14 research outputs found
Perancangan Pondok Pesantren Modern Di Kabupaten Bekasi Dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Neo Vernakular
Sebagai negara dengan umat muslim terbanyak di Indonesia bahkan di dunia, tidak heran jika Indonesia banyak memiliki pusat Pendidikan Islam. Bahkan ditengah era globalisasi ini Pendidikan Islam tak pernah kehilangan peminat. Perkembangan justru kian terlihat dengan banyak Pondok Pesantrenyang terus meningkat jumlah peminatnya. Pondok Pesantrenmodern merupakan perpaduan antara kurikulum Pondok Pesantrendengan kurikulum pendidikan nasional, Pondok Pesantrenyang juga merupakan salah satu bentuk wadah pendidikan di Indonesia begitu pun sebaiknya memiliki standar kelulusan yang juga mengikuti perkembangan pendidikan yang sesuai kurikulum pendidikan nasional bahkan internasional. Kabupaten Bekasi sebagai salah satu kota industri terbesar di Indonesia dan letaknya geografisnya berdekatan dengan Ibu Kota, akan tetapi kualitas Pendidikan di Bekasi masih kurang baik. Menurut pengamat Pendidikan Bekasi yaitu Tengku Imam Kobul Moh Yahya (2019). Tujuan Perencanaan Pondok Pesantrenuntuk meningkatkan fasilitas yang memadai untuk meningkatkan kualitas Pendidikan Islam khususnya di Kabupaten Bekasi. Pada perencanaan ini konsep menggambarkan dengan system Pendidikan pada pesantren yang akan dibangun ini yaitu Pondok Pesantrenmodern namun tidak meninggalkan nilai tradisional pada pesantren. Arsitektur Neo-Vernakular sendiri yaitu perbaduan antara gaya arsitektur moden dengan gaya arsitrktur tradisional. Karena untuk zaman yang serba modern seperti saat ini banyak nilai-nilai tradisional yang sedikit demi sedikit mulai memuda
Perencanaan dan Perancangan Wana Wisata Waduk Kedungombo di Wonoharjo Kabupaten Boyolali dengan Konsep Waterfront
Boyolali Regency is one of the regencies in Central Java, which has a very rapid industrial development, and Boyolali Regency itself has many natural resources, including oil mines, teak forests, onyx stone mines, as well as abundant agricultural and plantation products. Meanwhile, the development of tourism in Boyolali is no less important. Many areas have their own tourism attractions, including Boyolali which has a lot of natural potential that is used as tourism. Therefore, the Planning and Design of the Kedungombo Reservoir Reservoir in Boyolali is very important, besides the Waterfront concept approach is an attraction for the Boyolali community to move forward. The application of the Waterfront Concept in Boyolali is marked by several forms and symbols that contain elements of Waterfront. One of the concepts inherent in Boyolali is the Kedungombo Reservoir, because in ancient times the reservoir was a means of supporting the economic activities of the Boyolali people, the Kedungombo Reservoir in Boyolali has also become a center for the development of fish farming at the national level. So on that basis the Kedungombo Reservoir in Boyolali became the main concept of tourism and then packaged through the development of modern times with the concept of Waterfront City. With the Kedungombo Reservoir Tourism Wana, Boyolali's achievement to increase the Regional Income Budget (APD) can be achieved
Kajian Place Dependence Warisan Budaya Wujud pada Sumbu Filosofi di Kota Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta City has a privilege in the history of the Mataram Kingdom relics either tangible or intangible. One of them is the philosophy axis. The philosophy axis is manifested in the form of a path that has historical objects as the elements of forming a city. The main elements are Tugu Yogyakarta, Malioboro Street, Zero Kilometer, and South Square is now being used in the open space of the city. The aims of this study were to examine the place dependence on the four historical objects with the respondents. The study has already done using qualitative and quantitative methods. The main of qualitative methods by distribution questionnaires involve the perception of natives, newcomers, and tourists as much as 327 respondents. Other qualitative methods were done by using a descriptive approach to the literature review and interviews, as well as field observation. Quantitative methods by using a non-parametric of different test with Mann-Whitney U for testing of perception between two samples. The results of this study, perception between the natives and newcomers was no difference. The results showed that place dependence obtained the doubtful value of 83.33%, the disagree value of 8.33% and the agreed value of 8.33%. The importance of place dependence as a recommendation in planning is the preservation of tangible cultural heritage and increasing the dimensions of place attachment in public space, especially the Zero Kilometer which has the weakest value. Finally, Yogyakarta City would be realized by UNESCO as one of World Heritage City about cultural heritage. Keywords: historical objects, perception, place dependence, public space, tangible cultural heritage Diterim
Pelaksanaan safety patrol sebagai salah satu upaya untuk mencegah potensi kecelakaan kerja dalam pembangunan. Safety patrol dilaksanakan bersama guna mengurangi risiko kecelakaan ringan hingga fatal pada tenaga kerja hingga merugikan seluruh pihak. Metode deskriptif bertujuan memberikan gambaran tentang input, proses, dan output pelaksanaan safety patrol di Jakarta International Stadium. Hasilnya adalah pelaksanaan waktu kerja untuk petugas K3 belum terlaksana dengan baik. Keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja merupakan dua hal penting, pihak kontraktor telah berkewajiban untuk menyediakan semua keperluan alat pelindung diri bagi pekerja, karyawan, dan tamu yang akan memasuki area pembangunan. Alat pelindung diri yang digunakan sesuai dan dalam kondisi baik. Sumber daya manusia memiliki kualifikasi memadai sesuai SMK3. Pelaporan hasil temuan dari program safety patrol memuat isi dokumentasi beserta keterangannya, yang dilaporkan kepada seluruh HSE yang terlibat telah sesuai peraturan. Keberhasilan terlaksananya program K3L dan pelaksanaan SOP dibuktikan dengan menurunnya angka kecelakaan kerja
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui persiapan program, (2)
mengetahui pelaksanaan program, dan (3) mengetahui evaluasi program kursus
desain grafis di LKP Alfabank Yogyakarta.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan jenis penelitian
kualitatif. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah pengelola program, instruktur
program, dan warga belajar program kursus desain grafis Alfabank Yogyakarta.
Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi.
Analisis data penelitian ini meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan
Hasil dari pelaksanaan program kursus desain grafis di LKP Alfabank
Yogyakarta menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Persiapan program: program yang
diselenggarakan oleh lembaga disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan warga belajar;
tujuan program untuk menambah pengetahuan dan keterampilan warga belajar
tentang desain; warga belajar yang mengikuti program belum memiliki
keterampilan mendesain; karakteristik instruktur telah sesuai dengan program;
kurikulum yang digunakan mengacu pada kurikulum nasional dan kurikulum dari
lembaga; pendanaan program berasal dari warga belajar; sarana dan prasarana
cukup menunjang proses pembelajaran. (2) Pelaksanaan program: warga belajar
ikut aktif dalam pembelajaran; instruktur mampu menyampaikan materi dengan
baik dan dapat berinteraksi dengan warga belajar; instruktur mengajar dengan
menggunakan metode ceramah dan demonstrasi/praktik; partisipasi warga belajar
dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran baik. (3) evaluasi program: tujuan
diselenggarakan program telah tercapai dan sesuai dengan visi misi lembaga;
hasilnya warga belajar mampu menggunakan tools yang ada pada software desain
serta dapat menghasilkan suatu karya sesuai contoh; dampaknya warga belajar
memperoleh sertifikat, memiliki sudut pandang tentang desain grafis yang tadinya
sulit ternyata mudah ketika dipelajari dan bisa mengembangkan ide untuk karya
The Main Elements of Historical Objects as “Spirit” of Cultural Heritage in Yogyakarta City
The history of Yogyakarta City still holds many “millions” of tangible and intangible meaning. The history has brought Yogyakarta City known as a City of Philosophy that is realized in the spatial layout of the city, one of them is the philosophy axis. In this research, the historical objects have been studied the main elements that become the icon and to be grouped into four objects. There are TuguArea, Malioboro Area, Zero Kilometer Area, and South Square Area located on the philosophy axis.Another consideration, these four objects are supported by other space forming elements become a place that has a “spirit” of cultural heritage to gather and interact with local communities and tourists in the public space. The purpose of this research is enriching knowledge about the main elements of historical objects. Besides that, the purpose of this research is to support Yogyakarta City to realize world Heritage City by UNESCO about cultural heritage. This research uses mix methods. Qualitative methods by conducted the survey and collected the literature. The observation and interviews towards informers and involves the perception of local communities and tourists with 327 respondents in Yogyakarta City. While the quantitative method for a non-parametric test with different test Mann Whitney U using SPSS 17 program. This research uses spatial and descriptive analysis to explain the main elements of historical objects and examine their relationship with local communities and tourists perception. The result of this research that Malioboro Area has the important corridor in historical value that associated with historical events and historical figures, style building, and culture. As well as Malioboro public space that has the meaning of the spirit of life for urban residents and the heart of the city, which means the inheritance of all things. The results of this research are expected to provide of place attachment towards all mainly historical objects “spirits” of cultural heritage for people to gather and interact. The importance of the psychological dimension of the environment to help the psychological well being in urban as a concern for architects, planners in shaping, developing a city in the future, especially public space. Also, the results of this research are expected Yogyakarta City to keep become a magnet for the traveler as Tourism Destination Object
The Main Elements of Historical Objects as “Spirit” of Cultural Heritage in Yogyakarta City
The history of Yogyakarta City still holds many “millions” of tangible and intangible meaning. The history has brought Yogyakarta City known as a City of Philosophy that is realized in the spatial layout of the city, one of them is the philosophy axis. In this research, the historical objects have been studied the main elements that become the icon and to be grouped into four objects. There are TuguArea, Malioboro Area, Zero Kilometer Area, and South Square Area located on the philosophy axis.Another consideration, these four objects are supported by other space forming elements become a place that has a “spirit” of cultural heritage to gather and interact with local communities and tourists in the public space. The purpose of this research is enriching knowledge about the main elements of historical objects. Besides that, the purpose of this research is to support Yogyakarta City to realize world Heritage City by UNESCO about cultural heritage. This research uses mix methods. Qualitative methods by conducted the survey and collected the literature. The observation and interviews towards informers and involves the perception of local communities and tourists with 327 respondents in Yogyakarta City. While the quantitative method for a non-parametric test with different test Mann Whitney U using SPSS 17 program. This research uses spatial and descriptive analysis to explain the main elements of historical objects and examine their relationship with local communities and tourists perception. The result of this research that Malioboro Area has the important corridor in historical value that associated with historical events and historical figures, style building, and culture. As well as Malioboro public space that has the meaning of the spirit of life for urban residents and the heart of the city, which means the inheritance of all things. The results of this research are expected to provide of place attachment towards all mainly historical objects “spirits” of cultural heritage for people to gather and interact. The importance of the psychological dimension of the environment to help the psychological well being in urban as a concern for architects, planners in shaping, developing a city in the future, especially public space. Also, the results of this research are expected Yogyakarta City to keep become a magnet for the traveler as Tourism Destination Object