46 research outputs found

    Minat Siswa SMP N RSBI Dan Ssn Di Kota Semarang Dalam Memilih Smk

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    The objective of this study is to know junior high school students interest in choosing vocational school (SMK). The research took place in 2 RSBI junior high schools and 2 SSN junior high schools in Semarang. The population of this study 854 students and the samples were 120 students.The data were collected by questionnaire and interview. Then, the data were analyzed by percentage description. The results showed that (1) RSBI junior high school students interest in choosing vocational school is very low. (2) SSN junior high school students interest in choosing vocational school is very low

    Faktor Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Siswa SMP N Di Kota Semarang Memilih Smk

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    The study analyzed the factors which influence State Junior High Schools students in Semarang to choose Vocational Schools. It was a descriptive quantitative research done at ex-RSBI and SSN Junior High Schools in Semarang. The populations were 854 students and taken 120 students as the samples. The data were collected by questionnaire, and in-depth interviews. Then, the data were analyzed by descriptive quantitative and qualitative. The result of the study showed that: 1) the promotion about SMK had the significant influence toward students' interest to choose SMK, 2) the location of SMK had the significant influence toward students' interest to choose SMK, 3) the socio-economic background did not influence students' interest to choose SMK, 4) the closest reference influenced students' interest to choose SMK, 5) the students' perception about SMK influenced students' interest to choose SMK, 6) the students' motivation influenced students' interest to choose SMK, 7) the departments of SMK influenced students' interest to choose SMK, 8) the promotion, the location of SMK, the students' socio economic background, the reference, the perception, the motivation and the departments of SMK influenced simultaneously students' interest to choose SMK

    The Economic Values of Pancasila in the Local Wisdom of Harvesting Rice at Kampung Naga

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    This research aims to explore the economic values of Pancasila in the local wisdom of harvesting rice in Kampung Naga, Tasikmalaya, West Java. An ethnographic type of qualitative research is conducted in Kampung Naga, Neglasari Village, Salawu District, Tasikmalaya Regency of West Java. The informants of this research are 20 people consisting of the head of the custom, head of the cooperative association, and farmers in Kampung Naga. The data are collected using in-depth interviews. They are then analyzed using data triangulation, including data reduction, presentation, and conclusions are drawn. The results show that the economic values of Pancasila in the local wisdom of harvesting rice in Kampung Naga are classified into practical value, the cost-saving value of harvesting, economic equity value, and the value of increasing income. Keywords: Economic values of Pancasila, Cost-saving harvesting, Local wisdom, Economic EquityJEL Classification: D40, I3

    Karakter Dan Pemahaman Pendidikan Karakter Mahasiswa Pendidikan Akuntansi Melalui Pembelajaran Strategi Belajar Mengajar Berkarakter

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    The objectives of the study were to understand (1) students' understanding about character education after joining the class of teaching-learning strategy of character Accounting, (2) the characters of education students after joining the class of character Accounting. It was a class action research and the respondents were 53 Accounting Education students in the 5th semester. The study was done in 2 cycles. The data were collected by tests and observation and were analyzed by percentage descriptive. The result of study showed that: 1) Students' understandings of character education increased 27% in the 1st cycle and 39% in the 2nd cycle. 2) The character average of education students was 82.2% in good category

    Analisa Spasial dan Temporal Suhu Permukaan Laut dan Klorofil-a selama 2 Dekade di Perairan Indonesia

