116 research outputs found

    Investigating pedestriansā€™ obstacle avoidance behaviour

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    Modelling and simulating pedestrian motions are standard ways to investigate crowd dynamics aimed to enhance pedestriansā€™ safety. Movement of people is affected by interactions with one another and with the physical environment that it may be a worthy line of research. This paper studies the impact of speed on how pedestrians respond to the obstacles (i.e. Obstacles avoidance behaviour). A field experiment was performed in which a group of people were instructed to perform some obstacles avoidance tasks at two levels of normal and high speeds. Trajectories of the participants are extracted from the video recordings for the subsequent intentions:(i) to seek out the impact of total speed, x and yaxis (ii) to observe the impact of the speed on the movement direction, x-axis, (iii) to find out the impact of speed on the lateral direction, y-axis. The results of the experiments could be used to enhance the current pedestrian simulation models

    ā€˜Rationalityā€™ in Collective Escape Behaviour: Identifying Reference Points of Measurement at Micro and Macro Levels

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    italic"Background"/jats:italic". Evacuation behaviour of human crowds is often characterised by the notion of ā€˜irrational behaviourā€™. While the term has been frequently used in the literature, clear definitions and methods for measuring rationality do not exist."jats:italic" Objective"/jats:italic". Here, we suggest that rationality, in this context, can alternatively and more effectively be formulated as a question of ā€˜optimal behaviourā€™. Decision optimality can potentially be measured and quantified. The main challenges, however, include (i) distinctly identifying the level at which we measure optimality, and (ii) identifying proper reference points at each level."jats:italic" Methods"/jats:italic". We differentiate between optimality at the individual (i.e., micro) and the system (i.e., macro/aggregate) levels and illustrate how certain reference points can be established at each level. We suggest that, at the micro level, optimality of individual decisions can be quantified by comparing the outcome of each individualā€™s decision to those of their ā€˜nearly equal peersā€™. At the macro level, optimality can be measured by simulating the system using parametric numerical models and measuring the system performance while altering the behavioural parameters compared to their empirical estimates."jats:italic" Results"/jats:italic". Having applied these methods, we observed that variation in micro level decision optimality rises rapidly as the space becomes more heavily crowded. As crowdedness increases in the environment, the difference between ā€˜goodā€™ and ā€˜badā€™ decisions becomes more distinct; and suboptimal decisions become more frequent. In other words, optimality at individual level seems to be moderated by the level of crowdedness. At the macro level, numerical simulations showed that, for certain exit attributes (like exit congestion), extreme marginal valuations (or preferences) were optimal, whereas for certain other attributes (like exit visibility), intermediate levels of valuation were closer to the optimal. In most cases, the natural observed (or estimated) tendency of evacuees (at the aggregate level) was not quite at the optimum level, meaning that the system could improve by modifying individualsā€™ marginal valuations of exit attributes."jats:italic" Applications and Recommendations"/jats:italic". These results highlight the importance of guiding evacuation decisions particularly in heavily crowded spaces. They also theoretically illustrate the potential benefit of influencing/modifying peopleā€™s evacuation strategies, so they make decisions that are collectively more efficient. A crucial step to this end, however, is to identify what optimum strategy is and under what circumstances people are likelier to make suboptimal decisions. Document type: Articl

    {\mu}-DDRL: A QoS-Aware Distributed Deep Reinforcement Learning Technique for Service Offloading in Fog computing Environments

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    Fog and Edge computing extend cloud services to the proximity of end users, allowing many Internet of Things (IoT) use cases, particularly latency-critical applications. Smart devices, such as traffic and surveillance cameras, often do not have sufficient resources to process computation-intensive and latency-critical services. Hence, the constituent parts of services can be offloaded to nearby Edge/Fog resources for processing and storage. However, making offloading decisions for complex services in highly stochastic and dynamic environments is an important, yet difficult task. Recently, Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has been used in many complex service offloading problems; however, existing techniques are most suitable for centralized environments, and their convergence to the best-suitable solutions is slow. In addition, constituent parts of services often have predefined data dependencies and quality of service constraints, which further intensify the complexity of service offloading. To solve these issues, we propose a distributed DRL technique following the actor-critic architecture based on Asynchronous Proximal Policy Optimization (APPO) to achieve efficient and diverse distributed experience trajectory generation. Also, we employ PPO clipping and V-trace techniques for off-policy correction for faster convergence to the most suitable service offloading solutions. The results obtained demonstrate that our technique converges quickly, offers high scalability and adaptability, and outperforms its counterparts by improving the execution time of heterogeneous services

