50 research outputs found
Strategi Pengembangan Matematika Bagi Anak Usia Dini
This article discussed how mathematics instruction should be developed for early childhood education. Some instruction strategies are elaborated such as Developmentally Apropriate Practice, integrated learning, cooperative learning, student active learning, contextual learning, inquiry based learning, and co-parenting. In the implementation of the instructional strategies in this article puts forward a number of considerations
Assuming that the leacture’s ability to make innovation in the instructional activities can improve both the quality of instructional process and the quality of the student’s learning achievement, this research was conducted to describe the the innovative activities performed by the lecturers in Primary School Teacher Education (PGSD) of School of Education, State University of Jakarta. The research conducted in the odd semester of the academic year 2007/2008, randomly selected 30 lectures of the Department as the respondents. From the data collected using questionair and analysed descriptively, the research concludes based on their teachng experience, the lectures with more than 15 years’ teaching experience are more innovative than those with less experience
Transformation in the field of education can be carried out by developing more innovative and creative learning designs through a student-centered learning approach. The use of technology as a learning medium is the right choice for teachers to improve the mathematical literacy skills of elementary school students, the combination of face-to-face learning with technology-based learning is then called hybrid learning. The mathematical literacy indicators used in this study refer to questions formulated in PISA organized by the OECD. Based on this, this study then aims to determine the effect of hybrid learning in improving students' mathematical literacy skills. The results showed that the average score of students after using this learning was 80.60 with a standard deviation of 14.505 and a maximum score of 100. As for the results of the effectiveness test on the results of the independent sample t-test, it showed significant results with the calculation results of F = 0.083, df = 80, sig (2-tailed) = 0.002, which successfully answers the research hypothesis of the normality test using the Kolmogorov Smirnov test states that the data value score Sig.0.002 ≤ 0.05, thus it can be ascertained that there is a significant effect of hybrid learning on students' literacy skills
This article discussed how mathematics instruction should be developed for early childhood education. Some instruction strategies are elaborated such as Developmentally Apropriate Practice, integrated learning, cooperative learning, student active learning, contextual learning, inquiry based learning, and co-parenting. In the implementation of the instructional strategies in this article puts forward a number of considerations
This research and development produced a market-tested media and is suitable to be used by educators. This education media help students in their learning process whilst still having fun, especially in the topic of fractions. This research and development was built using the ASSURE model and adopted the evaluation process by Dick and Carey. The subjects of this RnD are the students from SDN Ragunan 01 Jakarta Selatan's 4th grade class, with a total of 18 students. Data collection was done through interviews and questionnaires and with Miles and Huberman data anlysis. Results of the research show that e-learning on Moodle is a learning media worth using, in this case for the purpose of teaching fractions to 4th graders. The results show an impressive expert review average score of 87.2% by the subjects in their understanding of the lesson. This media received positive response from the 3 selected students during the one to one tryout stage and a 96.42% mark by the subjects during the field trial stage. It is evident that this moodle-based e-learning media is properly made, well tested, and suitable for use in the education field - specifically for the purpose of teaching fractions to 4th graders
Peran Media Permainan “MERIYAH” terhadap Pengenalan Huruf Hijaiyyah pada Anak Usia Dini
Pada tahun 2018, masyarakat Indonesia masuk kedalam kategori buta huruf Al-Qur’an dengan persentase sebesar 65 % . Selama proses pembelajaran membaca huruf hijaiyyah metode yang digunakan guru tidak sesuai dengan karakteristik anak, dan guru hanya menggunakan media pembelajaran yang masih monoton dan kurang kreatif, akibatnya anak-anak memiliki masalah dengan kurangnya kemampuan mengenal huruf hijaiyyah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melihat efektifitas penggunaan media permainan “MERIYAH” dalam meningkatkan kemampuan anak dalam mengenal huruf hijaiyyah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif model preexperimental one group pretest posttest dengan uji-t satu arah pada hasil pretest dan posttest. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah anak-anak berusia 5-6 tahun, yang duduk dikelompok TK/RA B, adapun sampel penelitian adalah 2 lembaga TK/RA yaitu RA Ziyadatul Hasanah dan RA Qurotal Ain. Hasil t-test menunjukkan nilai sebesar -35.608 dengan hasil signifikasi (2-tailed) sebesar 0.000 sehingga 0.000 < 0.005 , artinya hasil signifikasi (2-tailed) sebesar 0.000 lebih kecil dari 0.005 dapat disimpulkan bahwa media permainan MERIYAH efektif digunakan untuk meningkatkan pengenalan huruf hijaiyyah pada anak usia dini
