6 research outputs found

    Perancangan Kursi Dan Meja Ruang Tamu Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Dengan Metode Kansei Engineering Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Nilai Ekonomis Produk Rotan Di Desa Trangsan

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    Desa Trangsan merupakan daerah yang sebagian besar warganya adalah perajin rotan, dimana hasil produknya dipasarkan di kota di indonesia maupun di luar negeri. Pada waktu ini Industri didesa Trangsan sedang mengalami penurunan pangsa pasar. Salah satu penyebab turunnya pangsa pasar ini disebabkan karena kurangnya inovasi produk. Dari hal tersebut perlu adanya pengembangan produk berbasis kearifan lokal, produk yang dikembangkan meja dan kursi ruang tamu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsep desain produkberdasarkan kategori yang digunakan untuk merancang kursi dan meja ruang tamu yang berbasis kearifan lokal dan untuk mengetahui produk yang dirancang dapat menambah nilai ekonomis produk. Metode yang digunakan adalah Kansei Engineering, yaitu metode yang mendefinisikan keinginan konsumen berdasarkan image atau citra konsumen melalui kata-kata kansei ke dalam desain produk. Kemudian analisa Conjoint digunakan untuk mendapatkan nilai hubungan antara desain elemen dan Kansei Word. Sedangkan PI (Profitability Index) dan BCR (Benefit Cost Ratio) adalah metode yang digunakan untuk mengetahui nilai ekonomis berdasarkan nilai keuntungan dan nilai manfaat secara ekonomi. Hasil dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa kearifan lokal yang didapat adalah produk rotan dengan inovasi bahan unik dan ada unsur batik, jadi produk rotan yang dirancang ada unsur unik pada bahan baku dan ada unsur batiknya. Dari perhitungan didapatkan 13 pasang Kansei Word yang mewakili kata-kata yang tepat dengan mempertimbangkan produk yang ditawarkan. Hasil analisa Conjoint berdasarkan kategori yang berhubungan erat dengan masing-masing Kansei Word adalah konsep desain yaitu bentuk Full tumpuan, motif anyaman biasa, bahan rotan dan banana leaf, warna antiq gliss, ukuran kecil. Dari nilai PI dan BCR didapatkan bahwa meja dan kursi ruang tamu yang berbasis kearifan lokal dapat menambah nilai ekonomis produk, karena nilai PI dan BCR lebih dari 1

    Penerapan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja dengan Metode Hazard Operability Study di Industri Mebel Kabupaten Sukoharjo

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    The furniture industry is one of the largest industries in Sukoharjo Regency. Indeed, this industry is able to penetrate the international market share so that it has great potential. Behind this great potential, it is possible that there are potential hazards and work risks that arise in the manufacture of furniture. This study aims to determine the application of occupational health and safety in the furniture industry in Sukoharjo Regency. This research uses data analysis method with hazard operability study method. Based on the results of the study stated that there are five stages of work in the furniture industry in Sukoharjo Regency. The first step is sanding and then painting. The third stage is followed by drying and drying then packing and the last is the transportation of goods. Based on the results of the study, it can be seen that the potential for extreme work hazards is 10%, low risk is 40% and the rest is moderate and high risk

    Peningkatan Pengetahuan Posisi Duduk yang Baik Siswa SMP Guna Menghindari Gangguan Muskuloskeletal

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    Sitting position is a part of student’s activities. When students sit in wrong position in the long term that would cause back pain until musculoskeletal disorders. In industrial engineering studied about musculoskeletal disorders that can be seen by pain, stiffness, swelling, redness and changes in joint shape. This community service aims to provide knowledge about good sitting position for Junior High School of 10 Surakarta’s students to avoid musculoskeletal disorders. It is held by face to face. Started with socialization-consultation followed by demonstrations and examples good sitting recommendations. The results showed that all students understood and applied good sitting methods based on the criteria for a good sitting position with a score of more than 77% for each criterion. The details are all of them (100%) already know and apply sitting with an upright body position; 80% have implemented sitting with knees and hips parallel; 77% have implemented sitting with their feet flat on the floor; 90% have implemented sitting by setting a comfortable chair distance and 83% have implemented a reading distance of around 30 cm. It can be concluded that the principles of ergonomics are relevant for improving body posture and avoiding musculoskeletal disorders especially for students. So, it is expected that students consistently sit in a good position

