108 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Variasi Fraksi Volume Pada Komposit Serbuk Kayu Jati Bermatrik Epoxy Dengan Variasi Perbandingan 70%:30%, 60%:40% Dan 50%:50% Terhadap Peningkatan Kekuatan Tarik Dan Bending

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh fraks volume terhadap kekuatan tarik dan bending pada komposit serta untuk mengetahui besarnya harga kekuatan tarik dan bending tertinggi rata-rata. Dalam pembuatan komposit ini, bahan yang digunakan adalah partikel kayu jati dengan diameter 40 mesh bermatrik epoxy (resin dan hardener dengan perbandingan 1:1. Variasi fraksi volume adalah 70%, 60% dan 50%, sedangkan variasi ketebalannya 3 mm dan 4 mm dan 5 mm. Proses pembuatan dengan sistem Rolling Press Mold secara manual. Pengujian komposit sesuai dengan standar ASTM. Pengujian tarik menggunakan ASTM D 638-02 dan pengujian bending menggunakan ASTM D 790-02. Dari hasil pengujian tarik diperoleh kesimpulan semakin besar fraksi volume, maka akan semakin kecil kekuatan tarik rata-ratanya. Pada ketebalan core 3 mm, kekuatan tarik rata-rata tertinggi terjadi pada fraks volume 50%, yaitu sebesar 7.927 x 10 -6 MPa, sedangkan yang terendah adalah pada fraksi volume 70% yaitu sebesar 2.1 x 10 -6 MPa.pada ketebalan core 4 mm, kekuatan tarik rata-rata tertinggi terjadi pada fraks volume 50%, yaitu sebesar 8.385 x 10 -6 MPa, sedangkan yang terendah adalah pada fraksi volume 70% yaitu sebesar 2.118 x 10 -6 MPa. Sedangkan pada ketebalan core 5 mm, kekuatan tarik rata-rata tertingg terjadi pada fraksi volume 50%, yaitu sebesar 13.975 x 10 -6 MPa, sedangkan yang terendah adalah pada fraksi volume 70% yaitu sebesar 3.239 x 10 -6 MPa. Dari hasil pengujian bending diperoleh semakin besar fraksi volumenya, maka akan semakin kecil tegangan bending rata-ratanya. Pada ketebalan core 3 mm, tegangan bending rata-rata tertinggi terjadi pada fraksi berat 70% yaitu sebesar 4.854 x 10 -6 MPa, sedangkan yang terendah adalah pada fraksi volume 50% yaitu sebesar 3.467 x 10 -6 MPa dan Pada ketebalan core 4 mm, tegangan bending rata-rata tertinggi terjadi pada fraksi volume 60% yaitu sebesar 5.009 x 10 -6 MPa, sedangkan yang terendah adalah pada fraksi volume 70% yaitu sebesar 2.990 x 10 -6 MPa,Sedangkan pada ketebalan core 5 mm, tegangan bending rata-rata tertinggi terjadi pada fraksi volume 60% yaitu sebesar 4.814 x 10 -6 MPa, sedangkan yang terendah adalah pada fraksi volume 70% yaitu sebesar 1.190 x 10 -6 MPa

    Perancangan Alat Pencetakan Genteng Di UKM Udin

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    Mr. Udin SMEs engaged in the processing of scrap tires for your roof tiles, basins, pots. For the manufacture of roof tiles during this pack udin using molds that can only produce one tile for the first time the mold. This makes this work becomes longer, so in this study will be designed tile molds from old tires with the amount of 3 pieces of tile to tile molds after molding tool is designed to increase the production of tile tire by speeding up production time. This is also done to conserve fuel in the process of forming the tile of used tires, for it is in need of a proper method in the design of the tile display devices from scrap tires used method is the method Nigel Cross. The design of the tile display devices ergonomics with methods Nigel Cross has a length of 85 cm wide x 32 cm high x 37 cm. With tile molds form a length of 22 cm wide x 30 cm high x 2.5 cm with a tile thickness of 1 cm. The investment costs tile display devices of Rp 7,500,000. Based on the calculation of production, the results obtained before the implementation of the production was 92.8% and after the implementation of production is 166.6%. From the results before implementation and after implementation there is a comparison which shows that an increase in production of 73.8%. Improvement in posture and reduced complaints from as many as 70% are many as 70% are the answer to Mr Udin month ± 29 (days)


