60 research outputs found

    Waqf Based Education Independence In Making Islamic Education Institutions Quality

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    Education should be easily accessible for every child of the nation. There are still problems in the world of education, especially for people with low income. The potential of waqf is being promoted and developed in this country. However, it is unfortunate that the new funding has been allocated only as a boost to state finances, and the Indonesian Waqf Board has distributed it to the Ahcmad Wardi Eye Hospital in Serang, So through this research, the researcher proposes that the Indonesian waqf body also participate in developing a national scale Islamic education that can be accessed by anyone. like a quality Islamic education institution such as Al Azhar in Cairo and so on, where these educational institutions become large because of the independence of the institution that is financed by waqf. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. This research was conducted in order to aim for educational institutions to become independent through the empowerment of waqf

    Online-Based Learning Problematics Between Needs, Readiness And Implications On The Purity Of Learning Outcomes

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    ABSTRACT Online-based learning has been long echoed, online-based learning methods also have been implemented in several developed countries. In Indonesia it's self this method was already known as PJJ (distance learning). Does online based learning a necessity for students and teachers, while students and parents do not fully understand technology. then how the readiness technological infrastructure which includes the internet network, smartphones and laptops to support this learning, from the school and students. With the great distance between students and teachers, could online-based learning methods produce purity of learning outcomes. This paper will use qualitative methods, where data will be generated through observation, interviews and information from print and electronic media. The purpose of this paper is to map the problem of online base learning. at least, where one side of this method must be applied because of the pandemic period, on the other hand this method will not run optimally when conditions are normal. Keywords: online based learning, needs, purity of learning outcome

    Akibat Hukum Terhadap Para Pihak Dalam Penyelesaian Kredit Bermasalah Melalui Restrukturisasi Kredit Pada Bank Cimb Niaga

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    Credit restructuring is an alternative which is done by many banks, including recapitalized ones. The measures taken by Bank Indonesia to help credit restructuring process is by publishing the Decree of Directors of Bank Indonesia No. 31/150/KEP/DIR on November 12, 1998 on Credit Restructuring and the establishment of Satgas (Special Unit) of Credit Restructuring. The research used judicial normative and descriptive analytic methods. The result of the research shows that nonperforming loan can be restructured in Bank CIMB Niaga, Medan Branch when debtors have problems (business setback/serious financial problem) so that they fail to pay off the principal plus interest, on condition that they have good business prospect and are expected to be able to pay off the debt after the credit restructuring. Legal consequences against debtors are that there is the change of agreement between the Bank as creditor and the debtors in the right and obligation of both parties in the credit restructuring and the revocation of initial loan agreement which has been agreed and changed to new agreements which are indicated by the signing of new loan agreement as the result of new credit restructuring


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    Ideally, education can be accessed by every level of society. There are still problems in the world of education, especially for people with low incomes. The potential of waqf is being promoted and developed in this country. But it is unfortunate that the financing has only been allocated only as a strengthening of state finances in the form of buying sukuk. Governance has great potential in realizing a quality Islamic Educational Institution so that it can be reached by anyone, so through this research, the researcher proposes to the Indonesian waqf agency to also participate in developing National scale Islamic education that can be accessed by anyone, given the huge potential for waqf, especially in Indonesia. Where there are several quality and large educational institutions abroad because of the independence of their institutions which are financed by waqf. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. This research was conducted in order to aim at a quality Islamic Education Institution through the empowerment of waqf. Idealnya Pendidikan dapat di akses oleh setiap lapisan masyarakat. Masih adanya problematika dalam dunia Pendidikan terlebih bagi masyarakat yang berpenghasilan rendah. Potensi wakaf sedang digalakkan dan dikembangkan di negeri ini. Tetapi sangat disayangkan pembiayaannya baru dialokasikan hanya sebagai penguatan keuangan negara dalam bentuk pembelian sukuk, tata Kelola memilki potensi besar dalam mewujudkan Lembaga Pendidikan Islam yang berkualitas sehingga dapat dijangkau oleh siapa saja, maka melalui penelitian ini, peneliti mengusulkan kepada badan wakaf Indonesia juga ikut mengembangkan Pendidikan Islam skala nasional yang dapat diakses oleh siapa pun, meningat potensi wakaf begitu besar khusunya di Indonesia.  Dimana ada beberapa lembaga pendidikan di luar negeri berkualitas dan besar karena kemandirian lembaganya yang dibiayai oleh wakaf. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian ini dilakukan agar bertujuan Lembaga Pendidikan Islam yang berkualitas melalui pemberdayaan wakaf

    Penanaman dan Penguatan Nilai-Nilai Keislaman Melalui Perayaan Hari Besar Islam

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    Islam in indonesia develops very rapidly. Culture a to make infrastructure islamic teachings if received by the easy.Islamic can survive through tradition peringantan one a day developed by the clergy not before.Can be can be made by media refreshment in improving in values of islamic teachings, knowledge of islamic unmannerly value reflected in to in implementasikan in daily life.Perayaran a day is the concept to non formal education islamic values.The research uses the qualitative method.Technique data collection is in some literasi pertaining research and literature.Achieved results a day on a research that islamic faith and strengthening capable of increase faith and increase tolerance among the people someone religion

