42 research outputs found
Khasiat Antioksidan Dan Antihipertensi Buah Mengkudu (Morinda Citrifolia Fructus) Dalam Penanganan Preeklamsi
Preeklamsi masih menjadi salah satu penyebab utama tingginya kematian ibu dan bayi. Etiologi dan patofisiologi yang lengkap dan benar dari preeklamsi masih belum diketahui, sehingga penanganan yang tepat dan baku juga belum ada. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mencari peluang digunakannya buah mengkudu sebagai salah satu obat alternatif dan atau tambahan pada penanganan preeklamsi.Tulisan ini merupakan suatu studi kepustakaan. Diketahui bahwa salah satu mekanisme yang diduga menyebabkan terjadinya preeklamsi adalah akibat hipoksia trofoblas yang menghasilkan sejumlah besar radikal bebas sehingga menyebabkan terjadinya disfungsi endotel pembuluh darah dan mengakibatkan dilepaskannya suatu sitokin yang bersifat vasokonstriktor dan terganggunya produksi zat vasodilator yang bermanifestasi pada timbulnya trias gejala preeklamsi, yaitu hipertensi, edema dan proteinuria. Buah mengkudu secara empiris digunakan sebagai obat penurun tekanan darah dan dari berbagai penelitian terbukti memiliki berbagai senyawa aktif seperti scopoletin dan asam amino arginin suatu prekursor nitrik oksida yang bersifat vasodilator, serta asam askorbat dan flavonoid yang berfungsi sebagai antioksidan. Dalam uji preklinik, buah mengkudu juga telah dibuktikan memiliki tingkat keamanan yang baik dan secara empiris aman digunakan oleh ibu hamil.Disimpulkan bahwa buah mengkudu dengan sifat antioksidan dan antihipertensinya memiliki peluang untuk digunakan sebagai salah satu obat alternatif dan atau tambahan pada penanganan preeklamsi
Perilaku Seksual Ditinjau Dari Pemahaman Konsep Reproduksi Manusia, Periiatian Orang Tua Dan Jenis Kelamin Siswa Kelas III Semester Gasal SMA Negeri 5 Surakarta Tahun Pelajaran
The aims of this research are to know the influence of (1) human reproduction understanding (2)parental cares, (3) sexes and (4) interaction ofeach factor toward the sexual behavior ofthe students.The method used in this research was descriptive-quantitative method by expost facto. Research wascarried out upon 3 rd grade students of SMA N 5 Surakarta as the population that sampled. The samplingtechnique used was random sampling technique which sampled l2O students. The data collected by usingevaluation (test) method, documentation and anquette and analyzed by using analyses of variance.Statistical results showed that (1) the influence of human reproduction understanding toward sexualbehavior is (Fo > Ft= 5.23 > 5.18), (2) parental cares toward sexual behavior is ( Fo > Ft = 12.654 > 5.18), (3)sexes toward sexual behavior is ( Fo > Ft = 70.712 > 5.18), (4) interaction between human reproductionunderstanding and parental cares toward sexual behavior is ( Fo > Ft = 5.666 > 5.18), (5) interaction betweenhuman reproduction understanding and sexes toward sexual behavioris ( Fo > Ft = 7 .701 > 5.18), (6) interactionbetween parental cares and sexes toward sexual behavior is ( Fo > Ft = 10.295 > 5.18), (7) interaction among thethree factors toward sexual behavior is ( Fo> Ft = 5.364 > 5.18)
The Influence of Product Quality, Prices and Promotions on Interest in Buying Sri Sulastri's Batik
This study aims to determine the effect of product quality, price and promotion of buying interest in Sri Sulastri's Batik of Bantul Yogyakarta. Type of research that used was quantitative research with survey methods. Sample in research was 100 customers who visited the Sri Sulastri's Batik Bantul Yogyakarta. Collection data methods used a questionnaire. Data analysis used multiple linear regression test. The results of the analysis show, 1) the quality of the product has influential positive and significant effect on buying interest in Sri Sulastri's Batik Bantul Yogyakarta, 2) price has positive and significant effect on buying interest in Sri Sulastri's batik Bantul Yogyakarta, 3) promotion has a positive and significant effect on the interest in buying Sri Sulastri's batik Bantul Yogyakarta, 4) coefficient of determination (R2) obtained for 0.536, which means that 53.6% of the product quality, price and promotion variables explain the variance of interest in buying interest, the remaining 46.44% is explained by other variables.Conclusion that product quality, price and promotion have an effect on buying interest Sri Sulastri's Batik Bantul Yogyakarta.
