45 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kepemimpinan Karang Taruna RW 21 Desa Suci Manyar Gresik

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    The purpose of this service is to carry out the Leadership learning process, and improve the quality of Team Effectiveness. Materials for the Styles of Leadership, and Effective Team program are given using lecture and discussion methods. The target audience is the administrators and coaches of Karang Taruna. The results of the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) showed that telling leadership could not increase the quantity of activities and the quality of activities as well as the time used. The leadership learning process at the Karang Taruna organization RW 21 Suci Village, Manyar District, Gresik Regency, the behavior of the leader succeeded in influencing his group members to carry out the work. Improving the quality of Team Effectiveness in the organization Karang Taruna RW 21 Suci Village, Manyar District, Gresik Regency, selling, participating, and delegating leadership can improve the performance of its members


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    Kinerja yang dihasilkan oleh Koperasi Karyawan “Sinar Mentari” Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik dapat dilihat dari hasil usaha yang bersifat financial. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai alat evaluasi atas kinerja yang telah dicapai untuk pengambilan keputusan. Laporan keuangan merupakan alat yang sangat penting untuk memperoleh informasi sehubungan dengan posisi keuangan dan hasil usaha yang telah dicapai oleh koperasi. Untuk mengetahui kemampuan dalam memenuhi kewajiban jangka pendek yang harus segera dipenuhi atau kemampuan koperasi untuk memenuhi kewajiban keuangan pada saat ditagih menggunakan analisis rasio likuiditas. Untuk mengetahui kemampuan dalam memenuhi kewajiban keuangannya apabila koperasi dilikuidasi, baik kewajiban keuangan jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang menggunakan analisis rasio solvabilitas. Untuk mengetahui kemampuan untuk menghasilkan laba selama periode tertentu menggunakan analisis rasio rentabilitas. Koperasi Karyawan “SINAR MENTARI” Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik mampu untuk memenuhi kewajiban keuangan jangka pendek yang harus segera dipenuhi atau saat ditagih serta cukup mampu untuk menjalankan aktivitas operasinya pada Tahun Buku 2009 – 2012. Koperasi Karyawan “SINAR MENTARI” Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik sangat mampu untuk memenuhi kewajiban keuangannya apabila koperasi dilikuidasi, baik kewajiban keuangan jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang, tetapi kurang mampu untuk mengelola Asset dan hutang pada Tahun Buku 2009 – 2012. Koperasi Karyawan “SINAR MENTARI” Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik sangat mampu untuk menghasilkan laba selama periode Tahun Buku 2009 – 2012 dan sudah berkinerja istimewa karena kemampuanya untuk menghasilkan keuntungan dengan menggunakan modalnya sendiri sudah tinggi

    Manajemen Rantai Pasokan Perusahaan Pt.Agro Aku Bisa

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    Jagung merupakan salah satu komoditas jagung yang sangat vital di kemudian hari. Jagung juga merupakan salah satu bahan pokok karena kekurangannya sebagai bahan pangan alami yang memiliki manfaat diet tinggi dan merupakan sumber utama gula dan protein. Penelitian ini dilakukan di PT. Agro Aku Bisa jember jawa timur, untuk memenuhi persyaratan memenuhi persyaratan kebutuhan dari konsumen serara efisien untuk mana yang akan datang, SCM dalam industri pertanian jagung mendapatkan informasi persediaan bibit, hasil tani, dan pendistribusian hasil pertanian jagung lebih optimal supaya SCM dalam industri pertanian jagung dapat berjalan optimal, efektif dan efisien. Tujuan penelitian ini Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kinerja manajemen rantai pasokan perusahaan PT.Agro Aku Bisa, bagaimana cara mendistribusikan bahan baku ke petani,bagaimana proses produksi dan hasil panen. Penelitian ini tergolong pada jenis penelitian kualitiatif dengan menggunakan data primer yang meliputi wawancara dan observasi langsung. Agroindustri Pelaku Supply chain Adalah Agroindustri. Agroindustri yang dimaksud adalah agroindustri Perusahaan Jagung. Agroindustri perusahaan Jagung yang menjadi pelaku supply chain ini berada di JL. Kyai Mojo, Kaliwates, Jember, Jawa Timur. Pemasok Pemasok adalah pelaku Supply chain setelah Agroindustri. Pemasok yang dimaksud berasal dari beberapa perusahaan yang memproduksi pupuk, bibit tanaman, obaat-obatan untuk pertanian, Pemasok atau vendor yang bekerja sama dengan PT. Agro Aku Bisa Yakni PT. Petrosida Gresik. Rantai pasokan agroindustri PT. Agro Aku Bisa adalah perusahaan Agroindustri – PT. Agro aku bisa – petani - Pemask – produsen – KonsumenPenelitian ini dilakukan di PT. Agro Aku Bisa jember jawa timur, untuk memenuhi persyaratan memenuhi persyaratan kebutuhan dari konsumen serara efisien untuk mana yang akan datang, SCM dalam industri pertanian jagung mendapatkan informasi persediaan bibit, hasil tani, dan pendistribusian hasil pertanian jagung lebih optimal supaya SCM dalam industri pertanian jagung dapat berjalan optimal, efektif dan efisien. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) menganalisis kinerja manajemen rantai paasokan pertanian jagung di PT. Agro Aku Bisa jember (2) Bagaimana cara mendistribusikan bahan pokok atau bahan baku ke petani yang bermitra di PT. Agro Aku Bis

