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This qualitative study examines the challenges that community health workers or Promotores face when implementing their programs to produce better outcomes in the Latino community. Data collection was derived from five local promotores with an adequate knowledge base of expertise in promotores programs. Study themes focused on how promotores implement their programs, the challenges they face and providing professional and personal insight on working with the Latino community. Present day research emphasizes that promotores or the community health worker model approaches have been promoted as a strategy to address health disparities experienced by Latino communities in the U.S. These programs have been implemented in an effort to improve the health of Latino families and bring awareness to public health issues. However, not much is known about the challenges that they face when implementing these interventions. Study results indicated five emerging themes pertaining to the challenges that promotores face when implementing their programs and include: mental health stigma, recruitment, funding barriers, and lack of evaluation. Finally, suggestions for further research on promotores and the Latino community are discussed
Nuevas perspectivas para la reconstrucción de la cohesión social. La experiencia del Movimiento Scout como procurador de los valores comunitarios.
La globalización ha supuesto una serie de impactos considerables en las formas en que los individuos se relacionan y construyen vínculos sociales. Pese a los esfuerzos de las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación y la información por disipar las fronteras territoriales definidas, el escenario mundial se presenta cada vez más fragmentado. Ante la crisis, el debate actual trata de encontrar soluciones y alternativas capaces de recuperar la cohesión social. En este punto, el anhelo de retomar los valores comunitarios, como posible remedio a la amenaza de desintegración de la sociedad, requiere de actores que los hagan efectivos. Así, el Movimiento Scout se consolida como correa de transmisión. Esta investigación pretende, por medio de un estudio de caso esencialmente cualitativo, identificar los valores del escultismo que promueven la cohesión social. A partir de cuatro entrevistas en profundidad realizadas a adolescentes de entre 15 y 21 años, se ahondará en la experiencia de miembros del grupo Scout Wañak 130, ubicado en Telde (Gran Canaria, España), para recopilar información tanto de los valores como de los beneficios que suponen para los adolescentes ser miembros de la asociación, el sentido de comunidad que evoca y la aportación de su presencia durante la pandemia de Covid-19. Entre las evidencias destaca cómo la cohesión social puede ser promovida desde valores como la pureza, la lealtad y la abnegación, el poder de vinculación que tiene el Movimiento y que traspasa el concepto de comunidad, y los impactos a corto y largo plazo que tiene sobre los proyectos de vida de los adolescentes.Globalisation has had considerable effects on the ways that people relate to each other and build social ties. Despite the efforts of the new information and communication technologies to remove the defined territorial borders, the global situation is becoming increasingly fragmented. Against this crisis, the current debate seeks to find solutions and alternatives capable of recovering social cohesion. At this point, the ambition to resume the community values as a possible remedy for the threat of social disintegration requires effective actors. Thus, the Scout Movement defines itself as a transmission belt. This research aims to identify the scouting values that promote social cohesion by means of an essentially cualitative case study. Based on in-depth interviews conducted with adolescents between 15 and 21 years old, this study will delve into the experience of members of the Scout Wañak 130 group, which is located in Telde (Gran Canaria, Spain). It has gathered information on both the values and benefits that the membership grants for adolescents, the sense of community it evokes, and its contributions during the Covid-19 pandemic. Among the evidences, it stands out how social cohesion can be promoted from values such as purity, loyalty and self-sacrifice; the bonding power that the movement has and that transcends the concept of community; and the short and long term impacts that the movement has on the adolescents' life projects.Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Facultad de Ciencias Sociale
Diseño de una secuencia didáctica para fomentar el uso de las TIC en el proceso de enseñanza por parte de los docentes de la Fundación Cindes de la ciudad de Pereira
Este proyecto pedagógico mediatizado está enfocado en propiciar un entorno de aprendizaje óptimo e integrador de nuevas herramientas pedagógicas, el cual brinde a los docentes de la Fundación Cindes una mejor comunicación en sus procesos de enseñanza. Por ello, es fundamental que los docentes de dicha institución estén capacitados para direccionar un proceso de enseñanza que cumpla con los requerimientos necesarios para atender a cualquier población. Por lo anterior, es pertinente que desde las tecnologías de la comunicación y la información se puedan generar nuevos espacios educomunicativos, para lo que se propuso una secuencia didáctica que le facilita al docente desarrollar en sus estudiantes una construcción de conocimiento apropiada desde una perspectiva integradora de las TIC. A través de una secuencia didáctica se planteará detalladamente la forma en la que los docentes de la Fundación Cindes podrán integrar a su práctica docente las TIC para generar procesos educativos fundamentados en el aprendizaje significativo, apoyados por el constructivismo planteado por Vigotsky y generando un proceso de retroalimentación a través del modelo comunicativo conversacional planteado por Gordon Pask y finalmente, un enfoque pedagógico fundamentado en la didáctica, que evidencia la metodología empleada por los docentes en su praxis educativa
Análisis de microfacies y paleoictiología de la formación agua nueva (cretácico superior) en la Sierra de San Carlos, Tamaulipas, México
En los sitios de estudio El Palmar y San Nicolás, Tamaulipas, aflora la Formación Agua
Nueva, en la que se identificó una unidad fosilífera. Esta está compuesta por calizas arcillosas
de naturaleza litográfica, con laminación fina y de grano fino, que se presentan en estratos
delgados a medianos, intercaladas por lutitas calcáreas de sólo algunos centímetros de espesor.
