290 research outputs found


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    A research entitled Quality Assurance Management of Graduates in Ma’aarif NU Vocational High School Bobotsari and Muhammadiyah 2 Vocational High School Purbalingga, has done to find out the formulation of the quality assurance management of graduates, to find out the implementation of the model quality assurance management of graduates, and to find out the evaluation and controlling system the model of the quality assurance management of graduates in Ma’arif NU Vocational High School Bobotsari and Muhammadiyah 2 Vocational High School Purbalingga. The benefits of the research are theoritically expected to contribute ideas for the development of quality assurance management of graduates in vocational high schools. In other words, this study is expected to be a source of discussion and a source of inspiration, and practically, for principals of vocational high school institutions in taking decisions related to the development of vocational high school education institution he leads, as an effort to improve the quality of school management to ensuring the quality of education esspecially quality of the graduates, add knowledge of quality assurance management of graduates. This research was qualitative descriptive research and the subject of the research are principal, vice principal such as curriculum affairs, student affairs, public relations affair, equipments affairs, quality management representative team, teachers, employees and others who can provide information related to the research. This research was conducted using data collection methods such us observation, documentation and interview. The result of research show that Quality assurance management of graduates in Ma'arif NU Vocational High School Bobotsari and muhammadiyah 2 Vocational hig school Purbalingga using the form QMS ISO 9001: 2008, both of using steps according Deming’s 14 Theories to reach quality assurance management of graduates, The assesment of quality assurance management of graduates in Ma’arif NU Vocational High School is through self assesment and external audit. While in Muhammadiyah 2 Vocational High School Purbalingga is through self assesment, fulfillment customer satisfaction, monitoring & measurement, and external audit

    Analisis Pengaruh Motivasi, Disiplin Kerja Dan Kemampuan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pada Dinas Kominfo Kabupaten Blitar

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of motivation, work discipline and work ability on the performance of the Employees of the Office of Communication and Information Blitar in partial and simultaneous. The population and sample used in this study were all employees of the Office of Communication and Information of Blitar Regency, totaling 43 people consisting of echelon II, III, IV officials and staff. The results showed that (1) the variable of work motivation did not significantly influence the performance variable partially, where the value of sig. the result is greater than 0.05. (2) Work discipline does not significantly influence employee performance partially, where sig. the result is greater than 0.05. (3) Work ability has a significant effect on employee performance. (4) Together - the Motivation, Work Discipline and Work Ability variables in this study significantly influence employee performance. In accordance with the basis of decision making, that the significance value is 0.024 less than 0.05

    Marketing Concepts of New Housing Projects in Surabaya during Pandemic based on Property Agent Perspective

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    The increasing demand and needs of consumers in property transactions makes the need for property agents even greater. In a pandemic condition that limits direct interaction, many housing developers have difficulty selling their housing products due to limited interaction with potential consumers and the lack of up-to-date information on housing products that consumers are interested in during this pandemic. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors and sequence of criteria that became the basis for selecting new housing during the pandemic based on the perspective of a property agent.This study uses qualitative and quantitative research using interview data and processed into numerical data using product, price, promotion, place, and person variables. The method used is the Delphi method, AHP and Content Analysis, with the Delphi method useful for determining criteria and indicators that are validated from experts and AHP functioning as a weight for the validated criteria. While Content Analysis is used to formulate concepts.The results of this study obtained a sequence of variables that affect Product, (2) Place, (3) Price, (4) Promotion, (5) People

    Arahan Pemanfaatan Ruang untuk Aktivitas Pendukung Bandar Udara Juanda

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    Sistem transportasi yang layak dan efisien merupakan komponen fundamental dan penting bagi perekonomian wilayah mana pun. Perkembangan Bandar Udara Juanda meningkat pesat dan memiliki peran yang vital bagi perekonomian Indonesia, baik dari segi komersial maupun militer. Bandar Udara Juanda juga berperan penting sebagai pintu gerbang Indonesia ke perekonomian dunia melalui penerbangan internasionalnya. Besarnya peran yang dimiliki bandara ini membuat ditetapkannya Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus perdagangan di sekitar Bandar Udara Juanda yang berada di Kecamatan Sedati, guna mendukung keberadaan dan peran bandara. Namun, di wilayah tersebut, perdagangan yang tumbuh masih berskala lokal. Selain itu, muncul berbagai permasalahan ruang, seperti banjir, kemacetan, dan kawasan kumuh. Sehingga perkembangan kawasan sekitar tidak dapat mendukung keberadaan bandar udara. Perlu adanya penelitian yang mengkaji bagaimana arah pemanfaatan ruang sehingga aktivitas yang ada dapat mendukung bandar udara. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Delphi, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), analisis komparasi deskriptif, dan triangulasi data. Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan, didapatkan bahwa ada 20 aktivitas pendukung Bandar Udara Juanda, dan terdapat lima aktivitas yang paling penting, yaitu Ruang Terbuka Hijau, Jaringan Jalan, Sistem Persampahan, Jalur Kereta Api, dan Minimarket. Adapun arah pemanfaatan ruang untuk lima aktivitas tersebut, yaitu perlunya dilakukan penambahan luas RTH pada bagian Barat dan Timur Bandar Udara yang masuk ke dalam kawasan kebisingan tingkat tiga, pelebaran jalan untuk aksesibilitas internal kawasan sekitar Bandar Udara Juanda, yakni di Jalan Sedati Gede, Garuda, Rajawali, Pulungan, dan Buncitan, pengembangan teknologi dalam sistem pengolahan persampahan, pengembangan jalur kereta api, serta penambahan pengembangan minimarket secara lebih spesifik dalam rencana tata ruang


