25 research outputs found


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    IMPLEMENTASI PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER DI SMA KRISTEN PELITA NUSANTARA KASIH SURAKARTA. S811202018. Eka Budhi Santosa, Samsi Haryanto, Joko Nurkamto. Program Studi Teknologi Pendidikan, Fakultas Pascasarjana, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta Abstrak Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan: (1) Mendeskripsikan perencanaan pendidikan karakter di SMA Kristen Pelita Nusantara Kasih; (2) Mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan pendidikan karakter di SMA Kristen Pelita Nusantara Kasih Surakarta; (3) Mendeskripsikan hasil pelaksanaan pendidikan karakter di SMA Kristen Pelita Nusantara Kasih Surakarta; (4) Mendeskripsikan faktor-faktor apa saja yang mendukung dan menghambat pelaksanaan pendidikan karakter di SMA Kristen Pelita Nusantara Kasih Surakarta. Metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif dan strategi studi kasus serta desain kasus tunggal digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui implementasi pendidikan karakter. Tahap metode tersebut mencakup: (1) tahap persiapan, yakni studi literatur dan studi lapangan; (2) Tahap Pelaksanaan berupa pengumpulan Data (Observasi, Interview, dan Cek dokumen); (3) Tahap Analisis Data dan Pengolahan Data (Analisa data penelitian dan Seminar hasil penelitian lapangan); (4) Tahap Penyajian Simpulan / Hasil Penelitian (Penyusunan laporan penelitian, Ujian akhir, Penyusunan laporan final). Hasil yang diperoleh: 1) Perencanaan pendidikan karakter di SMA Kristen Pelita Nusantara Kasih cukup baik dan melibatkan semua aspek, baik guru dan karyawan, seluruh murid, serta orang tua murid, dimana: (a) Guru dan karyawan paham tentang latar belakang, tujuan dan bagaimana mengimplemetasikan pendidikan karakter di sekolah; (b) Siswa paham tentang latar belakang dan tujuan dari pengimplementasian pendidikan karakter; (c) Orang tua murid secara umum bisa memahami dan mendukung pelaksanaan pendidikan karakter di sekolah; 2) Pelaksanaan pendidikan karakter di SMA Kristen Pelita Nusantara Kasih terimplemetasikan melalui: (a) Nilai-nilai karakter terintegrasi dalam Ko-kurikuler dan Ekstrakurikuler; (b) Langkah-langkah teknis strategi dalam pembelajaran adalah pertama, menggunakan materi pembelajaran yang up to date dan bervariasi, kedua, pola pembelajaran dengan pendekatan experential, cooperative dan inquiry based learning, ketiga, pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang intensif, keempat, penyetaraan materi Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer setingkat universitas, kelima, mengadakan Field trip untuk mengaplikasikan teori pembelajaran dalam kelas, keenam, hari belajar adalah 5 hari bersekolah; (c) Penciptaan kondisi sekolah yang mendukung dan teladan sikap mulia di lingkungan sekolah; (d) Pembinaan lingkungan keseharian siswa di rumah dan masyarakat. (3) Hasil pelaksanaan pendidikan karakter dapat dilihat dari hasil evaluasi perilaku siswa, dan prestasi belajar yang baik; (4) Faktor yang mendukung pelaksanaan pendidikan karakter di SMA Kristen Pelita Nusantara Kasih adalah sarana prasarana yang memadai, kualitas guru yang baik dan kepedulian orang tua murid; sedangkan faktor yang menghambat adalah (a) kemampuan guru yang berbeda-beda dalam menggunakan metodologi untuk pendidikan karakter; (b) ketidak seragaman kualitas keteladanan guru dalam melaksanakan nilai-nilai karkater; (c) lingkungan rumah tempat tinggal peserta didik yang tidak mendukung; (d) teknologi informasi yang disalahgunakan oleh siswa. Kata Kunci: Implementasi, Pendidikan Karakte

    Ability to Solve Complex Social Problems of Prospective Teachers according to Gender and Computational Thinking

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    Entering the 21st century, computational thinking has become a basic skill that all students must have. This research aims to determine gender differences in learning outcomes to solve social problems, differences in students' levels of computational thinking by gender, and the influence of students' levels of computational thinking on learning outcomes in solving social problems. This research uses a descriptive verification method with a quantitative analysis approach. The number of research subjects was 256 students, who came from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University. The quantitative data analysis used is based on the results of computational thinking ability tests using the Wilcoxon Test. Further analysis of this research uses K-Means for clustering, while analysis of the relationship between variables uses Spearman's rho. This research shows that there is an influence of gender on learning outcomes for solving social problems, there is no significant relationship between students' level of computational thinking and gender, and there is a significant influence of students' level of computational thinking on learning outcomes for solving social problems. The results of this research show that the two factors above play a large role in influencing student learning outcomes. This capability works in synergy with the computational level of thinking. With the right efforts, growing computational thinking skills can improve students' ability to solve various learning problems

