2,307 research outputs found
Temporal changes of Fluvio-Morphological scenario and its impact on Settlement: A GIS based study for Mandia block, Barpeta District, Assam
The Mandia Block of Barpeta District Assam undergoes episodes of changing geomorphology due to change in Manas-Beki-Brahmaputra River System. Significant amount of Geographical area within the block is covered by this river system. Temporal change in River System leads to change in sandbars which are being used by thousands of people as their settlement and agriculture. Geospatial Technology is used to study temporal change within the Block between 1972 and 2013. Within 41 years significant change has been observed in fluvial scenario and settlement pattern in this area. The Beki river shows significant shift in its channel pattern and confluence; River Brahmaputra tend to widen towards north causing major erosion in 1972 Northern bank line. Nearly thirteen settlements got severely affected by this change. Present day directions of Remote Sensing are identification, mapping, inventory, monitoring and surveillance. Hence it is found to be an effective tool for attempting this problem of temporal behavior of the river system
Chemistry of Lanthanons : Part XLIV- Isolation & Characterization of Coumarin-3- carboxylate Chelates of Lanthanons
Analysis of the resistance in p-SiGe over a wide temperature range
The temperature dependence of a system exhibiting a `metal-insulator
transition in two dimensions at zero magnetic field' (MIT) is studied up to
90K. Using a classical scattering model we are able to simulate the
non-monotonic temperature dependence of the resistivity in the metallic high
density regime. We show that the temperature dependence arises from a complex
interplay of metallic and insulating contributions contained in the calculation
of the scattering rate 1/\td(E,T), each dominating in a limited temperature
range.Comment: 4 pages with 5 figure
Understanding the bulk electronic structure of Ca1-xSrxVO3
We investigate the electronic structure of Ca1-xSrxVO3 using careful
state-of-the-art experiments and calculations. Photoemission spectra using
synchrotron radiation reveal a hitherto unnoticed polarization dependence of
the photoemission matrix elements for the surface component leading to a
substantial suppression of its intensity. Bulk spectra extracted with the help
of experimentally determined electron escape depth and estimated suppression of
surface contributions resolve outstanding puzzles concerning the electronic
structure in Ca1-xSrxVO3.Comment: 4 pages including 3 figure
Analytical Solution of Electron Spin Decoherence Through Hyperfine Interaction in a Quantum Dot
We analytically solve the {\it Non-Markovian} single electron spin dynamics
due to hyperfine interaction with surrounding nuclei in a quantum dot. We use
the equation-of-motion method assisted with a large field expansion, and find
that virtual nuclear spin flip-flops mediated by the electron contribute
significantly to a complete decoherence of transverse electron spin correlation
function. Our results show that a 90% nuclear polarization can enhance the
electron spin time by almost two orders of magnitude. In the long time
limit, the electron spin correlation function has a non-exponential
decay in the presence of both polarized and unpolarized nuclei.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Regge behaviour of distribution functions and evolution of gluon distribution function in Next-to-Leading order at low-x
Evolution of gluon distribution function from
Dokshitzer-Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi (DGLAP) evolution equation in
next-to-leading order (NLO) at low-x is presented assuming the Regge behaviour
of quarks and gluons at this limit. We compare our results of gluon
distribution function with MRST2004, GRV98LO and GRV98NLO parameterizations and
show the compatibility of Regge behaviour of quark and gluon distribution
functions with perturbative quantum chromodynamics (PQCD) at low-x.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure
Hall state quantization in a rotating frame
We derive electromagnetomotive force fields for charged particles moving in a
rotating Hall sample, satisfying a twofold U(1) gauge invariance principle. It
is then argued that the phase coherence property of quantization of the line
integral of total collective particle momentum into multiples of Planck's
quantum of action is solely responsible for quantization in the Hall state. As
a consequence, the height of the Hall quantization steps should remain
invariant in a rapidly rotating Hall probe. Quantum Hall particle
conductivities do not depend on charge and mass of the electron, and are
quantized in units of the inverse of Planck's action quantum.Comment: 6 pages, accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter
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