143 research outputs found

    Probing the Kondo Lattice

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    We present a phenomenological solution of the Kondo lattice that is derived from an analysis of the bulk specific heat and spin susceptibility of the heavy electron superconductor CeCoIn5. We find that below a crossover temperature corresponding to the intersite coupling scale, T* ~ 45 K, the Kondo gas (of non-interacting Kondo impurities) partially condenses into a heavy electron "Kondo" liquid that has a temperature independent Wilson ratio = 2.0. The relative fraction, f, of the "condensed" Kondo liquid component plays the role of an order parameter; it increases linearly with decreasing temperature until it saturates at its low temperature value of 0.9. The resistivity is shown to be simply the product of (1-f) and that of an isolated Kondo impurity. The generality of this result is suggested by the corresponding analysis for Ce1-xLaxCoIn5 and CeIrIn5.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Giant Anomalous Hall Effect in the Chiral Antiferromagnet Mn3Ge

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    The external field control of antiferromagnetism is a significant subject both for basic science and technological applications. As a useful macroscopic response to detect magnetic states, the anomalous Hall effect (AHE) is known for ferromagnets, but it has never been observed in antiferromagnets until the recent discovery in Mn3Sn. Here we report another example of the AHE in a related antiferromagnet, namely, in the hexagonal chiral antiferromagnet Mn3Ge. Our single-crystal study reveals that Mn3Ge exhibits a giant anomalous Hall conductivity βˆ£Οƒxz∣|\sigma_{xz}| ~ 60 per ohm per cm at room temperature and approximately 380 per ohm per cm at 5 K in zero field, reaching nearly half of the value expected for the quantum Hall effect per atomic layer with Chern number of unity. Our detailed analyses on the anisotropic Hall conductivity indicate that in comparison with the in-plane-field components βˆ£Οƒxz∣|\sigma_{xz}| and βˆ£Οƒzy∣|\sigma_{zy}|, which are very large and nearly comparable in size, we find βˆ£Οƒyx∣|\sigma_{yx}| obtained in the field along the c axis is found to be much smaller. The anomalous Hall effect shows a sign reversal with the rotation of a small magnetic field less than 0.1 T. The soft response of the AHE to magnetic field should be useful for applications, for example, to develop switching and memory devices based on antiferromagnets

    Anisotropic transverse magnetoresistivity in alpha-YbAlB4

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    We measured the transverse magnetoresistivity of the mixed valence compound α\alpha-YbAlB4_4. Two configurations were used where current was applied along [110] direction for both and magnetic field was applied along [-110] and cc-axis. We found the transverse magnetoresistivity is highly anisotropic. In the weak field below 1 T, it is consistent with stronger cc-ff hybridization in the abab plane which was suggested from the previous zero field resistivity measurements. At the higher field above 3 T, we observed a negative transverse magnetoresistivity for the field applied along the cc-axis. The temperature dependences of the resistivity measured at several different fields suggest the suppression of the heavy fermion behavior at the characteristic field of ∼5.5\sim 5.5 T.Comment: 6pages, 4 figure

    Strange metal without magnetic criticality

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    A fundamental challenge to our current understanding of metals is the frequent observation of qualitative departures from Fermi liquid behavior. The standard view attributes such non-Fermi liquid phenomena to the scattering of electrons off quantum critical fluctuations of an underlying order parameter. While the possibility of non-Fermi liquid behavior isolated from the border of magnetism has long been speculated, no experimental confirmation has been made. Here we report on the observation of a strange metal region in the absence of a magnetic instability in an ultrapure single crystal. In particular, we show that the heavy fermion superconductor Ξ²\beta-YbAlB4_4 forms a possible phase with strange metallic behavior across an extensive pressure regime, distinctly separated from a high-pressure magnetic quantum phase transition by a Fermi liquid phase.Comment: 36 pages, 13 figure

    Anomalous specific heat behaviour in the quadrupolar Kondo system PrV2Al20

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    We have measured the specific heat of PrV2_2Al20_{20} at very low temperatures, using high quality single crystals with the residual resistivity ratio ~ 20. The high-quality single crystals exhibit clear double transitions at TQ=T_{\rm Q} = 0.75 K and Tβˆ—=T^* = 0.65 K. These transitions are clearer and shift to higher temperature in higher quality single crystals. Besides, there was no hysteresis in those transitions in warming and cooling process of the heat capacity measurements. In the ordered state below Tβˆ—T^*, the specific heat shows a T4T^4 dependence, indicating the gapless mode associated with the quadrupole and/or octupole ordering.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Magnetic order induced by Fe substitution of Al site in the heavy fermion systems alpha-YbAlB4 and beta-YbAlB4