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    Pemahaman pola variabilitas secara spasial dan temporal atas perubahan yang terjadi di lautan sangat penting dilakukan untuk pengelolaan laut. Lautan Indonesia merupakan satu-satunya jalur yang menghubungkan cekungan samudera yang berbeda di daerah tropis, sehingga memainkan peranan penting dalam samudera dan sistem iklim. Suhu permukaan laut (SST) dan Klorofil-a (Chl-a) seringkali digunakan untuk memantau kondisi Lautan terlebih dibawah pengaruh perubahan iklim. Perubahan kedua parameter yang signifikan sangat mempengaruhi produktivitas sumber daya lautan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengkaji variabilitas spasio temporal SST dan Chl-a di Laut Indonesia selama 2 dekade (2000-2020) dengan menggunakan data citra MODIS TERRA harian. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menganalisis sebaran spasial dan temporal SST dan Chl-a Laut Indonesia dan analisis temporal tiga daerah bagian, yaitu Laut Cina Selatan, Utara Papua, dan Selatan Jawa. Analisa ini didasarkan pada nilai anomali yang didapat dari pengurangan nilai parameter dengan nilai historis (rerata nilai seluruh data). Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terjadi kenaikan slope SST 0,024⁰C/tahun dan Chl-a 0,0012 mg-3/tahun di Indonesia. Slope positif juga ditemui pada ketiga daerah studi. Perairan Selatan Jawa memiliki slope yang paling tinggi dari Laut China Selatan dan Utara Papua. Variabilitas SST dan Chl-a Indonesia mengalami perubahan yang sangat variatif sejak 10 tahun terakhir.Kata Kunci: Spatio temporal, Suhu Permukaan Laut, Klorofil-a, Perubahan Iklim, Indonesi

    Moving with the Soul: Cipari Peasant Movements for Land Rights in Indonesia

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    This research explains movements by peasants in Cipari, Cilacap, Central Java, Indonesia, in demanding their land rights. Compared with similar cases in Indonesia, efforts by Cipari peasants paid off in the end and presented a unique case of success. Cipari peasants obtained ownership rights to the land on their terms. Through an empirical case study approach, we found that the Cipari peasant movement to fight for land rights lasted for a long period of time, beginning in the post-independence era and extending through the post-collapse of Indonesia’s New Order regime. For Cipari peasants, land is not just a means of production or economic resource but also has socio-cultural value and, more importantly, embodies spiritual (religious) values. These social and cultural factors provided the main driver for Cipari peasants to persist in undertaking their resistance movement. Over a long process, Cipari peasants obtained legal title to land in the form of land certificates. We show that the Cipari peasant social and resistance movement emerged and continued to develop not solely because of political opportunities but especially due to its socio-cultural values about land


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    The study analyzed the factors which influence State Junior High Schools students in Semarang to choose Vocational Schools. It was a descriptive quantitative research done at ex-RSBI and SSN Junior High Schools in Semarang. The populations were 854 students and taken 120 students as the samples. The data were collected by questionnaire, and in-depth interviews. Then, the data were analyzed by descriptive quantitative and qualitative. The result of the study showed that: 1) the promotion about SMK had the significant influence toward students’ interest to choose SMK, 2) the location of SMK had the significant influence toward students’ interest to choose SMK, 3) the socio-economic background did not influence students’ interest to choose SMK, 4) the closest reference influenced students’ interest to choose SMK, 5) the students’ perception about SMK influenced students’ interest to choose SMK, 6) the students’ motivation influenced students’ interest to choose SMK, 7) the departments of SMK influenced students’ interest to choose SMK, 8) the promotion, the location of SMK, the students’ socio economic background, the reference, the perception, the motivation and the departments of SMK influenced simultaneously students’ interest to choose SMK


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    The objective of this study is to know junior high school students interest in choosing vocational school (SMK). The research took place in 2 RSBI junior high schools and 2 SSN junior high schools in Semarang. The population of this study 854 students and the samples were 120 students.The data were collected by questionnaire and interview. Then, the data were analyzed by percentage description. The results showed that (1) RSBI junior high school students interest in choosing vocational school is very low. (2) SSN junior high school students interest in choosing vocational school is very low.</em


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    Accounting lesson is considered as a difficult lesson by most students in SMK/SMA. It is even sometimes worse with the less ability of accounting teachers to select learning methods thatcan attract students’ attention and thought. Therefore, it is necessary to find an alternative learning which can help students to involve in the real situation which is fun and memorable. The learning model which can fulfill the fun situation is the role playing. The steps to implement this model in the learning of accounting cycle for trade firm are to divide students in groups and to give each of them an opportunity to play a role. In practice, each student changers the role weekly based on the order. The model makesstuents easier to understand the basic accounting and leads the teachers evaluate the materials if the lack of conformity occurs during the learning.</em