En el presente trabajo se realizó un análisis microfacial de un total de 82 secciones
delgadas de ambos sitios en estudio, con el fin de conocer las condiciones ambientales que
prevalecieron durante el depósito de dichas secuencias. La microfauna que compone ambas
secuencias consiste de foraminíferos planctónicos, radiolarios, fragmentos de pelecípodos,
ostrácodos, fragmentos de espinas y placas de equinodermos y calciesferas
Habilidades de comunicación, estilos de apego, estrategias de afrontamiento y solución de problemas: relación y valor discriminante en la edad y el género.
Máster Universitario en Psicología General Sanitaria Por la UllEl presente trabajo pretende estudiar las relaciones entre las habilidades de
comunicación y otras variables psicológicas como son los estilos de apego, las
estrategias de afrontamiento y la solución de problemas, al tiempo que analizar su
importancia para discriminar los grupos en función de la edad y el género. Participaron
629 adultos, sin características patológicas, a los que se aplicaron instrumentos que
recogían las variables señaladas. Se realizaron análisis correlacionales y discriminantes
para contrastar los objetivos de la investigación. Los resultados revelan que existe
relación significativa entre las habilidades de comunicación interpersonal y el estilo de
apego seguro, las estrategias de afrontamiento adaptativas y la orientación positiva hacia
los problemas. Además, los más jóvenes se diferencian de los mayores, especialmente
en la forma negativa de afrontar y solucionar los problemas. Las mujeres tienen mayor
empatía que los hombres, mientras que estos utilizan estrategias de afrontamiento más
This research aims to analyze the relation between communication skills and
other psycological variables as attachment styles, cope strategies and problem solving.
At the same time it examines the relevance of those variables to discriminate the groups
depending on the age and gender. The sample was 629 adults from non-clinic
population to whom passed the measures of the mentioned variables. To contrast the
objectives of this study, it was made correlational and discriminate analysis. The results
show that there are significant relation between communication skills, secure
attachment, adaptative cope strategies and positive orientation to problems.
Furthermore, the youngest group is different from the oldest in the way they cope and
solve problems, because they do it in a more negative way. Woman have more empathy
compared to men, who tend to use more avoidance cope strategies
Neuropatía óptica como secuela a tumor cerebral en paciente femenina de 56 años de edad.
