8 research outputs found
Potential of using ICT in Islamic-based education.
The advancement of Information Communication Technology (ICT) nowadays gives a great challenge to educators in order to continuously play significant roles in the borderless globalization of information era. This
challenge should not be regarded as a threat but should be accepted as a great reward to education world. Thus, the main purpose of this paper is to discuss the potentials of using ICT in Islamic-based education and learning
processes. In Islam, the use of modern technology is encouraged as it helps towards the development of positive thinking, the ability to innovate and to trigger the drive for self-improvement. Hence, in order to identify and
promote ways in which ICT can enhance the reach and quality of Islamicbased education, this paper has focus how ICT can make the Islamic Studies courses is very interesting and entertaining and it can be proven that it is not impossible to transform a dry and plain subject to be fun and
interactive lesson
Lebih dari 55% masyarakat Aceh bergantung kepada sektor kelautan dan perikanan. Sebesar 295.370 km2 merupakan luas perairan Provinsi Aceh dan memiliki potensi yang cukup tinggi dalam sumber daya kelautan dan perikanannya. Jika dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik maka akan memajukan produksi komoditas perikanan di Aceh. Untuk mendukung agenda pembangunan nasional pemerintah yang tertuang pada UU Nomor 27 Tahun 2007 tentang pengelolaan wilayah Pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil, maka melakukan kegiatan berbudidaya ikan kerapu adalah salah satu cara untuk mewujudkannya. Dimana pertumbuhan komoditas ikan kerapu sebesar 14,7% per tahun. Ikan kerapu merupakan salah satu species ikan biak yang sangat bergantung terhadap kondisi ekologi pada laut. Oleh sebab itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti kelayakan perairan untuk budidaya ikan kerapu pada kawasan Taman Wisata Alam Laut (TWAL) Pulau Weh. Citra satelit Lansdat 9 digunakan untuk mengekstraksi Konsentrasi Klorofil-a, Suhu Permukaan Laut (SPL), dan Muatan Padatan Tersuspensi (MPT) sedangkan Data Batimetri Nasional (BATNAS) digunakan untuk mengekstraksi data Batimetri. Adapun proses citra tersebut dijalankan menggunakan Google Earth Engine (GEE). Penelitian yang telah dilakukan menghasilkan tingkat kesesuaian yang dikategorikan sebagai Sangat Sesuai (S1), Sesuai (S2), Cukup Sesuai (S3) dan Tidak Sesuai (TS). Hasil terhadap tingkat kesesuaian yang telah didapatkan melalui penelitian terkait menunjukkan bahwa kelas S1 sebesar 0,35373 km2, S2 sebesar 35,70999 km2, S3 sebesar 10,93015 km2 dan kelas TS sebesar 5,85402km2.Kata kunci: Ikan Kerapu, Google Earth Engine, Budidaya
Implikasi Branding Sekolah Adiwiyata Terhadap Daya Saing SMP N 1 Wonotunggal Batang
Program adiwiyata merupakan rencana mengembangkan kesadaran warga sekolah tentang lingkungan hidup. Program sekolah dapat menjadi alat persaingan/program unggulan untuk daya tarik sekolah. Program adiwiyata tak lepas dari perencanaan dan pelaksanaan, kemudian dapat diketahui implikasi yang diperoleh dari dilaksanakannya program. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui implikasi branding sekolah adiwiyata terhadap daya saing SMP N 1 Wonotunggal. Jenis penelitian ini adalah fenomenologi yang bertujuan untuk
menelaah dan mendeskripsikan fenomena. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara, obervasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan reduksi data, display data, dan kesimpulan, sedangkan uji keabsahan data
menggunakan triangulasi. Subjek penelitiannya Kepala Sekolah dan Sekretaris Program Adiwiyata SMP N 1 Wonotunggal. Hasil penelitian ini bahwa program adiwiyata dilaksanakan dengan perencanaan yang memperhatikan potensi dan masalah yang dimiliki sekolah, kemudian merancang kegiatan sesuai standar pengelolaan, proses dan sarana prasarana. Pelaksanaan program sesuai dengan komponen penilaian sekolah adiwiyata. Kemudian untuk implikasinya sekolah
lebih bersih, membentuk karakter peduli lingkungan, menambah kreatifitas siswa, lebih dikenal masyarakat, menjadi daya tarik sekolah dan meningkatnya jumlah
siswa. Untuk branding sekolah adiwiyatanya belum terencana dibuktikan belum adanya dokumentasi tentang point branding. SMP N 1 Wonotunggal melaksanakan program adiwiyata semaksimal mungkin dan berharap julukan “sekolah adiwiyata” akan mengikuti dengan sendirinya sebagai brand SMP N 1 Wonotunggal
makalah ini berisi tentang Peranan IPTEK Terhadap Sosial Budaya, yang meliputi peranan IPTEK dalam bidang sosial, dalam bidang budaya, dan pengaruh Positif dan Negatif IPTEK terhadap bidang Sosial dan Budaya
