28 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dipicu oleh permasalahan penilaian pembelajaran menulis yang belum sepenuhnya mengakomodasi keragaman belajar setiap siswa. Dalam proses penilaian, semua siswa diperlakukan sebagai entitas yang sama walaupun memiliki kemampuan dan potensi yang berbeda-beda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan sebuah model penilaian diferensiasi dengan mengakomodasi keragaman pada setiap siswa sehingga kemampuan menulisnya dapat meningkatkan. Metode yang digunakan adalah Research and Development dengan desain Four-D dari Thiagarajan. Partisipan yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa dan guru SMA di Wilayah Bandung Raya yang dipilih secara purposive sampling. Siswa yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 136 orang, sedangkan guru berjumlah 8 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu tes, studi dokumentasi, observasi, angket, dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis kualitatif dan teknik kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) profil penilaian menulis saat ini menunjukkan bahwa kondisi penilaian yang masih belum optimal, baik pada kegiatan pembelajaran, proses penilaian, serta instrumen penilaian yang digunakan. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan pengembangan model penilaian diferensiasi yang mampu meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran menulis dengan mengakomodasi kesiapan, minat, dan gaya belajar masing-masing siswa; 2) perancangan model penilaian diferensiasi didesain menggunakan mekanisme model dan spesifikasi produk sehingga menghasilkan model hipotetik yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan saat ini di lapangan; 3) pengembangan dan pengujian model menunjukkan bahwa model penilaian diferensiasi yang dikembangkan telah memenuhi standar kelayakan serta memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap perbaikan proses dan hasil pembelajaran menulis. Hal itu dibuktikan dengan perolehan skor tes yang lebih tinggi secara signifikan pada taraf α ≤ 0.050 baik pada hasil tes awal maupun tes akhir; 4) penyebarluasan model penelitian dilakukan melalui penyusunan buku panduan, pelatihan, serta publikasi ilmiah. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut, membuktikan bahwa model penilaian diferensiasi yang dikembangkan dengan mengakomodasi kebutuhan dan potensi diri setiap siswa dapat digunakan secara efektif serta mampu meningkatkan kemampuan menulis siswa. This research is motivated by the low ability of high school students in learning to write in Indonesian. This issue is triggered by the problems in the writing assessment process that neglect the differences in students' learning abilities. In the assessment process, all students are treated as the same entity despite having different abilities and potentials. This study aims to develop a differentiated assessment model in writing learning in high schools by analyzing and describing the writing assessment profile, model design, model development, and dissemination of the model. The method used is Research and Development with Thiagarajan's Four-D design. The participants involved in this study were high school students and teachers in the Greater Bandung area selected through purposive sampling. The students involved in this study numbered 136, while the teachers numbered 8. Data collection techniques used were tests, document studies, observations, questionnaires, and interviews. The data analysis techniques used were qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques. The results of the study show that 1) the writing assessment profile indicates suboptimal assessment conditions, both in learning activities, the assessment process, and the assessment instruments used. Therefore, there is a need for the development of a differentiated assessment model that can evaluate the writing learning process and outcomes according to each student's readiness, interests, and learning styles; 2) the design of the differentiated assessment model is developed using model mechanisms and product specifications, resulting in a hypothetical model that fits the conditions and needs in the field; 3) the development and testing of the model show that the differentiated assessment model meets feasibility standards and has a positive impact on improving the writing learning process and outcomes. This is evidenced by significantly higher test scores at the α ≤ 0.050 level in both initial and final test results; 4) the dissemination of the research model is carried out through the preparation of guidebooks, training, and scientific publications. Based on these findings, it is proven that the differentiated assessment model can be effectively used in writing learning by maximizing the development of each student's potential in writing learning