Implementing the character of education for elementary schools in Indonesia requires e-assessment using the dimensions of the Pancasila student profile to make it easier for teachers to use it. In contrast, e-assessment still needs to be created. This research aims to research and develop an electronic instrument for assessing student character in elementary schools based on the Pancasila Student Profile. The research method used is the 4-D model research and development method (Four-D Model) introduced by S. Thiagarajan. The research was conducted in elementary schools in five areas of DKI Jakarta, including Central Jakarta, East Jakarta, South Jakarta, North Jakarta, and West Jakarta, with 762 students as respondents. The instrument used was a questionnaire. This character e-assessment instrument based on the Pancasila Profile was validated with results obtained from validation scores from material experts of 76% and language experts of 91%, so this character e-assessment instrument is said to be scientifically feasible. The research produced a prototype model of the character e-assessment instrument that has been validated. This research indicates that using a character assessment based on the Pancasila Profile is feasible and easy for students and teachers
Development of The Social Emotional Learning Questionnaire for Students of Mathematics Education
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is a process of managing emotions, achieving positive goals, feeling empathy, maintaining positive relationships, and making responsible decisions. Research has found that students who develop SEL competencies lead healthier lives and perform better in school. The purpose of this study was to map research trends in the development of SEL questionnaire for students of mathematics education. This research method uses qualitative methods with a literature review approach. Data collection uses the Harzings Publish or Perish application using data from Google Scholar, produces bibliometric network images from the VOSviewer application, and is strengthened by Systematic Literature Review (SLR) of SEL questionnaire development articles in international journals in the last 10 years (2013-2023). From a search of articles that researched the development of the SEL questionnaire, it was shown that the majority of the SEL questionnaire developed were for students from kindergarten to high school. There is three article that examines the development of SEL questionnaire for university students, but students as a whole. Based on the review of the article above, it can be used as a basis for developing questionnaire to measure SEL in students of mathematics education.
Keywords: Mathematics; Questionnaire; Social Emotional Learning; University Studen
This article discusses the analysis of the influence of intrapersonal intelligence on elementary school students\u27 mathematics learning outcomes. There are still many students who are not aware of the potential of their intelligence, especially intrapersonal intelligence and students who are aware of the existence of their intrapersonal intelligence are still not able to utilize it optimally. It is important for students who have intrapersonal intelligence to develop an understanding of themselves, including recognizing strengths and weaknesses, controlling attitudes, managing emotions, and maintaining discipline in solving the problems they face. This research aims to conduct an intrapersonal intelligence analysis of mathematics learning outcomes, especially at elementary school level. This research uses a literature study or literature review research method using the keywords the influence of intrapersonal intelligence on elementary school students\u27 mathematics learning outcomes. This research uses literature searches through indexed electronic media such as Google Scholar. From the search surfing process, the researcher found 5 articles that were related to the title being studied. The results of the analysis of several literature studies by researchers found that there is an influence between intrapersonal intelligence on the mathematics learning outcomes of elementary school students. It can be seen that intrapersonal intelligence has a positive and significant effect on mathematics learning outcomes
This article discusses the analysis of the influence of intrapersonal intelligence on elementary school students' mathematics learning outcomes. There are still many students who are not aware of the potential of their intelligence, especially intrapersonal intelligence and students who are aware of the existence of their intrapersonal intelligence are still not able to utilize it optimally. It is important for students who have intrapersonal intelligence to develop an understanding of themselves, including recognizing strengths and weaknesses, controlling attitudes, managing emotions, and maintaining discipline in solving the problems they face. This research aims to conduct an intrapersonal intelligence analysis of mathematics learning outcomes, especially at elementary school level. This research uses a literature study or literature review research method using the keywords the influence of intrapersonal intelligence on elementary school students' mathematics learning outcomes. This research uses literature searches through indexed electronic media such as Google Scholar. From the search surfing process, the researcher found 5 articles that were related to the title being studied. The results of the analysis of several literature studies by researchers found that there is an influence between intrapersonal intelligence on the mathematics learning outcomes of elementary school students. It can be seen that intrapersonal intelligence has a positive and significant effect on mathematics learning outcomes