    The Effect of Computational Thinking and Gender on Social Problem Solving Learning Outcomes

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    Objective: to see the relationship between students level of computational thinking (CT) on learning outcomes in solving social problems. Metode: using descriptive verification method with advanced analysis of K-Means clustering. Finding: Male and female learning outcomes are significantly different, where female students on average have higher learning outcomes. CT Men and Women there is no significant difference. There is a significant relationship between CT variables and learning outcomes to solve problems. The results of the K-Means analysis showed that Cluster 3 was a group of women with moderate CT levels and high learning outcomes, while cluster 4 was a group of men with moderate CT levels and moderate learning outcomes. Consclusion: female students have higher learning outcomes than male students; there is no significant relationship between CT level and gender and the results of the K-Mean clustering analysis found 8 clusters.  Keywords: computational thinking, gender, learning outcomes.Abstrak: Pengaruh Computational Thinking dan Gender Terhadap Hasil Belajar Pemecahan Masalah Sosial. Tujuan: melihat hubungan antara tingkat computational thinking (CT) mahasiswa terhadap hasil belajar memecahkan masalah sosial. Metode: menggunakan metode deskriptif verifikatif dengan analisis lanjutan clustering K-Means. Temuan: Hasil belajar Pria dan Wanita berbeda secara signifikan, di mana mahasiswa wanita rata-rata memiliki hasil belajar lebih tinggi. CT Pria dan Wanita tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna. Terdapat hubungan signifikan antara variabel CT dengan hasil belajar memecahkan masalah. Hasil analisis K-Means didapatkan Cluster 3 merupakan kelompok wanita dengan tingkat CT sedang dan hasil belajar tinggi, sedangkan cluster 4 merupakan kelompok pria dengan tingkat CT sedang dan hasil belajar sedang. Kesimpulan: mahasiswa wanita memiliki hasil belajar lebih tinggi dari mahasiswa pria; tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara tingkat CT dengan jenis kelamin; dan hasil analisis K-Mean clustering ditemukan 8 cluster.Kata kunci: computational thinking, gender, hasil belajar. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v13.i2.20230

    Inovasi melalui Learning Management System (LMS): Studi Awal di Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat (PKBM)

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    This research aims to identify the various needs of students in the Package C learning program (Paket C) related to technology-based learning platforms such as the Learning Management System (LMS). This research is an initial stage that uses a quantitative descriptive approach. The participants in this research were 35 people consisting of students or residents studying Package C (Paket C) and 2 teachers or tutors. The data collection methods used are questionnaires and interviews and the results are analyzed in the form of percentages and interviews will be analyzed descriptively. The findings from this research indicate that students have a positive view of using LMS to facilitate their learning process. They believe that an LMS can provide time flexibility that allows them to continue working and be active in other activities, while still being able to access learning materials through the LMS. It is hoped that the results of this research can become the basis for developing better learning innovations for Paket C students

    Eksplorasi Kebutuhan E-Modul Hypercontent Edukasi tentang Stunting

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    Stunting prevention is important for mothers so that their children grow up healthy and have a brighter future. Therefore, this research aims to identify and explore the need for an electronic module to provide understanding to residents about the dangers of stunting. This research is a type of qualitative research, the interview guide was used as an instrument to collect data in the form of responses from three Village Midwives who were selected using purposive sampling. The findings from this research show that residents do not have a real understanding of the dangers of stunting, so they do not know how to avoid it. On the other hand, midwives who understand how important it is to maintain children's nutrition at the age of 1000 HPK, stated the need for media that can accessed by residents, especially mothers, about health and maintaining balanced nutrition for their babies to avoid stunting. One of the relevant media to address this need is an e-module with hypercontent characteristics, where the material will be very rich and not limited by textual material. Therefore, understanding the importance of 1000 HPK as a first step in preventing stunting is deemed necessary to be distributed to residents through a digital tool or device

    Virtual Reality-Based Learning about "Animals Recognition" and Its Influence on Students' Understanding

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    The development of Educational technology has experienced a rapid increase which has consciously contributed positively to the motivation for learning achievement, as well as virtual reality media which can bring reality into learning activities. The aim of this research is to produce virtual reality media for learning to know animal’ diversity. This research type is Research and Development with the ADDIE’ developing model which consists 5 steps : 1. Analysis, 2. Design, 3. Development, 4. Impelmentation, 5. Evaluation. The research subject consists of media experts, material experts, teachers, and 27 elementary school second-grade students. Data collection techniques consist of tests and non-tests, with interview guidelines, questionnaires, and test instruments for data analysis tailored to each instrument using average, descriptive, and n-gain. Research results show that Virtual Reality products are declared suitable for use as learning media and are effective in increasing students' understanding of animal introduction for elementary school students. The results of assessments by media experts, material experts, and teachers also showed that these media belong to the category of "appropriate" to be used as learning media. In addition, the media is also included in the "effective" category to help students understand material about animal recognition based on n-gain analysis