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    Industry Tahu Iyus is a business engaged in the industrial sector, this business makes white tofu and fried tofu. The problem that occurs in the Industry Tahu Iyus is that it is still difficult to determine the amount of tofu raw material inventory for the next month and experiencing an excess of tofu raw materials if this continues, the Industry Tahu Iyus will experience losses, one of the raw materials will be damaged and will experience a bad smell to the raw materials. The purpose of this research is to be able to build a forecasting system for the inventory of tofu raw materials in the Industry Tahu Iyus using previous data. The method that can be used in this study to predict the inventory of tofu raw materials is the Weighted Moving Average method, because this method is able to provide predictions by utilizing previous data and each data is given a different weight. This study applies the Weighted Moving Average method to obtain accurate forecasting results so as to minimize errors between forecasting and inventory reality, and is applied to a forecasting system for tofu raw material inventory per month with forecasting results for the following month, namely 4.150 Kg with a MAPE value of 6.54%

    Strategi Pembelajaran PQ4R: Pengembangan Buku Strategi Membaca Siswa Sekolah Dasar Berbasis Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter

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    Membaca adalah salah satu dari empat keterampilan dasar berbahasa yang perlu di miliki oleh masyarakat terutama bagi peserta didik, tidak hanya sebagai salah satu cara tersampaikannya informasi melainkan proses metakognitif yang bisa menjadi kebiasaan dan karakter individu. Tujuan dari artikel ini adalah mendeskripsikan salah satu strategi pembelajaran membaca bagi siswa di sekolah dasar dalam rangka pengembangan pembuatan buku strategi membaca siswa sekolah dasar berbasis penguatan Pendidikan karakter. PQ4R (Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, Review) merupakan salah satu strategi membaca yang efektif digunakan oleh guru untuk proses pembelajaran di kelas dengan tujuan selain memahami isi bacaan, memberi kesempatan siswa berpikir kritis dan kreatif dengan membiasakan menemukan masalah dan solusi sendiri. Selain karakter pembelajar yang didapatkan oleh siswa pembiasaan belajar mandiri menjadi salah satu ciri dari strategi PQ4R. Penerapan PQ4R juga memberikan kesempatan kepada kita untuk mengingat informasi itu dalam jangka waktu yang lebih lama daripada membaca yang biasa kita lakukan. Dengan demikian, membaca dengan menggunakan model ini berarti menghemat waktu dan tenaga guna memahami informasi penting yang kita butuhkan

    Pedagogical Competence: Effective Communication of Students of Primary School Teacher Education of Universitas Terbuka in Palembang

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    Teacher is the party who is responsible for continuity of effective communication in learning so the teacher is urged to have a good communicative competence with students in order to obtain effective learning process. In this study teacher is students of primary school teacher education who has worked as a teacher (in-service training) or educator. This study is aimed to know how the competence of teacher in communicating effectively to the students. The research method used is mix research method (Survey and Thematic Qualitative). As a result, the level of effective communicative competence of students of primary school teacher education of UT who are also as teacher of primary school in Palembang is under the standard determined by The Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud). Hence, some ideas are formulated in Forum Group Discussion (FGD) namely the need of comprehensive training program and are continuously from the related institution, need of teacher’s supplementary book, and need of more action research on effective communication of teacher. Some indicators agreed for effective communication for teacher are (1) the importance of communication with students. (2) Competence and performance of teacher in communicating with the students. (3) Communication with the students in education. (4) Effective communication with the students. (5) Effective communication with students. (6) Obstacles in communication among the students in education. (7) Learning strategy that can build communication and cooperation among the students. (8) Communication with students in learning as educative interaction. The indicator will further be a reference in developing module for improvement of learning program in Universitas Terbuka