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    Transformator adalah alat listrik yang dapat memindahkan energi listrik dan mengubah tegangan listrik dari satu rangkaian listrik ke rangkaian listrik lain melalui gandengan elektromagnet. Tansformator daya digunakan untuk memikul beban listrik dengan arus relatif besar.. Paralel transformator perlu dilakukan guna mendapatkan kapasitas  suplai daya yang lebih besar sehingga tidak terjadi kelebihan beban (over load) yang dapat mengakibatkan pemadaman yang tidak dikehendaki. Beberapa syarat untuk bekerja paralel dua atau lebih transformator perlu diperhatikan yaitu antara lain faktor perbandingan belitan, polaritas kutub belitan, impedansi belitan,  konfigurasi hubungan belitan primer dan sekunder, serta jam vektor tegangan primer dan sekunder.. Tidak dipenuhinya syarat tersebut akan berakibat terjadi kegagalan untuk bekerja paralel. Faktor perbandingan belitan harus sama meskipun tegangan primer dan sekunder dari tiap transformator berbeda. Faktor perbandingan belitan diketahui dari perbandingan tegangan primer dan sekunder. Impedansi harus sama meskipun kapasitas daya transformator berbeda. Polaritas kutub belitan harus benar agar tranformator tidak menjadi beban. Polaritas kutub belitan dapat diketahui dari hasil pengujian polaritas. Konfigurasi hubungan belitan primer dan sekunder dari transformator tiga fasa harus benar dan jam vektor tegangan harus sama agar tidak ada beda fasa. Konfigurasi hubungan belitan antara lain adalah Yy, Yd, Dd, Dy. Beda fasa vektor tegangan antara sisi primer dan sekunder yaitu tiap jam sebesar 30° yang dinyatakan berturut-turut dari  jam 1 hingga jam 12.A transformer is an electrical device that can transfer electrical energy and change electric voltage from one electrical circuit to another by means of an electromagnet coupling. Power transformers are used to carry electrical loads with relatively large currents. Parallel transformers need to be carried out in order to obtain a larger power supply capacity so that there is no overload (overload) which can result in unwanted blackouts. Several conditions for parallel work of two or more transformers need to be considered, namely among others the winding ratio factor, the polarity of the winding poles, the impedance of the winding, the configuration of the primary and secondary winding relationships, as well as the primary and secondary voltage vector clocks. Failure to comply with these conditions will result in failure to work parallel. The turns ratio factor must be the same even though the primary and secondary voltages of each transformer are different. The turns ratio factor is known from the comparison of the primary and secondary voltages. The impedance must be the same even if the power capacity of the transformer is different. The polarity of the winding poles must be correct so that the transformer does not become a load. The polarity of the winding poles can be known from the polarity test results. The configuration of the primary and secondary winding connections of a three-phase transformer must be correct and the clock voltage vector must be the same so that there is no phase difference. The winding connection configurations include Yy, Yd, Dd, Dy. The phase difference of the voltage vector between the primary and secondary sides, namely every hour, is 30° which is expressed successively from 1 to 12 hours

    Gambaran Pengolahan Air Limbah Rumah Sakit Jiwa Daerah Provinsi Lampung Tahun 2020

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    The hospital is one of the efforts to improve health consisting of medical centers and doctors' offices which are also supported by other units, such as operating rooms, laboratories, pharmacy, administration, kitchen, laundry, waste and waste treatment, as well as organizing education and training . The purpose of this study was to determine the description of wastewater treatment in Lampung Province Mental Hospital in 2020. The type of this research was a descriptive study using qualitative methods, with the object of research being the entire wastewater treatment system of Lampung Province Mental Hospital in 2020. Data collection obtained through observations and observations of the condition of the drainage of wastewater treatment, and interviews with related sections, namely the sanitation department and WWTP officers of Lampung Province Mental Hospital about the wastewater treatment process. From the results of the research that has been done, it can be seen in the treatment of wastewater in the Lampung Provincial Mental Hospital that has not gone well. In the treatment of wastewater treatment plants WWTP off, the wastewater from laundry is not flowed to WWTP, the inspection of wastewater quality is not in accordance with established regulations

    The Time Budget of Javan Deer (Rusa timorensis, Blainville 1822) in Panaitan Island, Ujung Kulon National Park, Banten, Indonesia

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    Javan deer that exist in Panaitan Island was reintroduced from Peucang Island during 1978-1982. We observed behavior of the reintroduced Javan deer inhabiting Panaitan Island. Javan deer in this island spent most of their diurnal time for feeding. There were no significant differences between all age-sex variation for all activities pattern. The behavior of Javan deer was influenced by age, sex, social group, temperature, and food availability

    Pengaruh Perendaman Air Kapur Terhadap Kadar Sulfat Dan Kekuatan Gel Karaginan Rumput Laut Kappaphycus Alvarezii