The brain tumor is the accumulation of abnormal cells in the body, it is classified into primary non-cancerous (benign) and other cancerous (malignant), depending on where it is located and size, it will determine what type of brain tumor it is and its treatment. In the course of the process, the patient has progressively lost her vision because her tumor has become so ingrained that it has come to press on the optic nerve causing optic neuropathy, which has caused problems for her daily life. The objective of this clinical case is to determine the type of optic neuropathy as a consequence of the brain tumor of the patient and to know what type of solution can be given to improve her vision with the help of the general practitioner, an ophthalmologist and an optometrist. As she did not show improvement in visual acuity, she was referred to an ophthalmologist who, after the ophthalmological evaluation, diagnosed her with compressive optic neuropathy, which is essential that the patient, apart from attending her health center for the treatment of her brain tumor, It is also recommended that you have an annual consultation with the ophthalmologist and optometrist.The brain tumor is the accumulation of abnormal cells in the body, it is classified into primary non-cancerous (benign) and other cancerous (malignant), depending on where it is located and size, it will determine what type of brain tumor it is and its treatment. In the course of the process, the patient has progressively lost her vision because her tumor has become so ingrained that it has come to press on the optic nerve causing optic neuropathy, which has caused problems for her daily life. The objective of this clinical case is to determine the type of optic neuropathy as a consequence of the brain tumor of the patient and to know what type of solution can be given to improve her vision with the help of the general practitioner, an ophthalmologist and an optometrist. As she did not show improvement in visual acuity, she was referred to an ophthalmologist who, after the ophthalmological evaluation, diagnosed her with compressive optic neuropathy, which is essential that the patient, apart from attending her health center for the treatment of her brain tumor, It is also recommended that you have an annual consultation with the ophthalmologist and optometrist.El tumor cerebral es la acumulación de células anormales en el cuerpo, se clasifica en no cancerosos primarios (benignos) y otras cancerosas (maligno), dependiendo de dónde se encuentre ubicado y tamaño, determinara que tipo de tumor cerebral es y su tratamiento. En el transcurso la paciente ha ido perdiendo la visión progresivamente debido a que su tumor se ha arraigado tanto que ha llegado a presionar el nervio óptico causándole neuropatía óptica lo que le ha causado problemas para su diario vivir. El objetivo de este caso clínico es determinar el tipo de neuropatía óptica a secuela del tumor cerebral de la paciente y saber qué tipo de solución se le puede dar para que mejore su visión con la ayuda del médico general, un oftalmólogo y un optometrista. Al no mostrar mejoría de la agudeza visual se la remitió a un oftalmólogo que luego de la valoración oftalmológica le diagnostico neuropatía óptica compresiva, lo cual resulta indispensable que la paciente a parte de asistir a su centro de salud para el tratamiento de su tumor cerebral, también es recomendable que tenga consulta anual con el oftalmólogo y el optometrista
The role of iron-reducing bacteria in the corrosion of carbon steel: a new microbiologically influenced corrosion mechanism
It was not too long ago that the ability of microorganisms to capture energy by engaging in electron transfer reactions with extracellular solid materials was discovered. This discovery has shifted the paradigms regarding the requirements for life and has prompted tremendous research interest in the challenges and opportunities this type of metabolism poses for humankind. Possibly, in no other field does the microbial extracellular electron transfer reactions have more direct implications today than in the corrosion of steel infrastructure. Due to the strong dependence of our society on iron and its alloys, understanding how microorganisms influence the corrosion of these materials through extracellular electron transfer reactions becomes a matter of substantial importance for industries across the globe. In this dissertation, I aimed to answer how the iron-reducing bacterium Shewanella oneidensis influences the corrosion of carbon steel. It was in this organism where researchers witnessed for the first time the ability of microorganisms to transfer electrons to extracellular substrates, and since then, S. oneidensis has become a model for the understanding of microbial extracellular electron transfer reactions. Because Shewanella spp. are also frequently found in steel infrastructure undergoing corrosion, the next logical question to address is whether or not Shewanella spp. could use extracellular electron uptake to accelerate the corrosion of steel. Addressing the aforementioned questions was the goal in the making of this dissertation.
In Chapter 1, I will introduce my motivation to pursue these fascinating research questions, present my hypotheses and goals, and provide a literature review on the ecophysiology of the genus Shewanella, our current understanding of the microbiologically influenced corrosion of steel, and the existing knowledge on the role that iron-reducing bacteria play in the corrosion of carbon steel.
