5 research outputs found
Pola Hidup Masyarakat Pada Rumah Terapung (Lanting) Dalam Memanfaatkan Sungai Sebagai Sarana MCK di Kawasan Pahandut Seberang RT 05 Kota Palangka Raya
Penelitian ini ingin melihat permasalahan tentang pola hidup masyarakat Rumah Terapung (lanting) dan faktor penghambat dan penunjang kehidupan masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan sungai sebagai sarana MCK di Kawasan RT 05 Pahandut Sebrang Kota Palangka Raya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif atau kualitatif. Didasarkan atas kenyataan yang sedang berlangsung sekarang". Instrumen yang digunakan adalah meliputi : lembar observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data, digunakan reduksi data, penyajian data atau display data kemudian penarikan kesimpulan atau verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa masyarakat rumah terapung masih menggunakan sungai sebagai sarana MCK oleh masyarakat setempat dikarenakan sulitnya merubah kebiasaan lama yang ada sejak zaman nenek moyang hingga sekarang yang menjadi turun temurun menggunakan sungai sebagai sarana MCK dan kehidupan sehari-hari terutama masyarakat pinggiran sungai Kahayan serta kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat mengenai dampak kebiasaan menggunakan air sungai sebagai sarana MCK terlebih untuk dikonsumsi menjadi air minum. Faktor penyebab lainnya yaitu masalah ekonomi yang masih lemah dan tidak adanya aliran air bersih di Pahandut Seberang yang bisa menunjang kebutuhan masyarakat rumah terapung. Kurangnya sosialisasi yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah serta dinas kesehatan mengenai dampak yang akan terjadi jika terus menerus menggunakan air sungai sebagai sarana MCK di Pahandut Seberang RT 05 Kota Palangka Raya
Tingkat Kerawanan Kebakaran Hutan Dan Lahan Di Banjarbaru Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan
One of the areas in South Kalimantan that is prone to land fires is the Banjarbaru area, especially on peatlands. The fire in Banjarbaru is important because of the vital object of Syamsudin Noor Airport. Mapping of fire vulnerability was important for the Banjarbaru area, which had repeated fires throughout the year. The objective of the study was to analyze the vulnerability of forest and land fires in Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan Province. This study used Landsat 8 Oli Tirs imagery to obtain NDVI data and land cover maps from INA-Geoportal. The analysis of data used the scoring and overlay of the two maps. The level of vulnerability was dominated by the high vulnerability. The high level of vulnerability in Cempaka District was 81.9 %, in Banjarbaru Selatan District was around 99.5 %, in Banjarbaru Utara District was around 95.3 %, in Landasan Ulin District was around 94.1 % and in Lianganggang District was around 88.9 %. Land cover in the form of agriculture, plantations, and shrubs with moderate-high density caused the land to be more prone to fires
Performance of Hydrothermally Prepared NiMo Dispersed on Sulfated Zirconia Nano-Catalyst in The Conversion of Used Palm Cooking Oil into Jet Fuel Range Bio-Hydrocarbons
Human efforts to overcome environmental problems from using fossil fuels continue, such as hydroconversion of biomass into bio-jet fuel. Research on producing a jet fuel range of bio-hydrocarbons from used palm cooking oil catalyzed by sulfated zirconia impregnated with nickel-molybdenum bimetal has been successfully conducted. The hydrothermal method synthesized the nano-catalyst material in the sulfation and impregnation processes. The hydroconversion process was carried out at atmospheric pressure and a temperature of 300–600 °C for 2 h with a hydrogen gas flow rate of 20 mL/min and a catalyst-to-feed ratio of 1:100 (wt%). Compared with zirconia and sulfated zirconia, NiMo-impregnated sulfated zirconia showed the best activity and selectivity in bio-jet fuel production with liquid product and selectivity of 61.07% and 43.49%, respectively. This catalyst also performed well in three consecutive runs, with bio-jet fuel selectivity in the second and third runs of 51.68% and 30.86%, respectively. Copyright © 2024 by Authors, Published by BCREC Publishing Group. This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)
Recycling of nickel metal from spent nickel-manganese-cobalt (NMC) cathode batteries using H3PO4–H2C2O4 solution combination as an efficient leaching agent
Nickel-manganese-cobalt (NMC) is a type of cathode material widely used in lithium-ion batteries (LiBs). It performs well on high energy density and thermal stability, but after several charged-discharged cycles, its capacity significantly degrades and becomes waste. Leaching methods with strong inorganic acids are widely used to prevent the release of valuable metals into the environment. Still, these methods must be effectively achieved regarding the low selectivity of specific metals and environmental emissions. This study presents a selective leaching treatment for Ni metals extraction with the organic acid combination of H3PO4–H2C2O4 as a leaching agent. The research started with preparation, including discharge, dismantling, calcination steps, leaching, and precipitation. Ni, Mn, and Co leaching efficiency can reach up to 99.90 %, 3.29 %, and 43.65 %, respectively. The leaching experiment shows that a combination system contributes to obtaining excellent selectivity towards Ni metals compared to the others. The optimum conditions for selectively recovering Ni metals were an H3PO4–H2C2O4 volume ratio of 8:2 and a liquid-solid ratio of 25 mL/g, leaching at 60 °C for 1.5 h. The thermodynamics and kinetics of the leaching reactions were analyzed to determine the feasibility of leaching three metals. Leachate, which is Ni-saturated from cathode powder, was added with Cyanex272 to facilitate the precipitation of Ni3(PO4)2 with a yield of up to 40 %. This study presents a potential ''waste-to-wealth'' approach to lead the efficient and environmental recycling of spent NMC cathode LIBs