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    Gel formation is the result of crosslinking between adjacent helical chains, with sulphate groups facing to the outside. The theoretical basic is using alkaline compounds are cheap and easily available to eliminate the sulfate groups on the K-carrageenan, with the water immersion method of Ca(OH)2 to increase the degree of molecular uniformity and gel strength. This study is to determine the effect of Ca(OH)2 water immersion of sulphate content and gel strength. This study its experimental research laboratory with a completely randomized design and variations in treatment where seaweed samples were treated with submersion of Ca(OH)2 at different concentration (1.2 g/L, 0.6 g/L, and 0.3 g/L). The experiments were performed with 3 replications. The first extraction process used 5% KOH, being the second extraction used 1% KCl. Determination was carried out toward powder of carrageenan, its chemical characters (moisture content, ash, and sulphate), physical characters (viscosity, gel strength, and color of thalus) carrageenan had produced. The results showed that seaweed treated with 0.3 g/L Ca(OH)2 very significantly influent (p <0.01), produced the highest gel strength at 516.23 dyne/cm with the lowest sulfate levels at 20.84 %

    PROSPEK PENGGUNAAN Sarcocystis singaporensis UNTUK PENGENDALIAN BIOLOGIS POPULASI TIKUS SAWAH (Rattus argentiventer) (Prospect of Sarcocystis singaporensis for the Biological Control of Rice Field Rats (Rattus argentiventer) Population)

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    Rice field rats are important pests of paddy crop in Indonesia, because many unsuccessful paddy crop attacked by rats. Many rodenticide types are produced, especially chemical rodenticide type the actually effect of unfavourable to environment. Biological rodenticide types (bio rodenticide) are still developed slimmest even still very rare, though bio rodenticide types are environmental friendliness. Bio rodenticide type that developed by PPPG Pertanian is using Sarcocystis singaporensis, that is a specific parasite microorganism type lives in rats body. S. singaporensis reproduces sexually in the intestine of reticulated python (Pyhton reticulatus) and transmitted via faeces (in form of sporocyst) to various rats species (Jaekel, 2001). In rats body, the parasite multiplies inside the cell of blood vessel until it forms cyst in muscle, causing rats become death. This parasite not endanger both for human being and also snake. Dosage of S. singaporensis in killing male and also female rice field rats do not related by the age class of rats. The effect on giving Sarcocystis singaporensis on day of death to female rice field rats do not related by the age class of rats, however day of death of the young male rats has quicker than adult rats.Key words : Sarcocystis singaporensis, rodenticide, biological rodenticide, Rattus argentiventer


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    Long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis Raffles 1821) in Gunung Walat University Forest (HPGW) was introduced in 1980/1981. Thirty years post-introduction, there was no any research on the species. The objectives of the research were to estimate demographic parameters and home range of long-tailed macaque in HPGW. This research was conducted from March to May 2012. These data were collected using concentration count method based on sex and age structure. Composition and structure of vegetations analyzed using line-plot sampling method. The groups movement of the long-tailed macaque were recorded using GPS and analyzed using maximum convex polygon. Four groups of long-tailed macaque were observed in HPGW. Population size were 108 individual and group sizes were 30, 23, 24, 31 respectively. Population density were 0,3 per Ha, natality was 0,24, mortality juvenile to sub adult was 0,64 and mortality sub adult to adult was 0,30. Population of macaque groups indicated progressive population based on age structure. Homerange of the groups were 29,26 Ha;  19,73 Ha; 26,94 Ha and 15,78 Ha for group A, B, C, D respectively. Dominant factors of habitat of the long-tailed macaque were elevation (X1), temperature (X2) and moisture (X3). Based on the dominant factor of the habitat, the result from multiple linear regression was Y=-30,964+0,028X1+0,675X2+0,317X3, where Y=size group, R2=75,3%. Key words: long-tailed macaque, demographic parameters, population, home range, Gunung Walat Education Fores


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    As one of the very rare and critically endangered species, Javan rhinoceros currently has a population of around 40-50 heads and can only be found in Ujung Kulon National Park. However, these numbers are still questionable due to the lack of description provided by the existing methods in estimating the entire population of Javan rhinoceros in the Ujung Kulon peninsula. The Javan rhinoceros timid nature, high alertness, and tendency to avoid direct contact with human and other wildlife are the factors that complicate the estimation of population. These factors make the Javan rhinoceros difficult to find and to track. One method that can be used is the video trap data analysis method. The objective of  this research was to obtain information on the time and duration of Javan rhinoceros wallowing activities, the patterns and mechanisms of Javan rhinoceros wallowing activities, and the types of activity of Javan rhinoceros during wallowing. Keywords :  Javan rhinoceros, wallowing behavio