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    beta-YbAlB4 is a heavy fermion superconductor that exhibits a quantum criticality without tuning at zero field and under ambient pressure. We have succeeded in substituting Fe for Al in beta-YbAlB4 as well as the polymorphous compound alpha-YbAlB4, which in contrast has a heavy Fermi liquid ground state. Full structure determination by single crystal X-ray diffraction confirmed no change in crystal structure for both alpha- and beta-YbAlB4, in addition to volume contraction with Fe substitution. Our measurements of the magnetization and specific heat indicate that both alpha-YbAl0.93Fe0.07B4 and beta-YbAl0.94Fe0.06B4 exhibit a magnetic order, most likely of a canted antiferromagnetic type, at 7∼97\sim 9 K. The increase in the entropy as well as the decrease in the antiferromagnetic Weiss temperature with the Fe substitution in both systems indicates that the chemical pressure due to the Fe substitution suppresses the Kondo temperature and induces the magnetism.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Field-Induced Quadrupolar Quantum Criticality in PrV2Al20

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    PrV2Al20 is the heavy fermion superconductor based on the cubic Gamma3 doublet that exhibits non- magnetic quadrupolar ordering below ~ 0.6 K. Our magnetotransport study on PrV2Al20 reveals field-induced quadrupolar quantum criticality at Hc ~ 11 T applied along the [111] direction. Near the critical field Hc required to suppress the quadrupolar state, we find a marked enhancement of the resistivity rho(H, T), a divergent effective mass of quasiparticles and concomitant non-Fermi liquid (NFL) behavior (i.e. rho(T) ~ T^n with n < 0.5). We also observe the Shubnikov de Haas-effect above ?Hc, indicating the enhanced effective mass m/m0 ~ 10. This reveals the competition between the nonmagnetic Kondo effect and the intersite quadrupolar coupling, leading to the pronounced NFL behavior in an extensive region of T and H emerging from the quantum critical point.Comment: 5 pages and 3 figure

    Spin dependent impurity effects in the 2D frustrated magnetism of NiGa2_2S4_4

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    Impurity effects on the triangular antiferromagnets Ni1βˆ’xMx_{1-x}M_xGa2_2S4_4 (M=M= Mn, Fe, Co and Zn) are studied. The 2D frozen spin-disordered state of NiGa2_2S4_4 is stable against the substitution of Zn2+^{2+} (S=0S=0) and Heisenberg Fe2+^{2+} (S=2S=2) spins, and exhibits a T2T^2-dependent magnetic specific heat, scaled by the Weiss temperature. In contrast, the substitutions with Co2+^{2+} (S=3/2S=3/2) spin with Ising-like anisotropy and Heisenberg Mn2+^{2+} (S=5/2S=5/2) spin induce a conventional spin glass phase. From these comparisons, it is suggested that integer size of Heisenberg spins is important to stabilize the 2D coherent behavior observed in the frozen spin-disordered state.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Spin-Orbital Entangled Liquid State in the Copper Oxide Ba3_3CuSb2_2O9_9

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    Structure with orbital degeneracy is unstable toward spontaneous distortion. Such orbital correlation usually has a much higher energy scale than spins, and therefore, magnetic transition takes place at a much lower temperature, almost independently from orbital ordering. However, when the energy scales of orbitals and spins meet, there is a possibility of spin-orbital entanglement that would stabilize novel ground state such as spin-orbital liquid and random singlet state. Here we review on such a novel spin-orbital magnetism found in the hexagonal perovskite oxide Ba3_3CuSb2_2O9_9, which hosts a self-organized honeycomblike short-range order of a strong Jahn-Teller ion Cu2+^{2+}. Comprehensive structural and magnetic measurements have revealed that the system has neither magnetic nor Jahn-Teller transition down to the lowest temperatures, and Cu spins and orbitals retain the hexagonal symmetry and paramagnetic state. Various macroscopic and microscopic measurements all indicate that spins and orbitals remain fluctuating down to low temperatures without freezing, forming a spin-orbital entangled liquid state.Comment: 33 pages, 17 figures, 1 table, to appear in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (topical review

    Anomalous Hall Effect in Thin Film of the Weyl Antiferromagnet Mn3_3Sn

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    The Weyl antiferromagnet Mn3_3Sn has recently attracted significant attention as it exhibits various useful functions such as large anomalous Hall effect that are normally absent in antiferromagnets. Here we report the thin film fabrication of the single phase of Mn3_3Sn and the observation of the large anomalous Hall effect at room temperature despite its vanishingly small magnetization. Our work on the high-quality thin film growth of the Weyl antiferromagnet paves the path for developing the antiferromagnetic spintronics.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Applied Physics Letter
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