    Pedestrian flow characteristics through bends: Effects of angle and desired speed

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    This study quantitatively described how the desired speed, which may reflect the emergency level, and the angle of bend affect the pedestrian flow by comparing fundamental diagrams derived from trajectory data collected through laboratory experiments. Results showed that the slow running (ā‰ˆ 2.8 m/s speed) can increase the maximum flow through a bend by around 60 % compared to normal walking (ā‰ˆ 1.4 m/s speed) regardless of the turning angle. Further, it was found that the turning angle of the bend has a stronger negative impact on the moving speed of crowds under running conditions. Compared to the turning angle, congestion level seemed to have a minor impact on the average moving speed through the bends. On the other hand, for 90Ā° and 180Ā° bends, the variations of the speed were observed to decrease with the increase of density which indicated that although congestion level deteriorated the flow conditions at bends, it homogenized the collective moving speed of pedestrians

    Crowd Dynamics, Management and Control at Tourist Attractions during Special Events: A Case Study at Souq Waqif Using PedestrideĀ® Crowd Simulation Tool

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    "Large crowds can be expected at famous tourist attractions, e.g., Souq Waqif, during special events such as the FIFA World Cup 2022. A comprehensive understanding of crowd dynamics is extremely important in order to ensure safety of crowds and efficiency of crowd flows at large gathering spots. Pedestrian crowd simulation tools can be used to evaluate crowd flows and to verify crowd management and control strategies at public infrastructure. The objective of this study is to evaluate safety and efficiency of crowd flows at Souq Waqif, both under normal and emergency situations using PedestrideĀ® Crowd Simulation tool developed at Melbourne University. This simulation model has been calibrated and validated using empirical data collected through controlled experiments and real-world observations. By simulating the increased visitor demand at Souq Waqif as a case study, we aim to highlight any required design modifications and to recommend and verify crowd management strategies in order to mitigate any unfavorable situations, such as stampede during any emergency. The study shows that at increased demands and during emergency evacuation, crowds tend to take similar route. Further, increased demands could elevate the maximum crowd density up to 6 p/m2 at gates and junctions. In order to mitigate such unfavorable situations, dynamic exit signs are needed to direct flows to other clear exits to avoid herding effect.

    Spatial-temporal Forecasting for Regions without Observations

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    Spatial-temporal forecasting plays an important role in many real-world applications, such as traffic forecasting, air pollutant forecasting, crowd-flow forecasting, and so on. State-of-the-art spatial-temporal forecasting models take data-driven approaches and rely heavily on data availability. Such models suffer from accuracy issues when data is incomplete, which is common in reality due to the heavy costs of deploying and maintaining sensors for data collection. A few recent studies attempted to address the issue of incomplete data. They typically assume some data availability in a region of interest either for a short period or at a few locations. In this paper, we further study spatial-temporal forecasting for a region of interest without any historical observations, to address scenarios such as unbalanced region development, progressive deployment of sensors or lack of open data. We propose a model named STSM for the task. The model takes a contrastive learning-based approach to learn spatial-temporal patterns from adjacent regions that have recorded data. Our key insight is to learn from the locations that resemble those in the region of interest, and we propose a selective masking strategy to enable the learning. As a result, our model outperforms adapted state-of-the-art models, reducing errors consistently over both traffic and air pollutant forecasting tasks. The source code is available at https://github.com/suzy0223/STSM.Comment: Accepted by EDBT202

    Understanding the Characteristics of Pedestrians when Passing Obstacles of Different Sizes: An Experimental Study

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    The aim of this study is to understand the collective movements of individuals and to observe how individuals interact within a physical environment in a crowd dynamic, which has drawn the attention of many researchers. We conducted an experimental study to observe interactions in the collective motions of people and to identify characteristics of pedestrians when passing obstacles of different sizes (bar-shaped, 1.2 m, 2.4 m, 3.6 m and 4.8 m), going through one narrow exit and employing three different flow rates in walking and running conditions. According to the results of our study, there were no differences in collision-avoidance behaviour of pedestrians when walking or running. The pedestrians reacted early to the obstacles and changed the direction in which they were walking by quickly turning to the left or to the right. In terms of the speed of the pedestrians, the average velocity was significantly affected while performing these tasks, decreasing as the size of the obstacle increased; therefore, the size of obstacles will affect flow and speed levels. Travel time was shorter when participants were in the medium-flow rate experiments. In terms of the distance of each individualā€™s travel, our data showed that there was no significant difference in all the flow rate experiments for both speed levels. Our results also show that when the pedestrians crossed an obstacle, the lateral distance averaged from 0.3 m to 0.7 m, depending on the flow rate and speed level. We then explored how the body sways behaved while avoiding obstacles. It is observed that the average sway of the body was less in the high-speed conditions compared to the low-speed conditions ā€“ except for the HF & 4.8 m experiment. These results are expected to provide an insight into the characteristics of the behaviour of pedestrians when avoiding objects, and this could help enhance agent-based models