In Chapter 2, I evaluate the ability of S. oneidensis to accelerate the corrosion of carbon steel by removing the iron oxide passivating layer through dissimilatory iron reduction, and I test the hypothesis that the presence of short-chain deprotonated dicarboxylic acids would exacerbate corrosion driven by S. oneidensis by accelerating the dissolution of ferric iron and increasing the microbial iron respiration rates. I found that the short-chain deprotonated dicarboxylic acids oxalate, malonate, and succinate accelerate the corrosion of carbon steel driven by S. oneidensis up to 2.6 times more relative to the sterile control experiment without dicarboxylates. The three deprotonated dicarboxylic acids tested enhanced the dissolution of ferric iron, but interestingly this did not result in increased iron respiration rates. My results suggest that a complex array of competing biological (e.g., microbial iron reduction), chemical (e.g., ligand-assisted iron dissolution), and physical (e.g., adsorption of corrosion products) processes drive the accelerated corrosion of carbon steel by iron-reducing bacteria in the presence of iron-binding ligands.
In Chapter 3, I offer a novel approach to test the ability of microorganisms to take electrons directly from carbon steel while evaluating the role of hydrogen consumption metabolism and direct electron uptake in the corrosion of carbon steel driven by S. oneidensis. I performed experiments with carbon steel and a S. oneidensis strain incapable of consuming hydrogen and a strain incapable of engaging in direct electron uptake. The results showed that S. oneidensis accelerates the corrosion of carbon steel up to four times more when compared to abiotic experiments and that direct electron uptake is the most significant corrosion mechanism in S. oneidensis.
Finally, in Chapter 4, I offer my insights on the new research questions that emerge based on the findings of this dissertation and provide my ideas on the contributions and the limitations of my Ph.D. research
Diagnóstico organizacional para el desarrollo de la planeación estratégica en el área de proyectos especiales en la Fundación Best Buddies Colombia - amigos del alma
El proyecto desarrollado durante el segundo semestre de 2015 para la fundación Best Buddies Colombia buscaba identificar las características que impedían la evolución del área de Proyectos Especiales. Para lograr este objetivo se utilizaron herramientas como el análisis DOFA para identificar las debilidades y las oportunidades que el área debe aprovechar. A pesar que el objetivo de este proyecto era crear la planeación estratégica del área se identificaron realidades que no permitieron completar la meta. El área basa sus esfuerzos en el desarrollo de un contrato con el estado y su fuerza de trabajo tiene tareas determinadas solo a la ejecución de este proyecto. La fundación no presta los recursos necesarios al área para que esta pueda desarrollar sus actividades. Otra debilidad es que el área no tiene un producto para vender a otras instituciones, en vez de esto suple las necesidades que le presenta el entorno. En el proyecto se hacen propuestas para identificar el producto o servicio que se debe prestar con el fin de identificar acciones para encausar las decisiones del área de forma estratégica.The project developed during the second half of 2015 to the founding Best Buddies Colombia sought to identify the characteristics that impeded the development of Special Projects. To achieve this objective tools such as the SWOT analysis were used to identify weaknesses and opportunities that the area should take. Although the aim of this project was to create the area of strategic planning things not allowed complete the goal were identified. The area bases its efforts on the development of a contract with the state and its workforce has certain tasks only to the implementation of this project. The foundation does not provide the necessary resources to the area so that it can carry out its activities. Another weakness is that the area does not have a product to sell to other institutions, rather than this meets the needs that present the environment. The project proposals are made to identify the product or service must be paid in order to identify actions to prosecute decisions strategically areaAdministrador (a) de EmpresasPregrad
The Arab/Muslim culture victim of western world; internal perceptions vs. external perceptions and the intercultural consequences of stereotyping.
The text provides a comprehensive literature review regarding the main cultural stereotypes related to the Arab/ Muslim culture, and how these stereotypes affect the intercultural relations. Bearing in mind that these stereotypes appear in the text across aspects like: the role and life of the Muslim woman, the Yihad as a concept involves in terms of religion and terrorism, the attacks of 9/11, the representation of Hollywood of Arab/Muslims and the terrorist group ISIS. Once mentioned the stereotypes that affect the Arab/Muslim culture, the text tries to defend and debate the negative arguments around Arab world, taking into account the external perception (point of view of Occident) and the perception internal (interview realized to a practicing person of the Islam); showing that the lack of information and the exaggeration from the mass media, make that others believe in Arab/Muslim culture as an example of fanaticism and terrorism.INTRODUCTION
Arab/Muslim cultural overview
A contrast between external and internal perception about Arab/Muslim culture
Interculturality affected by stereotypes
REFERENCESPregradoProfesional en Lenguas ModernasLenguas Moderna
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