559 research outputs found
Seesaw Enhancement of Bi-large Mixing in Two-Zero Textures
The seesaw enhancement of the bi-large mixings are discussed for the two-zero
textures of the neutrino mass matrix. There are no large mixings in both Dirac
neutrino mass matrix and right-handed Majorana neutrino mass matrix
, however, the bi-large mixing is realized via the seesaw mechanism. We
present twelve sets of and for the seesaw enhancement and discuss
the related phenomena, the process and the leptogenesis. The
decay rate of is enough suppressed due to zeros in the Dirac
neutrino mass matrix. Six lead to the lepton asymmetry, which can explain
the baryon number in the universe. Other six are the real matrices, which
give no CP asymmetry. Modified Dirac neutrino mass matrices are also discussed.Comment: latex file, 16 page
Can symmetric texture reproduce unitarity triangle and ?
We study the SUSY SO(10) GUT with the symmetric two-zero textures of
quark/lepton mass matrix which realize the Georgei-Jarlskog relations in
down-type quark and charged lepton masses. We show that the important
constraints to such framework come from the bottom-tau unification and the
observed value of , one of the angles in the CKM unitarity
triangle. We investigate the symmetric two-zero textures assumed at the GUT
scale by solving the MSSM renormalization group equations with right-handed
neutrino threshold effects. As a result, the value of is
constrained to be large enough and the representation of Higgs field which
couples to the third generation of left- and right-handed neutrinos is
restricted by the bottom-tau unification condition. The textures with vanishing
1-2 (and 2-1) element for up-type quarks and vanishing 1-3 (and 3-1) element
for down-type quarks are favored by the observation of .Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure
Symmetric Mass Matrix with Two Zeros in SUSY SO(10) GUT, Lepton Flavor Violations and Leptogenesis
We study the symmetric 2-zero texture of the neutrino mass matrix, which is
obtained from the symmetric Dirac neutrino mass matrix with 2-zeros and
right-handed Majorana neutrino mass matrix with the general form via the
see-saw mechanism, for the SUSY SO(10) GUT model including the Pati-Salam
symmetry. We show that the only one texture in our model, having degenerate
mass spectrum for the 1st and 2nd generation of right-handed Majorana neutrino,
can simultaneously explain the current neutrino experimental data, lepton
flavor violating processes and baryon asymmetry of the Universe. Within such a
framework, the predicted values of the light and heavy Majorana neutrino
masses, together with , and , are almost
uniquely determined.Comment: 36 pages, latex, 17 figures. Preprint version contains "low
resolution" figures to reduce the size of overall postscript file. Please
contact authors to obtain the high resolution version. Some references added.
Section 1 and subsection 2.1 are revised, conclusions are not changed, typos
Can Symmetric Texture reproduce Neutrino Bi-large Mixing?
We study the symmetric texture of geometric form with 2-zeros to see if it is
consistent with the presently-known neutrino masses and mixings. In the
neutrino mass matrix elements we obtain numerically the allowed region of the
parameters including CP violating phases, which can reproduce the present
neutrino experiment data. The result of this analysis dictates the narrow
region for the GUT model including Pati-Salam symmetry with texture zeros to be
consistent with the experimental data. The and are also
predicted in such models.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure
Bifurcations in Globally Coupled Chaotic Maps
We propose a new method to investigate collective behavior in a network of
globally coupled chaotic elements generated by a tent map. In the limit of
large system size, the dynamics is described with the nonlinear
Frobenius-Perron equation. This equation can be transformed into a simple form
by making use of the piecewise linear nature of the individual map. Our method
is applied successfully to the analyses of stability of collective stationary
states and their bifurcations.Comment: 12 pages, revtex, 10 figure
Flavor Symmetry and Vacuum Aligned Mass Textures
The mass matrix forms of quarks and leptons are discussed in theory with
permutation flavor symmetry. The structure of scalar potential is analyzed in
case that electroweak doublet Higgs fields have non-trivial flavor symmetry
charges. We find that realistic forms of mass matrices are obtained dynamically
in the vacuum of the theory, where some of Higgs bosons have vanishing
expectation values which lead to vanishing elements in quark and lepton mass
matrices. Mass textures are realized in the true vacuum and their positions are
controlled by flavor symmetry. An interesting point is that, due to the flavor
group structure, the up and down quark mass matrices are automatically made
different in the vacuum, which lead to non-vanishing generation mixing. It is
also discussed that flavor symmetry is needed to be broken in order not to have
too light scalars. The lower bounds of Higgs masses are derived from the
experimental data of flavor-changing rare processes such as the neutral K meson
mixing.Comment: 30pages, 2figures, some discussions are added, one reference is adde
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