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    The purpose of this research is to identify how is the role of images implementation in teaching English conversation. Rapid technological developments increasingly highlight the use of multimodality theory. Multimodal in this case has a metafunction. Multimodal is now used as a new learning resource that can be used in the learning process. This multimodal aims as an evolving approach to knowledge in visual or image sources. This study used a qualitative descriptive method. In this study, an analysis of multimodal literature is carried out, namely through pictures of English conversations, these images are then used in learning about conversations in English. Three steps of representational metafunction, an interpersonal metafunction, and a compositional metafunction were used to analyze the multimodality of images used as learning media in learning English. The results obtained are that there is an increase in students' understanding when using images as learning media in conversational material in English. Based on the analysis of three multimodal components, namely the representational, interpersonal, and compositional, it is possible to conclude that the image of the English conversation employed leads to adaptation to the qualities of the kid as a learner. Children enjoy animated characters, and the use of color and animation in drawings is designed to pique pupils' interest in participating in learning by displaying images of discussions and encouraging them to practice them

    Translation techniques of subtitle from english into indonesian in a movie: a case on literature

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    The object of research: This study is aimed to categorize the types of translation techniques and the most prevalent translation techniques used in movie subtitles, because the phenomenon that frequently occurs shows that it has a tendency to use subtitles regardless of their disadvantages, so the translator requires appropriate translation techniques in order to transfer the message clearly from the source language into the target language Investigated problem: The recent phenomenon in Indonesia shows that it has the tendency on using the subtitle regardless its drawback. As it is known, there is still the use of subtitles that are not of good quality and there is also the use of subtitles whose quality is much better based on the use appropriate translation techniques. Methodology: To answer the research question, a descriptive qualitative research strategy was utilized, as well as content analysis, which focuses on the analysis of the sorts of translation approaches proposed by Molina and Albir. The researchers used movie and documentation as the research instrument. The data source of this research was the movie script “The Spongebob Movie: Sponge on The Run” The area of practical use of the research results: As the result of this research, the researchers found 14 types of translation techniques. The most dominant of translation techniques is literal translation 67 data (33.5 %), followed by modulation 55 data (27.5 %), generalization 26 data (13 %), linguistic amplification 11 data (5.5 %), established equivalence 9 data (4.5 %), linguistic compression 8 data (4 %), transposition 7 data (3.5 %), compensation 5 data (2.5 %), calque and reduction 3 data for each other (1.5 %), borrowing and discursive creation 2 data for each other (1 %), adaptation and description 1 data for each other (0.5 %). Involving the total data are 200 data Innovative technological product: The result of this research as the reflection and references for linguists and scientist not only to the quality of machine translation such as google translate, and so on but also to the use of good translation in the subtitle in the future. Scope of the innovative technological product: The scope lies on the subtitle product produced by translator. The translator needs to know the target (audience) and the translation must meet the criteria and the target. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the translation techniques used in the translation of subtitle are literal translation and modulation. The result shows that literal translation and modulation are the main contributors on the translation techniques in order to accurately translate i

    Cerita Bergambar Berbasis Dilema Moral Dan Kearifan Lokal Di Sekolah Dasar

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    Banyak bahan bacaan yang tersedia untuk siswa sekolah dasar tetapi cenderung mewariskan nilai moral dan kurang memperhatikan perkembangan moral. Cerita bergambar berbasis pertimbangan moral bersifat konstruktif dalam kata lain tidak hanya mewariskan nilai moral tetapi juga mengembangkan nilai moral tersebut dengan bernalar. Cerita bergambar berbasis pertimbangan moral perlu diimbangi dengan kultur budaya Indonesia yang beragam guna memberikan pemahaman yang sesuai dengan karakteristik siswa Indonesia di berbagai daerah yang memiliki kearifan lokal, sehingga perlu peninjauan lebih lanjut mengenai pengembangan cerita bergambar berbasis pertimbangan moral dan kearifan lokal. Menghasilkan siswa yang memiliki kematangan pertimbangan moral dan juga tetap menjunjung nilai kearifan lokal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode D&D tipe ADDIE. Hasilnya pengembangan cerita bergambar berbasis dilema moral dan kearifan lokal diperoleh naskah-naskah cerita dan ilustrasi gambar yang sesuai dengan karakteristik dan kognitif siswa sekolah dasar