    Pemetaan Limbah Kerajinan dan Industri Kecil Menengah Berbasis Eco-Industrial Park Menuju Kawasan Zero Waste di Kabupaten Sukoharjo

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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini mengenai pengelolaan limbah industri kecil menengah di Kabupaten Sukoharjo yang mengintegrasikan antar IKM. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui potensi limbah IKM di Kabupaten Sukoharjo agar dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan IKM secara ekonomi dan lingkungan dan untuk mengetahui apakah konsep eco-industrial park (EIP) bisa diterapkan pada IKM di Kabupaten Sukoharjo. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah dengan merancang konsep zero waste dari limbah masing-masing IKM dengan cara mendaur ulang dan/atau menggunakan kembali limbah yang dihasilkan, kemudian memetakan pengelolaan limbah IKM dalam sistem EIP realistis dan EIP menuju ideal sehingga menjadi kawasan industri yang  zero waste. Pemanfaatan limbah IKM dengan konsep sistem EIP realistis mampu memperoleh penghematan sebesar  Rp172.176.360,- per bulan dan peningkatan keuntungan sebesar Rp79.705.000,- per bulan dengan BCR sebesar 2,15. Sedangkan pemanfaatan potensi limbah IKM dengan konsep sistem EIP menuju ideal mampu memperoleh penghematan sebesar  Rp166.447.860,- per bulan dan peningkatan keuntungan sebesar Rp 66.409.100,- per bulan dengan peningkatan investasi sebesar Rp2.289.182.500,- dengan nilai BCR sebesar 1,89. Hasil analisis dampak lingkungan dari sistem EIP realistis dan sistem EIP menuju ideal adalah memiliki dampak positif terhadap lingkungan. Hasil analisis gap menunjukkan bahwa konsep (EIP) bisa diterapkan pada IKM di Kabupaten Sukoharjo.                       Kata kunci: IKM, limbah, EIP, zero waste ABSTRACTThis research is about Small Medium Industry (SMI) waste management which integrate SMIs in Sukoharjo. The aim of this study is to determine the potential of the SMI waste in order to improve the welfare of SMIs in Sukoharjo economically and environmentally, and to determine whether the concept of eco-industrial park (EIP) can be applied to SMIs in Sukoharjo. Results from this research is that with design the concept of zero waste from each IKM waste by recycling and / or reuse of waste produced, then mapping the SMI waste management to realistic EIP system and EIP towards the ideal system thus becoming a zero waste industrial region.  SMIs waste utilization with realistic EIP system capable of obtaining savings of Rp172.176.360, - per month and an increase in profit of Rp79.705.000, - per month with BCR of 2.15. While the concept of EIP towards the ideal system capable of obtaining savings of Rp166.447.860, - per month and an increase in profit of Rp 66.409.100, - per month with an increase in investment of Rp2,289,182,500,- with BCR of 1.89. Results of analysis of the environmental impact of EIP realistic system and EIP towards the ideal system is to have a positive impact to the environment. Results of the analysis gap shows that concept of EIP can be applied to SMIs in Sukoharjo. Keywords: SMI, waste, EIP, zero wast


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    Cassava is the main food commodity after rice and corn which is the most important in development of food diversification to maintain national food security. Cassava production can be increased by increasing productivity through the right combination of production factors. This study aims to determine the technical efficiency and the factors that cause the technical inefficiency of farming in Karanganyar Regency dry land. The study was conducted in Wonorejo Village, Jatiyoso District, Karanganyar Regency in July 2022. 60 respondents was taken as samples consisting of 30 farmers who grew Jalak Towo cassava variety and 30 farmers who grew another cassava variety. Data were analyzed using stochastic frontier production function that was estimated with the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) method. The results showed that cassava farms in general was technically efficient. The average technical efficiency is 76.9% and 80% of farmers have achieved technical efficiency above 70%. There are still opportunities to improve technical efficiency. Farming experience and growing Jalak Towo cassava variety have positive effect on technical efficiency