    Profit of Traditional Food Stall Traders in Facing Modern Restaurants in the Perspective of Service

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    Traditional food stall traders in Cerme District experienced a decrease in profit due to the existence of Modern Restaurant. Traditional food stall traders still survive in the face of competition problems with modern restaurants. This study aims to determine the profit of traditional food stalls facing modern restaurants in the perspective of service quality. By collecting data from 5 informants and 1 key informant as the initial opening of the research to find more accurate results. The presentation of the data was carried out using the interactive model of Miles and Huberman (1984), namely data collection, data reduction, data display and verification. The results of the data analysis of the traditional food stall traders survive in the face of modern restaurants and still earn profits by implementing service quality through the perspective of tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. The results of the research on the profits of traditional food stall traders in dealing with modern restaurants in a service perspective are Tangible: Cleanliness and tidiness of traditional food stalls, Reliability: Speed ​​and accuracy, Responsiveness: Facilities and inventory of goods, Assurance: Maintaining ethics, polite and patient language, Empathy: Buyer's request. Keywords: Profit; Traditional Food Stalls; Modern Restaurant; Service Quality Perspectiv


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    Dividend distribution becomes a complicated problem due to differences in interests between  management and shareholders. Dividends are part of the profits obtained by the company during its business which are distributed to shareholders. The dividend payout ratio determines the amount of profit divided into cash dividends and retained earnings. If the retained earnings of the company are large, the profit to be paid as a dividend will be smaller. Important aspect of dividend policy is determining the appropriate profit allocation between payment of earnings as retained earnings and earnings as dividends. Analysis of the data used in this study uses Partial Least Square (PLS). Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) has a significant negative effect on Return on Assets (ROA). Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) does not directly influence Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR). Return on Assets (ROA) has a significant positive effect on Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR). Return on Assets (ROA) is not able to mediate between Debt to Equity (DER) with Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR)

    The Meaning of Income in The Perspective of Patience Traders During The 2019 Corona Virus Disease Pandemic

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    Traders at Balongpanggang Traditional Market experienced a decrease in income during the 2019 corona virus disease pandemic. Traders at Balongpanggang Traditional Market still earned income, although not as much as before the 2019 corona virus pandemic. Traders remained steadfast in facing a decline in income, remained diligent in running their business even though their income has decreased and remains steadfast in their stance and does not give up easily in obtaining income. This study aims to find out why the traders in Balongpanggang Market are steadfast, persevering and face a decline in income. By collecting data from 8 informants and 1 key informant as an opening research to find accurate results. The presentation of the data is carried out using data analysis, namely data reduction, data display and drawing conclusions. The results of data analysis on traders' income during the 2019 corona virus disease pandemic were very large, but the traders at Balongpanggang Traditional Market remained firm in their stance in running their business because of their expertise and motivation. Traders in Traditional Markets also remain steadfast in the face of declining incomes for family welfare and happiness. In addition, the traders at the Balongpanggang Traditional Market continue to run their business by monitoring the selling of merchandise and never giving up to earn income