Non edible oil-based epoxy resins from jatropha oil and their shape memory behaviors
The use of bio-based polymers in place of conventional polymers gives positives effects in
the sense of reduction of environmental impacts and the offsetting of petroleum consumption. As
such, in this study, jatropha oil was used to prepare epoxidized jatropha oil (EJO) by the epoxidation
method. The EJO was used to prepare a shape memory polymer (SMP) by mixing it with the curing
agent 4-methylhexahydrophthalic anhydride (MHPA) and a tetraethylammonium bromide (TEAB)
catalyst. The resulting bio-based polymer is slightly transparent and brown in color. It has soft and
flexible properties resulting from the aliphatic chain in jatropha oil. The functionality of SMP was
analyzed by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy analysis. The thermal behavior of the
SMP was measured by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and it showed that the samples were
thermally stable up to 150 ◦C. Moreover, the glass transition temperature characteristic was obtained
using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis. The shape memory recovery behavior was
investigated. Overall, EJO/MHPA was prepared by a relatively simple method and showed good
shape recovery properties
Biallelic Variants in CTU2 Cause DREAM-PL Syndrome and Impair Thiolation of tRNA Wobble U34
The wobble position in the anticodon loop of tRNA is subject to numerous post-transcriptional modifications. In particular, thiolation of the wobble uridine has been shown to play an important role in codon-anticodon interactions. This modification is catalyzed by a highly conserved CTU1/CTU2 complex, disruption of which has been shown to cause abnormal phenotypes in yeast, worms and plants. We have previously suggested that a single founder splicing variant in human CTU2 causes a novel multiple congenital anomalies syndrome consisting of dysmorphic facies, renal agenesis, ambiguous genitalia, microcephaly, polydactyly, and lissencephaly (DREAM-PL). In this work, we describe five new patients with DREAM-PL phenotype and whose molecular analysis expands the allelic heterogeneity of the syndrome to five different alleles; four of which predict protein truncation. Functional characterization using patient-derived cells for each of these alleles, as well as the original founder allele; revealed a specific impairment of wobble uridine thiolation in all known thiol-containing tRNAs. Our data establish a recognizable CTU2-linked autosomal recessive syndrome in humans characterized by defective thiolation of the wobble uridine. The potential deleterious consequences for the translational efficiency and fidelity during development as a mechanism for pathogenicity represent an attractive target of future investigations. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
Heterogeneity of mutational mechanisms and modes of inheritance in auriculocondylar syndrome
<p>Background Auriculocondylar syndrome (ACS) is a rare craniofacial disorder consisting of micrognathia, mandibular condyle hypoplasia and a specific malformation of the ear at the junction between the lobe and helix. Missense heterozygous mutations in the phospholipase C, beta 4 (PLCB4) and guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), a inhibiting activity polypeptide 3 (GNAI3) genes have recently been identified in ACS patients by exome sequencing. These genes are predicted to function within the G protein-coupled endothelin receptor pathway during craniofacial development.</p><p>Results We report eight additional cases ascribed to PLCB4 or GNAI3 gene lesions, comprising six heterozygous PLCB4 missense mutations, one heterozygous GNAI3 missense mutation and one homozygous PLCB4 intragenic deletion. Certain residues represent mutational hotspots; of the total of 11 ACS PLCB4 missense mutations now described, five disrupt Arg621 and two disrupt Asp360. The narrow distribution of mutations within protein space suggests that the mutations may result in dominantly interfering proteins, rather than haploinsufficiency. The consanguineous parents of the patient with a homozygous PLCB4 deletion each harboured the heterozygous deletion, but did not present the ACS phenotype, further suggesting that ACS is not caused by PLCB4 haploinsufficiency. In addition to ACS, the patient harbouring a homozygous deletion presented with central apnoea, a phenotype that has not been previously reported in ACS patients.</p><p>Conclusions These findings indicate that ACS is not only genetically heterogeneous but also an autosomal dominant or recessive condition according to the nature of the PLCB4 gene lesion.</p>