21 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Kualitas Layanan Industri Jasa Melalui Pendekatan Integrasi Metoda Servqual-six Sigma Atau Servqual-qfd

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    SERVQUAL merupakan salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur kepuasan pelanggan atas jasa yang telah diterimanya yakni dengan cara membandingkan tingkat persepsi dan ekspektasinya. Servqual menilai kualitas pelayanan berdasarkan lima dimensi kualitas, yaitu dimensi empathy, assurance, reliability, responsivenes, dan tangibles. Six Sigma merupakan suatu metode atau teknik pengendalian dan peningkatan kualitas dramatik yang merupakan terobosan baru dalam bidang kualitas dan selalu berorientasi pada Kepuasan Pelanggan dengan suatu pengukuran target Sigma Quality Level. Langkah-Langkah Six Sigma adalah Define (D), Measure (M), Analyze (A), Improve (I) , Control (C) Quality Function Deployment (QFD) adalah suatu metode terstruktur untuk merencanakan dan mengembangkan yang memungkinkan tim pengembangan untuk mengklasifikasikaan keinginan dan kebutuhan konsumen serta mengevaluasi masing-masing kegunaan kemampuan produk atau jasa secara sistematis daalam memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen [Cohen, 1995. Hal 11]. QFD berusaha menerjemahkan apa yang dibutuhkan pelanggan menjadi apa yang dihasilkan Perusahaan. Dengan demikian QFD memungkinkan suatu Perusahaan untuk memprioritaskan kebutuhan pelanggan, menemukan tanggapan inovatif terhadap kebutuhan tersebut, dan memperbaiki proses hingga tercapai efektifitas maksimum. Struktur QFD biasa digambarkan dalam House Of Quality Integrasi metoda Servqual-Six Sigma, bertujuan agar hasil pengukuran SERVQUAL yang dianalisis dengan Importance Performance Matrix untuk mengetahui variabel-variabel kritis, dilanjutkan dengan perhitungan DPMO dan nilai sigma variabel-variabel kritis tersebut sehingga dapat diketahui variabel-variabel yang menjadi prioritas perbaikan. Sedangkan dengan metoda Servqual-QFD, diharapkan suatu Perusahaan dapat memprioritaskan kebutuhan pelanggan, menemukan tanggapan inovatif terhadap kebutuhan tersebut, dan memperbaiki proses hingga tercapai efektifitas maksimum Kombinasi-kombinasi tersebut merupakan upaya alternatif yang bisa dilakukan oleh industri jasa dalam meningkatkan kualitas jasa pelayanan. Dalam studi ini kesenjangan yang diukur adalah kesenjangan antara persepsi pihak penyedia jasa dengan harapan pelanggan yang sebenarnya (Gap 1) dan kesenjangan antara persepsi pelanggan dengan ekspektasi pelanggan (Gap 5)

    Analisis Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Intensi Pembelian Hijau Pada Green Cosmetic

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    The current increase public awareness of the environment against environmental degradation , environmental awareness is also affecting people's habits as consumers . People tend to want products that are environmentally friendly . These conditions resulted in the company adapting environmental problems . One of the concepts that currently can be adapted by the company is green marketing . Companies that create products are green can pave the way for manufacturers to enter the market , especially green product market . This study used a survey method . Factors examined include factors perceived product price and quality ( PQ ) , organization 's green image ( OGI ) , environmental concerns ( EC ) , and environmental knowledge ( EK ) against green purchase intention ( GPI ) . The research found that before dimoderating by PQ all independent factors have a significant influence on purchase intentions green . After dimoderating by PQ all independent factors did not have a significant effect on purchase intentions green because consumers are sensitive to price causes consumer intentions to buy the product is reduced . Businessmen are advised to consider the factors in order to improve the cosmetic green business

    Penetapan Strategi Pengembangan Wisata dengan Menggunakan Strategy-formulation Framework (Studi Kasus pada Agrowisata Kampoeng Kopi Banaran)

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    Kampoeng Kopi Banaran Agrotourism is a tourist destination in Semarang Regency. It is managed by PT Perkebunan Nusantara IX, Bawen. Nowadays, Kampoeng Kopi Banaran Agrotourism has a development tourism. However, decreasing of visitors and fluctuation of profit took place in 2013 and 2014. Preliminary questionnaire given to 30 visitors shows that 20% of visitors prefers Kampoeng Kopi BanaranAgrotourism as a main destination, while the rest 80% of the visitors prefers Kampoeng Kopi BanaranAgrotourism not to be the main destination. Furthermore, 86,67% of visitors demands a suitable development or increase of tourist attraction, 13,33% of visitors declares those unessential. Internal and external variables of environmental analysis are used in this research, which consist of attraction, accessibility, amenity, safety, ancilary, activity, social issues dan community involvment. The following step is constructed with formulation of strategy with SWOT matrix, IE matrix, SPACE matrix, and Grand Strategy matrix which is resulting in market penetration strategy, product development strategy, and future integration strategy. Strategy implementation with QSPM shows the biggest total score with product development strategy (score of 5,829). Market penetration strategy (score of 5,751) as the second priority and future integration strategy (score of 4,686) as the third priority

    Analisis Sikap Konsumen terhadap Bauran Pemasaran Jasa Kurir Pos Indonesia dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen

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    With the passage of Law 38 of 2009 on the abolition of the monopoly market by Pos Indonesia, making competition in the courier service industry is getting tougher. Pos Indonesia to be able to excel in competition, it is necessary to know the position Pos Indonesia in competition with the main competitor Tiki and JNE according to the views or attitudes of consumers towards variable or attribute that is attached to the courier service. In addition to looking at the situation outside the company, Pos Indonesia to maintain its own consumers need to know the variables that influence customer loyalty.By using descriptive statistical analysis found the largest consumer evaluation value in a variable product , process , and price . While the gap analysis obtained by these three variables is also a weakness of Pos Indonesia . With the model of Fishbein Attitude , attitude consumer value obtained Pos Indonesia at 169.75 with a prominent variable in the variable pace , consumer attitudes Tiki value of 159.83 with the advantages of the process variable , while the value of attitude konsuemn JNE is 171.81, with the variabl prominent products is variable . Further analysis using a statistical causal with multiple linear regression , hypothesis testing based on the results of the F test shows that the marketing mix 7P Pos Indonesia attached to a linear effect on consumer loyalty to the values of determination coefficient of 0.488. While the t-test result that there are no independent variables that significantly affect customer loyalt