    Pendampingan Penyusunan Rencana Anggaran Belanja (RAB) dan Laporan Keuangan Pada Amal Usaha Muhammadiyah Lamongan

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    Based on Law no. 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education, the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) process should be carried out at least once a year. Currently, the quality and managerial system at one of the charities of Muhamamdiyah Lamongan is still not very good. Organizational management is already running but not in accordance with the desired national university standards. Many things are still done manually and have not been synergized properly. This service aims to help partners become quality universities and can compete with other universities. This service activity is also expected to bring changes to the management system, especially in the financial sector so that it is arranged according to university standard rules. The service team will provide explanations regarding national university standards and ways to achieve perfect quality so that they can get excellent or even superior accreditation scores. The method used in this service is to provide assistance and workshops related to the management of the financial system. The results of the training provide benefits, namely the creation of a good financial system in accordance with National Higher Education Standards and improving the quality of higher education as a whole

    The Effect of Capital, Working Hours, and Prices on Income of Fish Traders During The 2019 Corona Virus Disease

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    ABSTRACT Perekonomian pada masa pandemi saat ini, memang membuat semua masyarakat indonesia merasa dirugikan. Pendapatan masyarakat mengalami penurunan semenjak adanya covid-19. Fenomena yang terjadi pada masyarakat di daerah Pesisir Kabupaten Lamongan adalah kondisi kehidupan perekonomian masyarakatnya selalu tidak pasti, namun dengan pedagang-pedagang lain selain di Lamongan yang rata-rata mengalami penurunan pendapatan dikarenakan volume penunjung berkurang, tetapi pada masa covid-19 ini pedagang di TPI Brondong masih memilih bertahan untuk tetap menjadikan usaha menjadi pedagang ikan di pertahankan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan menganalisis Pengaruh Modal, Jam Kerja, Dan Harga Terhadap Pendapatan Pedagang Ikan, karena pendapatan merupakan hasil kerja dalam kegiatan usaha maupun yang lain demi menghasilkan keuntungan. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 152 pedagang ikan yang dilakukan di Tempat Pelelangan Ikan Brondong Lamongan. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif dan pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisi regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel Modal berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Pendapatan, variabel Jam Kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Pendapatan, dan variabel Harga berpengaruh  positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap Pendapatan. Kata Kunci: Pendapatan, Modal, Jam Kerja, Harga ABSTRACT The economy during the current pandemic has indeed made all Indonesian people feel disadvantaged. People's incomes have decreased since the Covid-19 outbreak. The phenomenon that occurs in the community in the Coastal area of ​​Lamongan Regency is that the economic life conditions of the people are always uncertain, but with traders other than in Lamongan, the average income decreases because the volume of visitors decreases, but during the Covid-19 period, traders at TPI Brondong still choose to survive to keep the business of being a fish trader maintained. This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of capital, working hours, and prices on the income of fish traders, because income is the result of work in business or other activities to generate profits. The number of samples in this study were 152 fish traders conducted at the Lamongan Brondong Fish Auction Place. This study uses quantitative research and testing is done using multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that the capital variable has a positive and significant effect on income, the working hours variable has a positive and significant effect on income, and the price variable has a positive and insignificant effect on income. Keywords: Income , Capital, Working Hours, Pric

    Revenue in Service Quality Perspective at A Traditional Coffee Shop in Balongpanggang Village

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    ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze the income description of traditional coffee shops in Balongpanggang Village through 5 dimensions of service quality dslsm facing cafes in Balongpanggang sub-district. By collecting data from 5 informants and 1 key informant as the opening of the research to find accurate results. The presentation of the data is done using data analysis, namely data reduction, data display and conclusions. The results of this study found that the income earned by paying attention to the tangible dimension was caused by the cleanliness and tidiness of the coffee shop. Earnings income by taking into account the dimension of reliability is caused by the application of careful and fast services. Earnings revenue by paying attention to the dimension of responsiveness caused by customer requests and notifications. Earnings income by paying attention to the assurance dimension is caused by inspection of goods, price stability, honesty, courtesy and patience. Earning income by paying attention to the empathy dimension is caused by greeting, joking, tolerance and incentives