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    Provinsi Lampung merupakan salah satu wilayah penghasil udang vaname terbesar di Indonesia. Produktivitas udang vaname di Lampung mengalami pasang surut, salah satunya dikarenakan serangan penyakit golongan virus seperti WSSV, IHHNV dan IMNV. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi status penyebaran penyakit WSSV, IHHNV dan IMNV pada udang vaname dan mengevaluasi keefektifan penerapan Cara Karantina Ikan yang Baik (CKIB) dalam menekan penyebaran virus tersebut di Provinsi Lampung. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan pengumpulan data pengujian pada tahun 2019 yang berasal dari sampel umum, kegiatan pemantauan Penyakit Ikan Karantina (PIK) dan kegiatan CKIB, kemudian dilakukan analisa secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di Provinsi Lampung masih terdapat penyakit virus udang yaitu WSSV, IHHNV dan WSSV yang tersebar di sentra budidaya udang vaname. Dari sejumlah 624 total sampel pengujian, sebanyak 8.97% positif terinfeksi penyakit virus. WSSV memiliki tingkat infeksi terbesar yaitu 58.9%. Sedangkan untuk IMNV dan IHHNV masing-masing sebesar 33.9% dan 7.1%. Berdasarkan asal sampel pengujian dapat diketahui bahwa sampel yang diperoleh dari pembudidaya yang telah menerapkan CKIB menunjukkan hasil negatif untuk ketiga jenis virus target tersebut. Hal tersebut memberikan gambaran bahwa dengan penerapan CKIB secara konsisten dapat mengurangi tingkat penyebaran penyakit virus pada budidaya udang vaname.ROLES OF GOOD QUARANTINE PRACTICES IN THE SPREAD OF VIRUS DISEASES OF VANNAMEI SHRIMP (Litopenaeus vannamei) IN PROVINCE OF LAMPUNG. Lampung is one of the largest whiteleg shrimp (L. vannamei) producers in Indonesia. Whiteleg shrimp productivity in Lampung has fluctuated, one of which is due to infectious by virus disease. This study evaluated the current status of WSSV, IHHNV and WSSV diseases in whiteleg shrimp cultivation and assesses the effectivity of CKIB implementation in preventing the outspread of the shrimp viral diseases in Lampung. In this study, data from general samples, diseases monitoring/surveillance and Good Quarantine Practices (GQP) activities in 2019 were collected and then analyzed descriptively. Here, were report the emergence of shrimp viral diseases, e.g. WSSV, IHHNV and WSSV, in whiteleg shrimp aquaculture in Lampung. Infected shrimp were found in 8.97% of 624 tested samples. WSSV has the highest infection rate (58.9%) and followed by IMNV and IHHNV (33.9% and 7.1%, respectively). The samples collected from whiteleg shrimp aquaculture centre that applied GQP showed negative viral disease infection. These results demonstrate that consistent application of GQP in whiteleg shrimp cultivation can prevent the spread of shrimp viral disease


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    Determination of majors is very important for the convenience of prospective students in the process and continuation of education so that they do not experience difficulties in the teaching and learning process in the future. SMK 10 Muhammadiyah Kisaran is one of the private vocational schools in Asahan that provides 3 majors including Audio Video Engineering (TAV), Computer and Network Engineering (TKJ), and Motorcycle Engineering and Business (TBSM). SMK 10 Muhammadiyah Kisaran does not yet have a special system for selecting majors so that prospective students are welcome to choose majors according to their own wishes, not a few students find it difficult because the students themselves do not understand their abilities.so that it’s not uncommon for students to choose majors in a random way or follow their friends' choices. Therefore we need a system that can help prospective students in selecting majors that match their interests and talents and reduce mistakes in choosing majors. The technique used for the classification data mining model in this study is the Naïve Bayes Algorithm. The dataset that will be used as training data and test data is data for new students for the 2021/2022 school year, to be precise, for class X SMK 10 Muhammadiyah Kisaran obtained from the results of documentation and questionnaires. The criteria used were school origin, gender, interests, major, influence of friends, parental suggestions, math scores, English grades, and science grades. The results of the classification modeling with the Naïve Bayes Algorithm produce an accuracy value of 89%