    Konversi Agama Ditinjau Dari Persfektif Kecerdasan Kognitif Dan Berfikir Kritis

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    Perubahan dalam dalam bentuk apapun adalah sebuah keniscayaan, baik disengaja ataupun tidak disengaja, baik dikaitkan dengan campur tangan tuhan ataupun karena usaha yang keras dari manusianya. Perubahan juga sering terjadi pada keyakinan atau sering disebut dengan konversi pada agama. Dalam penelitian ini yang akan dibahas adalah perubahan dari agama non muslim menjadi agama Islam, perubahan ini sering kali dimulai dari sikap kritis yang mengandalkan kecerdasan kognitif, berawal dari sebuah pencarian dimana pada agama lama banyak hal yang kadang dianggap tidak masuk akal serta mulai mengaitkan jika agama harus mampu diterima oleh logika manusia. Mulailah mencari sebanyak-banyak informasi agar dapat membuat perbandingan antar agama yang lama dengan agama yang akan dituju sehingga pada akhirnya diambillah sebuah keputusan. Tulisan ini menggunakan metodologi  kualitatif dan studi pustaka, ada beberapa nara sumber yang dijadikan data karena terlibat langsung dalam terjadinya konversi agama sebagai penguat data. Tujuan penelitian ini memberikan informasi bahwa perubahan harus dilakukan berdasarkan pengetahuan yang bersumber pada kecerdasan kognitif dan berfikir kritis, sehingga hasilnya dapat dipertanggung jawabkan


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    Social media is impacting the lives and religious attitudes of teenagers. Only adolescents who have the background of religious education is not too worried. The teenager still have an awareness of religious values that once they get to irregularities committed only to the extent of lying and less responsible for his obligations. As for teenagers who do not have the educational background of religion much negative impact, because their actions had led to the crime.The development of information technology has penetrated freely in human life, especially among teenagers. In use many of them often ignore religious values and social. Crime rate stems from social media is increasing, as if emphasizing the use of social media has an impact on the implementation of the social and religious values, especially among teenagers. Keywords : Social media, diversity youth, religious educatio

    Alternatif Pendidikan Non Formal dalam Meningkatkan Akhlak pada Anak Melalui Pendidikan Berbasis Masjid (Madrasah Diniyah/Sekolah Agama)

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    Changes in behavior are one of the goals of the education process. Behavior in Islam is called Akhlaq. Akhlaq in Indonesian is called character, where human behavior can be formed through the process of education in order to become a better person. Not only formal-based education there is also non-formal education and this is usually often held in mosques. Besides being used as a place of worship, a mosque can also be used as a place of religious study, the aim of which is to provide an understanding of Islamic values that are minimal in formal schools. The purpose of religious knowledge is conveyed to make children have a good personality that is akhlakul karimah. The morals of children are fostered and enhanced through mosque-based education where the material is about religion taught in the mosque. This writing uses qualitative research, because research is based on field observations. The purpose of writing is making children want to learn the science of religion which is held in a regular mosque. This kind of education is usually called Madrasah Diniyah or religious school

    Stratifikasi Sosial Ditinjau dari Aspek Santri dan Bukan Santri Di Desa Wargabinangun Kabupaten Cirebon

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    This research is conducted on a social stratification among the community, namely between santri (Islamic student) and non-santri. Even though such stratification has long been abolished since Islam existed among the Arabs in the past time, it in fact still exists in Indonesian society whose people practically understand religious knowledge. The research is expected to provide us information reminding us of the equivalence of human beings before God. The research uses a qualitative method, by which the data are collected from direct observation, interviews with santri, non-santri, and informants including village leaders and from other data sources. The data are analyzed in three simultaneous lines of activities consisting of  data reduction, data presentation, data verification and are then matched to the occurrences in the fiel


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    The aims of this research are: 1). To find out and analyze the influence of Online Consumer Reviews partially on purchasing decisions on the Shopee Marketplace. 2). To find out and analyze the influence of Online Consumer Rating partially on purchasing decisions on the Shopee Marketplace. 3). To find out and analyze the influence of Online Consumer Reviews and Online Consumer Ratings simultaneously on purchasing decisions on the Shopee Marketplace.This research was carried out in Samarinda. Samples were taken as many as 96 respondents with the Non Probability Sampling method with Purposive Sampling sampling technique. Collecting data by distributing questionnaires with a Likert scale to measure each indicator. The analytical tool in this study uses multiple linear regression with the SPSS application.The research results show that 1). The online consumer review variable has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. 2). The online consumer rating variable has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. 3). The online consumer review and online consumer rating variables together have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions.