277 research outputs found
Anomaly for Model Building
A simple algorithm to calculate the group theory factor entering in anomalies
at four and six dimensions for SU(N) and SO(N) groups in terms of the Casimir
invariants of their subgroups is presented. Explicit examples of some of the
lower dimensional representations of and SO(10) groups are
presented, which could be used for model building in four and six dimensions.Comment: 9 page
Spontaneous Left-Right Symmetry Breaking in Supersymmetric Models with only Higgs Doublets
We studied the question of parity breaking in a supersymmetric left-right
model, in which the left-right symmetry is broken with Higgs doublets (carrying
). Unlike the left-right symmetric models with triplet Higgs scalars
(carrying ), in this model it is possible to break parity
spontaneously by adding a parity odd singlet. We then discussed how neutrino
mass of type III seesaw can be invoked in this model by adding extra fermion
singlets. We considered simple forms of the mass matrices that are consistent
with the unification scheme and demonstrate how they can reproduce the required
neutrino mixing matrix. In this model, the baryon asymmetry of the universe is
generated via leptogenesis. The required mass scales in the model is then found
to be consistent with the gauge coupling unification.Comment: 19 pages, 1 eps figur
About the Mixing and CP Violation in Neutrino System
Suppose the geometrical explaination to the weak CP phase in quark sector is
also valid for neutrinos, the mixing and CP violation in neutrino system are
discussed. We find a larger than implys the
large-mixing solution for solar neutrino problem. In case of bi-maximal mixing,
we predict relative large CP violation with larger than in
neutrino system, except the third mixing angle approachs to 0 or very
closely.Comment: Latex File, 9 pages with 2 EPS figures, Commun. Theor. Phys. in
press. A notes and some references are added or renewe
Predictive model for dark matter, dark energy, neutrino masses and leptogenesis at the TeV scale
We propose a new mechanism of TeV scale leptogenesis where the chemical
potential of right-handed electron is passed on to the asymmetry of the
Universe in the presence of sphalerons. The model has the virtue that the
origin of neutrino masses are independent of the scale of leptogenesis. As a
result, the model could be extended to explain {\it dark matter, dark energy,
neutrino masses and leptogenesis at the TeV scale}. The most attractive feature
of this model is that it predicts a few hundred GeV triplet Higgs scalar that
can be tested at LHC or ILC.Comment: 5 pages (revtex), double column, 2 eps figures, journal version. To
appear in Phys. ReV.
Radiative Left-Right Dirac Neutrino Mass
We consider the conventional left-right gauge extension of the standard model
of quarks and leptons without a scalar bidoublet. We study systematically how
one-loop radiative Dirac neutrino masses may be obtained. In addition to two
well-known cases from almost 30 years ago, we find two new scenarios with
verifiable predictions.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, text and references adde
Common origin of baryon asymmetry and proton decay
A successful baryogenesis theory requires a baryon-minus-lepton number
violation if it works before the electroweak phase transition. The
baryon-minus-lepton number violation could also exist in some proton decay
modes. We propose a model to show that the cosmological baryon asymmetry and
the proton decay could have a common origin. Specifically, we introduce an
isotriplet and two isosinglet leptoquark scalars as well as two isotriplet
Higgs scalars to the canonical seesaw model. The decays of the Higgs triplets
can generate a desired baryon-minus-lepton asymmetry in the leptoquarks. After
the Higgs triplets pick up their seesaw-suppressed vacuum expectation values,
the leptoquarks with TeV-scale masses can mediate a testable proton decay.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Corrections and improvement
Leptogenesis with Linear, Inverse or Double Seesaw
The left-right symmetric model with doublet and bi-doublet Higgs scalars can
accommodate linear, inverse or double seesaw for generating small neutrino
masses in the presence of three singlet fermions. If the singlet fermions have
small Majorana masses, they can form three pairs of quasi-degenerate Majorana
fermions with three right-handed neutrinos. The decays of the quasi-degenerate
Majorana fermions can realize the resonant leptogenesis. Alternatively, the
right-handed neutrinos can obtain seesaw suppressed Majorana masses if the
singlet fermions are very heavy. In this case leptogenesis, with or without
resonant effect, is allowed in the decays of the right-handed neutrinos.Comment: 6 pages. Published in Phys. Lett.
Common Origin of Visible and Dark Universe
Dark matter, baryonic matter and dark energy have different properties but
contribute comparable energy density to the present Universe. We point out that
they may have a common origin. As the dark energy has a scale far lower than
all known scales in particle physics but very close to neutrino masses, while
the excess matter over antimatter in the baryonic sector is probably related to
the neutrino mass-generation, we unify the origin of dark and visible Universe
in a variant of seesaw model. In our model (i) the dark matter relic density is
a dark matter asymmetry emerged simultaneously with the baryon asymmetry from
leptogenesis; (ii) the dark energy is due to a pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone-Boson
associated with the neutrino mass-generation.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur
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