Keywords: product quality, price, promotion, buying interes
Gambaran Kepadatan Tulang Wanita Menopause Pada Kelompok βXβ Di Bandung
Osteoporosis merupakan penyakit tulang yang biasanya asimtomatis dan baru disadari bila telah terjadi fraktura. Insidensi osteoporosis pada wanita meningkat dari 15 % pada usia 60-64 tahun, menjadi 70 % pada usia lebih dari 80 tahun. Di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia, data mengenai penyakit ini masih belum banyak dijumpai. Oleh karena itu peneliti merasa penting untuk melakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai status kepadatan tulang serta proporsi kejadian osteoporosis pada wanita menopause kelompok ‘X’ di Bandung. Penelitian ini bersifat survei, prospektif dengan melakukan pengukuran kepadatan tulang secara ultrasonometri pada os calcaneus kaki kanan setiap subyek penelitian (30 orang) dan kontrol penelitian (30 orang) yang memenuhi kriteria yang telah ditetapkan dan sampel dipilih dengan cara consecutive admission. Analisis statistik secara deskriptif dan didapatkan hasil nilai rata-rata ( x ) T-score pada kelompok SP –3.0 , SD 0.8 ; kelompok KP +0.25, SD 0.42 (p < 0.0001), dengan status kepadatan tulang : 73.3 % osteoporosis, 26.7 % osteopeni, 0 % normal. Disimpulkan bahwa gambaran status kepadatan tulang pada wanita menopause kelompok “X” di Bandung adalah 73.3 % osteoporosis dan 26.7 % osteopeni dengan rata-rata T-score – 3.0 serta tidak didapatkan status kepadatan tulang yang normal. Mengingat angka kejadian osteoporosis yang cukup besar, diharapkan masyarakat dapat memeriksakan status kepadatan tulangnya sedini mungkin, sehingga dapat dilakukan penanganan seoptimal mungkin
Utilization of Audiovisual Media and Snowball Throwing Method to Improvement Biological Learning Process on the Eleventh Years of Natural Science 2 in Batik I Surakarta Senior High School the Year Educated of 2007/2008
Purpose of this research is to improvement biological learning process at human nervous and sense system materials by using audiovisual media and Snowball Throwing method on the eleventh years of natural science 2 in Batik I Surakarta senior high school the year educated of 2007/2008. Kind of this research is Classroom Action Research (PTK), which is conducted in 2 cycles. The action research includes: identifying, planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Subject of this research is student of eleventh years of natural science 2 in Batik I Surakarta senior hight school the year educated of 2007/2008. Technique collecting data are observational technique by using observational document, questionnaire, interview, document analysis, and test. Technique analyzing data in this research use descriptive qualitative method. The result of the research show that utilization of audiovisual media and Snowball Throwing method can improvement biological learning process which is characterized with the increases of student\u27s result. The result of observatioru student\u27s learning process is increases of active students from first cycle to second cycle are 16,275%. The result of average student\u27s cognitive study increases 10,5 from first cycle to second cycle. The result of student\u27s affective study increases 5,58% from first cycle to second cycle. Based on the research can be concluded that: utilization of audiovisual media and Snowball Throwing rnethod can improvement biological learning process on the eleventh years of natural science 2 in Batik I Surakarta senior high school the year educated of 2007/2008
Discovery Learning Model for Enhancing Oral Activities of High School Student
Improving students' participation in the classroom is challenging, particularly in the oral activities. Learning strategy have to be arranged appropriately in order to provide as much as possible chance for students to do oral activities. The objective of this research is to improve oral activities of high school student by applying discovery learning model. There were 36 high school students of one public high school in Karanganyar, Indonesia purposively selected as participants. The discovery learning model was applied within 3 cycles and each cycle consists of 4 phases, namely planning, action, observation, and reflection. Data were obtained by observation, interview, and documentation, and triangulation method was conducted for validation of the data. Data were analysed based on VICS Flanders wooksheet. The result shows that student oral activities had been enhanced. The oral activities from pre-cycle to the last cycle respectively were 2.21%, 41.60%, 60.34%, and 78.75%. It can be concluded that discovery learning positively enhance student's oral activities
Teacher\u27s Willingness Towards the Implementation of Scientific Approach: From Theory to Implementation
Attitude is essential issue to be considered in designing an appropriate learning for learners because it greatly affects the performance and implementation of the teaching and learning process in the classroom. One of the most important attitudes to be explored is the willingness of teachers to implement the curriculum set by the government. This study aims to determine the willingness of English teachers to carry out scientific approach and also to know the implementation of scientific approach in the learning. This research applies qualitative approach with case study design. It is conducted in SMAN 1 Situbondo with three teachers become the informants. Interview and observation are implemented to explore the willingness and the implementation of Scientific Approach. Data analysis in this research using Spradley\u27s method. From this research, it can be seen that the teachers has enough willingness to apply scientific approach totally. Furthermore, the implementation of scientific approach has been implemented well enough and has implemented it in accordance with government regulation