    Developing a Gamified Digital Learning Media to Cultivate Singing Skills for Junior High School Students

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    Digital learning media based on gamification is rarely found in singing education, yet the impact of utilizing such learning tools cannot be underestimated. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a gamified digital learning media product for cultural arts education in junior high schools. The research adopts a Research and Development (R&D) approach using the ADDIE model, focusing on the development and validation process of gamified digital learning media suitable for educational purposes. The research subjects consist of media experts, content experts, and cultural arts teachers from State Junior High School 3 Grogol, Sukoharjo. Data collection techniques involve a media validation questionnaire, which is then analyzed using percentages and described to provide an overview of the suitability level of this gamified media. The research results indicate that the average validation results obtained from media experts I and II are 86%, while the average results from content experts I and II are also 86%. After being validated by the cultural arts teachers, the gamified media received an average total score of 87% from three teachers, all falling under the 'very good' qualification. Therefore, based on the assessments of media experts, content experts, and teachers, it is concluded that the gamified digital learning media product is categorized as 'suitable' for use as an alternative cultural arts learning media in State Junior High School 3 Grogol. The existence of this appropriate media undoubtedly stands as an innovative learning tool, incorporating gaming elements to enrich the process of singing skills

    Analisis Kebutuhan Media Komik Digital untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Membaca bagi Siswa Sekolah Dasar di Bojonegoro

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    Research on digital comics in an effort to increase reading literacy is urgent because there is boredom during the learning process. It is hoped that the integration of digital comics with learning materials can change students' perceptions of reading activities to be more positive. This research aims to explore the need for digital comics that can help students develop their reading literacy. This research uses mixed methods that combine quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data was obtained through questionnaires given to 24 elementary school students, while qualitative data was obtained through interviews with teachers involved in the learning process. The results of data analysis show that teachers still dominate the delivery of material and rarely use digital learning media. Students, on the other hand, have access to Android smartphones, but their use tends to be for entertainment rather than learning. Therefore, this research highlights opportunities for developing digital comics as a learning tool, considering students' interest in using them to understand lesson material at home


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    UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah) memiliki arti sebagai usaha atau bisnis yang dilakukan oleh individu, kelompok, badan usaha kecil maupun rumah tangga. Sama halnya dengan Desa Karangdowo yang memiliki UMKM berupa batik. Namun, ketrampilan tentang digital marketing mereka sangatlah masih rendah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan pelaku UMKM batik di Bojonegoro dalam hal pemasaran digital. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah RnD dengan model ADDIE yang digunakan dalam membuat dan menghasilkan produk, dimana model ini memiliki lima tahapan yaitu Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa LMS berbasis google sites yang dikembangkan ini layak untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemasaran digital bagi pelaku UMKM batik desa Karangdowo, dimana LMS berbasis google sites disajikan materi yang lengkap sehingga memudahkan para pelaku UMKM batik untuk belajar secara mandiri, dimana saja dan kapan saja. LMS berbasis google sites yang dikembangkan ini efektif dapat menigkatkan kemampuan pemasaran digital bagi pelaku UMKM batik desa Karangdowo. Terbukti pada uji coba skala menunjukkan bahwasannya pemasaran digital menumbuhkan semangat pelaku UMKM batik desa Karangdowo untuk memasarkan produk UMKM yang telah dibuat

    Development of Authentic Assessment with Project Based Learning Approach in Primary School Students

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    This research is a research on the development of authentic assessment instruments. The types of data used in this study are quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data comes from scores of assessment experts, learning experts, and practitioners. Qualitative data includes comments and suggestions for product improvements from assessment experts, learning experts, and practitioners. The products produced in this research and development are in the form of Project Task Books and Authentic Assessment Instruments on Project-Based Learning Theme 8. The Project Project, Project Book product, refers to the Authentic Assessment Instrument on Project-Based Learning. The Project Task Book is used in Theme 8 Subtheme 3. Students must complete two project assignments. The results of the product feasibility test show that the Project Task Book is very feasible to implement. First, feasibility is assessed from content validity of 87%, construct validity of 87%, and practicality of 78%. The Authentic Assessment Instrument product on Project-Based Learning Theme 8 refers to three feasibility aspects. First, the feasibility of the guideline target is 83%. Second, the feasibility of the content of the guidelines is 88%. Third, the feasibility of the code of practice is 75%. This product can be an alternative for teachers to assess students' abilities in project assignments. Teachers can use this assessment instrument product more creatively and innovatively, for example, by designing project assignments according to the region. This product can be disseminated in teacher competence, educational journals, and social media