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    Kejadian presentasi sungsang umumnya terjadi pada usia kehamilan 28 minggu masih cukup tingg. Kehamilan dengan presentasi sungsang merupakan satu dari empat indikasi utama untuk seksio sesarea di seluruh dunia. Mengurangi kejadian morbiditas dan mortalitas sebagian besar janin dengan presentasi sungsang mempunyai bahaya yang signifikan. Terdapat dua cara yang dipakai untuk mengubah presentasi bokong menjadi presentasi kepala yaitu knee chest position (posisi dada lutut) pada ibu serta moksibusi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui efektivitas Moksibusi dan Posisi Knee Chest  Terhadap Keberhasilan Pemutaran Posisi Janin dengan Presentasi Sungsang Pada Kehamilan Trimester III. Desain penelitian posttest only with control design. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah  ibu hamil dengan presentasi sungsang usia kehamilan pada 30-37 minggu yang berkunjung di 5 Praktik Mandiri Bidan di Surabaya dan 5 Puskesmas di Surabaya. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah Purposive Sampling. Analisis data menggunakan uji T tidak berpasangan atau uji Mann Whitney. Hasil Moxibusi lebih efektif dari knee chest terhadap keberhasilan pemutaran posisi janin dengan presentasi sungsang pada kehamilan trimeseter III dengan p=0,000 dengan rata-rata waktu pemutaran posisi janin dengan moxibusi yaitu 11 hari sedangkan knee chest 18 hari

    Penentuan Kriteria Pengembangan Agrowisata di Kecamatan Sukapura Kabuapaten Probolinggo

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    Kecamatan Sukapura dalam RTRW Kab. Probolinggo Tahun 2010-2029 diarahkan sebagai agrowisata. Kecamatan ini memiliki sumber daya lokal yang berpotensi untuk mendukung pengembangan agrowisata, baik dari sumber daya alam meliputi komoditas pertanian, kondisi alam dan iklim maupun sumber daya manusia seperti kemampuan dan kualiatas masyarakat serta budaya yang dimiliki masyarakat. Namun faktanya agrowisata di kecamatan sukapura belum memanfaatkan potensi sumber daya lokal secara optimal. Untuk itu diperlukan penelitian untuk menentukan kriteria pengembangan agrowisata di Kecamatan Sukapura sehingga potensi sumber daya lokal yang ada dapat teroptimalkan dengan baik dalam mendukung pengembangan agrowisata di Kecamatan Sukapura. Dalam proses analisis dibagi menjadi dua tahapan yaitu analisis konten dan order analysis. Analisis konten menggunakan input data berupa transkip wawancara, sedangkan order analysis menggunakan input berupa hasil kuisioner skala guttman. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini yaitu kriteria pengembangan agrowisata yang terdari dari variabel atraksi dan jenis komoditas pertanian, objek wisata lain, fasilitas, infrastruktur, kerjasama, transportasi, ketahanan bencana, sikap dan keramahan masyarakat, dan produk agrowisata


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    This study aims to examine the effect of Profitability and solvability on tax avoidance in LQ-45 companies before and during the Covid19 pandemic. The observations used a total of 152 as different test observations and 75 as influence test observations before Covid-19 and 72 as influence test observations during Covid-19, these observations were carried out using the purposive sampling method for sampling and data. The analysis used is multiple linear regression analysis and independent sample t-test analysis. The independent variables used are profitability and solvency then the dependent variable is tax avoidance with size and PPE control variables while for the independent sample t-test using tax avoidance variables. The results of the F test show that the regression model is feasible to use, while the results of the t-test analysis show that the profitability variable has a significant positive effect on tax evasion on both phenomena before and during Covid-19, while solvency has no effect on both phenomena before and during Covid-19, for test results difference shows F which is not significant, meaning that there is no difference before and during Covid-19. So it can be concluded that profitability affects tax evasion in a positive direction and solvency does not affect tax evasion with different test results which state that there is no difference in behavior tax evasion before and during Covid–19
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