukan Galur Mandul Jantan Baru Padi Hibrida Tahan Penyakit Hawar Daun Bakteri Dan Hama Wereng Batang Coklat

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    The presently available cytoplasmic male sterile lines (CMS) commonly used to develop rice hybrids in Indonesia are susceptible to major pests and diseases. Research was conducted to develop new cytoplasmic male sterile lines which are highly resistant to major pests and diseases. Two new cytoplasmic male sterile rice lines, GMJ4A and GMJ5A, were developed using backcross method, derived from crosses of BP455G-PN-13-2-1-1-10-MR-3-1 and B11005E-MR-4-2-1, which were identified as completely sterile on a test cross nursery. The following season, sterile F1 generations were successively backcrossed until stable sterile plants were obtained in 2006. Seeds of the two cytoplasmic sterile lines were mass produced at Muara, Bogor, in 2006. GMJ4A and GMJ5A are resistant to bacterial leaf blight patotipe IV and VIII. Both lines are resistant to brown plant hopper in the green house test with scores of 1 to 3. The hybrid combinations involving GMJ4A and GMJ5A were evaluated in an observational yield test at Muara during dry season of 2007 and at Kuningan in dry season 2009. The level of grain yield heterosis were better than the check varieties. These two lines are expected to be used as a replacement for the existing CMS lines

    Performance of Promising Hybrid Rice in Two Different Elevations of Irrigated Lowland in Indonesia

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    The hybrid rice program has been established since early 1990's at the Indonesia Center for Rice Research (ICRR). Twenty-four experimental hybrid rice varieties which have been developed were tested in lowland rice fields in Sukamandi (West Java) and Batang (Central Java) during the dry season and the rainy season of 2012. Randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications was used in each location. The results showed that grains yields were affected by locations, seasons, and genotypes. The genotypes x locations x seasons interaction effect was significant; therefore, the best hybrid was different for each location and season. A7/PK36 hybrid has the best performance in Batang during the dry season, while A7/PK40 and A7/PK32 are the best hybrids in the rainy season. In Sukamandi, nine hybrids were identified as better yielder than that of the check cultivar in the dry season, but not so in the rainy season. Using the correlation and path analysis, we found that the number of panicles per hill and the number of filled grains per panicle could be used as selection criteria for yield in hybrid rice

    Diversity And Capability Analyses Of Fertility Restorer Genes Of Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Rice Lines Using Ssr

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    Development of hybrid rice depends on the effectivity of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) and restorer (R) lines. The molecular genetic approach is expected to help the breeder in identification of suitable parental lines to hybrid rice improvement. The study aimed to assess genetic relationship among three types of CMS systems (wild abbortive/WA Kalinga and Gambiaca) as female parents and to identify diversity of genes controlling fertility restoration in rice. The study used nine F1 hybrids and F2 populations obtained from the hybridization of three different CMS lines (IR58025A-WA, IR80156A-Kalinga and IR80154A-Gambiaca) with three restorer lines (PK90, PK12 and BP11). Fifteen SSR markers were used to select genomic regions of chromosome 1 and 10 on which Rf3 and Rf4 genes located in the hybrids. The results showed that fertility restoration in CMS-WA and CMS-Gambiaca was governed by two independent and dominant genes (Rf3 and Rf4), while in CMS-Kalinga the fertility restoration was controlled by one single dominant gene. Biological processes occurred in the fertility restoration of the hybrids were the same based on the pollen and spikelet fertilities of F1 hybrids derived from three CMS and R lines, i.e. 76.1–78.3% and 69.1–76.6%, respectively. A restorer line PK12 had a higher capability in fertility restoration than PK90 and BP11. The SSR primers RM490 and RM258 were capable of identifying the Rf3 and Rf4 genes controlled fertility restoration in CMS-WA. The study supports the use of male sterile WA in rice hybridization

    Analisis Penerapan Diversification Across TIME: Tinjauan Terhadap Kisaran Keuntungan Individual Saham (Studi Komparatif Rata-rata Keuntungan Kisaran Harga Saham Teoritik Dengan Kisaran Harga Saham Aktual Pada Saham Indek LQ 45 Periode 1 Feb 06-36 Jan 07)

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    The purposes of this research are to investigate the used of diversification across time model on investor’s stocks ownership by compared the average return of theoritical stock price and the average return of actual stock price. This research used the different holding periods to show how effective the long of each holding period of the investor to have the stocks by their own. It also investigate how speed the changes of theoritical stock price range and the actual stock price range, and the differences between that two range. The result shows that the average return of theoritical stock price is wider than the average return of actual stock price. And the theoritical stock price range is changing faster than the actual stock price range. The differences of the theoritical and actual stock price range are happened on weekly, 4th weekly and 8th weekly holding period. While at 12th weekly holding period, it found there is no differences between that two range

    Stabilitas Dan Potensi Hasil Varietas Unggul Baru Padi Hibrida

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    Nineteen field experiments were conducted in the provinces of West Java, Central Java, East Java, and Bali, during the 2008 dry season and the 2008/2009 wet season, to determine yield potential, yield stability, resistance to pests and diseases, and to evaluate the grain qualities of five introduced hybrid rice varieties and four hybrids from the Indonesian Center for Rice Research (ICRR). In each location, the experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with four replications, using 4 m x 5 m plot size. Observations were made on grain yields, yield components, plant resistant to major pests and diseases, and grain quality. The plant resistance to brown plant hopper (BPH), bacterial leaf blight (BLB), and tungro was evaluated at the glasshouse. Results showed that in some locations the hybrid rice yielded significantly higher than did inbred variety Ciherang, but it was inconsistence over locations. In the dry season, the average yields of hybrid rice were higher than those in the wet season. The average yield of two hybrids, namely MR1 and H30 over 19 locations was each significantly higher than that of Ciherang, however, the difference was not more than 9.6%. These two hybrids were found adaptive to all locations. Hybrid MR1 was resistant to BLB [Xanthomonas oryzae pv, oryzae (Xoo) patotipe III], whereas H30 was moderately resistant to Xoo pathotype III and BPH biotype 3. The amylose contents of MR1 and H30 was medium and the head rice percentages was >80%
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