    Forecasting Schizophrenia Incidence Frequencies Using Time Series Approach

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    Introduction: Understanding the prevalence of schizophrenia has important implications for both health service planning and risk factor epidemiology. The aims of this study are to systematically identify and collate studies describing the prevalence of schizophrenia, to summarize the findings of these studies, and to explore selected factors that may influence prevalence estimates.Methods: This historical cohort study was done on schizophrenia patients in Farshchian psychiatric hospital from April 2008 to April 2016. To analyze the data, the Holt-Winters Exponential Smoothing (HWES) method was applied. All the analyses were done by R.3.2.3. Software using the packages ā€œforecastā€ and ā€œtseriesā€. The statistical significant level was assumed as 0.05.Results: Our investigation show that a constant frequency of Schizophrenia incidence happens every month from August 2008 to February 2015 while a considerable increase occurs in March 2015. The high frequency of Schizophrenia incidence remains constant to the end of 2015 and a decrease is shown in 2016. Also, data demonstrate the development of Schizophrenia in the next 24 months with 95% confidence interval.Conclusion: Our study showed that a significant increase happens in the frequency of Schizophrenia from 2016. Although the development is not constant and the same for all months, the amount of increase is considerably high comparing to before 2016.

    Serverless Vehicular Edge Computing for the Internet of Vehicles

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    Rapid growth in the popularity of smart vehicles and increasing demand for vehicle autonomy brings new opportunities for vehicular edge computing (VEC). VEC aims at offloading the time-sensitive computational load of connected vehicles to edge devices, e.g., roadside units. However, VEC offloading raises complex resource management challenges and, thus, remains largely inaccessible to automotive companies. Recently, serverless computing emerged as a convenient approach to the execution of functions without the hassle of infrastructure management. In this work, we propose the idea of serverless VEC as the execution paradigm for Internet of Vehicles applications. Further, we analyze its benefits and drawbacks as well as identify technology gaps. We also propose emulation as a design, evaluation, and experimentation methodology for serverless VEC solutions. Using our emulation toolkit, we validate the feasibility of serverless VEC for real-world traffic scenarios.We would like to thank Asama Qureshi for his contribution to the traffic visualizer application. We would also like to acknowledge support through the Australian Research Council's funded projects DP230100081 and FT180100140. This work is also partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, the European Union-NextGenerationEU through the UNICO 5G IĆ¾D SORUS project and by the NWO OffSense, EU Horizon Graph-Massivizer and CLOUDSTARS projects

    Pedestrian flow characteristics through different angled bends: Exploring the spatial variation of velocity

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    Common geometrical layouts could potentially be bottlenecks, particularly during emergency and high density situations. When pedestrians are interacting with such complex geometrical settings, the congestion effect might not be uniform over the bottleneck area. This study uses the trajectory data collected through a controlled laboratory experiment to explore the spatial variation of speeds when a group of people navigates through bends. Four turning angles, i.e., 45Ā°, 90Ā°, 135Ā° and 180Ā°, with a straight corridor and two speed levels, i.e., normal speed walking and slow running (jogging), were considered in these experiments. Results explained that the speeds are significantly different over the space within the bend for all angles (except 0Ā°) under both speed levels. In particular, average walking speeds are significantly lower near the inner corner of the bend as compared to the outer corner. Further, such speed variations are magnified when the angle of the bend and desired speed increase. These outcomes indicate that even smaller turning angles, e.g., 45Ā° could create bottlenecks near the inner corner of the bend, particularly when the walking speeds are high. The findings of this study could be useful in understanding the congestion and bottleneck effects associated with complex geometrical settings, and calibrating microscopic simulation tools to accurately reproduce such effects.Open access funding was provided by the Qatar National Library
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