3,214 research outputs found
Boundaries and equivariant maps for ergodic groupoids
We give a notion of boundary pair for
measured groupoids which generalizes the one introduced by Bader and Furman for
locally compact groups. In the case of a semidirect groupoid
obtained by a probability measure preserving
action of a locally compact group, we show that a
boundary pair is exactly , where is a
boundary pair for . For any measured groupoid , we
prove that the Poisson boundaries associated to the Markov operators generated
by a probability measure equivalent to provide other examples of our
Following Bader and Furman, we define algebraic representability for an
ergodic groupoid . In this way, given any measurable
representation into the -points of an
algebraic -group , we obtain -equivariant maps
, where for
some -subgroups . In the particular case
when and is Zariski dense, we show that must
be minimal parabolic subgroups
High granularity tracker based on a Triple-GEM optically read by a CMOS-based camera
The detection of photons produced during the avalanche development in gas
chambers has been the subject of detailed studies in the past. The great
progresses achieved in last years in the performance of micro-pattern gas
detectors on one side and of photo-sensors on the other provide the possibility
of making high granularity and very sensitive particle trackers. In this paper,
the results obtained with a triple-GEM structure read-out by a CMOS based
sensor are described. The use of an He/CF (60/40) gas mixture and a
detailed optimization of the electric fields made possible to obtain and very
high GEM light yield. About 80 photons per primary electron were detected by
the sensor resulting in a very good capability of tracking both muons from
cosmic rays and electrons from natural radioactivity
Bounded Cohomology Classes of Exact Forms
On negatively curved compact manifolds, it is possible to associate to every
closed form a bounded cocycle - hence a bounded cohomology class - via
integration over straight simplices. The kernel of this map is contained in the
space of exact forms. We show that in degree 2 this kernel is trivial, in
contrast with higher degree. In other words, exact non-zero -forms define
non-trivial bounded cohomology classes. This result is the higher dimensional
version of a classical theorem by Barge and Ghys for surfaces. As a
consequence, one gets that the second bounded cohomology of negatively curved
manifolds contains an infinite dimensional space, whose classes are explicitly
described by integration of forms. This also showcases that some recent results
by Marasco (arXiv:2202.04419, arXiv:2209.00560) can be applied in higher
dimension to obtain new non-trivial results on the vanishing of certain cup
products and Massey products. Some other applications are discussed.Comment: 11 pages. Some minor changes made upon referee's suggestions. Final
version to appear in PAM
A new method based on noise counting to monitor the frontend electronics of the LHCb muon detector
A new method has been developed to check the correct behaviour of the
frontend electronics of the LHCb muon detector. This method is based on the
measurement of the electronic noise rate at different thresholds of the
frontend discriminator. The method was used to choose the optimal discriminator
thresholds. A procedure based on this method was implemented in the detector
control system and allowed the detection of a small percentage of frontend
channels which had deteriorated. A Monte Carlo simulation has been performed to
check the validity of the method
Intraoperative β-Detecting probe for radio-guided surgery in tumour resection
The development of the β− based radio-guided surgery aims to extend the technique to those tumours where surgery is the only possible treatment and the assessment of the resection would most profit from the low background around the lesion, as for brain tumours. Feasibility studies on meningioma and gliomas already estimated the potentiality of this new treatment. To validate the technique, a prototype of the intraoperative probe detecting β− decays and specific phantoms simulating tumour remnant patterns embedded in healthy tissue have been realized. The response of the probe in this simulated environment is tested with dedicated procedures. This document discusses the innovative aspects of the method, the status of the developed intraoperative β− detecting probe and the results of the preclinical tests
An Intraoperative Detecting Probe For Radio-Guided Surgery in Tumour Resection
The development of the based radio-guided surgery aims to extend
the technique to those tumours where surgery is the only possible treatment and
the assessment of the resection would most profit from the low background
around the lesion, as for brain tumours. Feasibility studies on meningioma,
glioma, and neuroendocrine tumors already estimated the potentiality of this
new treatment. To validate the technique, prototypes of the intraoperative
probe required by the technique to detect radiation have been
developed. This paper discusses the design details of the device and the tests
performed in laboratory. In such tests particular care has to be taken to
reproduce the surgical field conditions. The innovative technique to produce
specific phantoms and the dedicated testing protocols is described in detail.Comment: 7 pages, 15 figure
Monitoring of hadrontherapy treatments by means of charged particle detection
The interaction of the incoming beam radiation with the patient body in hadrontherapy
treatments produces secondary charged and neutral particles, whose detection can be
used for monitoring purposes and to perform an on-line check of beam particle range. In
the context of ion-therapy with active scanning, charged particles are potentially attractive
since they can be easily tracked with a high efficiency, in presence of a relatively low
background contamination. In order to verify the possibility of exploiting this approach
for in-beam monitoring in ion-therapy, and to guide the design of specific detectors, both
simulations and experimental tests are being performed with ion beams impinging on
simple homogeneous tissue-like targets (PMMA). From these studies, a resolution of the
order of few millimeters on the single track has been proven to be sufficient to exploit
charged particle tracking for monitoring purposes, preserving the precision achievable
on longitudinal shape. The results obtained so far show that the measurement of charged
particles can be successfully implemented in a technology capable of monitoring both
the dose profile and the position of the Bragg peak inside the target and finally lead to
the design of a novel profile detector. Crucial aspects to be considered are the detector
positioning, to be optimized in order to maximize the available statistics, and the capability
of accounting for the multiple scattering interactions undergone by the charged
fragments along their exit path from the patient body. The experimental results collected
up to now are also valuable for the validation of Monte Carlo simulation software tools
and their implementation in Treatment Planning Software packages
Towards a Radio-guided Surgery with Decays: Uptake of a somatostatin analogue (DOTATOC) in Meningioma and High Grade Glioma
A novel radio guided surgery (RGS) technique for cerebral tumors using
radiation is being developed. Checking the availability of a
radio-tracer that can deliver a emitter to the tumor is a
fundamental step in the deployment of such technique. This paper reports a
study of the uptake of 90Y labeled (DOTATOC) in the meningioma and the high
grade glioma (HGG) and a feasibility study of the RGS technique in these cases.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure
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