12 research outputs found
-Els “altres”, el gran repte global. Ressenya del llibre de Ryszard Kapuscinski Kapuscinski, la voz del otro: entrevista de Iñaki Gabilondo a Ryszard Kapuscinski y otros textos, a càrrec d’Eduard Sanjuán
-La ciutat, el gran aparador. Ressenya de Antonio J. Baladrón Pazos; Esther Martínez Pastor; Marta Pacheco Rueda (coords.) Publicidad y ciudad: la comunicación publicitaria y lo urbano: perspectivas y aportaciones. A càrrec de Miquel Altarriba
-Per un (veritable) estat plurinacional. Ressenya dels llibres de Fernando Pessoa Escrits sobre Catalunya i Ibèria i de Josep Maria Puigjaner ¿Una Cataluña sin España?: carta de un escritor catalán a sus amigos españoles. A càrrec de Neus Contreras
-Mirando atentamente las noticias. Ressenya del llibre de Amparo Moreno, Florencia Rovetto i Alfonso Buitrago ¿De quién hablan las noticias? Guía para humanizar la información, a càrrec Francesc Barata
-La lliure circulació del coneixement a la informàtica. Ressenya del llibre de Meritxell Roca Software libre. Empresa y administración en España y Cataluña. A càrrec d’Ester Clos
-Per una memòria justa. Ressenya del llibre de Francesc-Marc Álvaro (coord.). Memòria històrica, entre la ideologia i la justícia, a càrrec de Elena Yeste
-Lingüísticament interessant, periodísticament amb matisos. Ressenya del llibre de Daniel Casals Ràdio en català: contribució de Catalunya Ràdio a la creació d’un llenguatge radiofònic. A càrrec de Neus Bonet
-El somni d’un espot televisiu. Ressenya del llibre de Belén López Vázquez Publicidad emocional: estrategias creativas, a càrrec de Sandra Vilajoana
-El placer del viajero-cinéfilo. Ressenya del llibre de Rafael Dalmau i Albert Galera Ciudades del cine, a càrrec de Álex Lor
Differences between CAFs and their paired NCF from adjacent colonic mucosa reveal functional heterogeneity of CAFs, providing prognostic information
Little is known about the difference in gene expression between carcinoma-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) and paired normal colonic fibroblasts (NCFs) in colorectal cancer. Paired CAFs and NCFs were isolated from eight primary human colorectal carcinoma specimens. In culture conditions, soluble factors secreted by CAFs in the conditioned media increased clonogenicity and migration of epithelial cancer cells lines to a greater extent than did NCF. In vivo, CAFs were more competent as tumour growth enhancers than paired NCFs when co-inoculated with colorectal cell lines. Gene expression analysis of microarrays of CAF and paired NCF populations enabled us to identify 108 deregulated genes (38 upregulated and 70 downregulated genes). Most of those genes are fibroblast-specific. This has been validated in silico in dataset GSE39396 and by qPCR in selected genes. GSEA analysis revealed a differential transcriptomic profile of CAFs, mainly involving the Wnt signallingsignalling pathway, focal adhesion and cell cycle. Both deregulated genes and biological processes involved depicted a considerable degree of overlap with deregulated genes reported in breast, lung, oesophagus and prostate CAFs. These observations suggest that similar transcriptomic programs may be active in the transition from normal fibroblast in adjacent tissues to CAFs, independently of their anatomic demarcation. Additionally NCF already depicted an activated pattern associated with inflammation. The deregulated genes signature score seemed to correlate with CAF tumour promoter abilities in vitro, suggesting a high degree of heterogeneity between CAFs, and it has also prognostic value in two independent datasets. Further characterization of the roles these biomarkers play in cancer will reveal how CAFs provide cancer cells with a suitable microenvironment and may help in the development of new therapeutic targets for cancer treatment
jop-2017-3257-File005 – Supplemental material for Impact of <i>NTRK2, DRD2</i> and <i>ACE</i> polymorphisms on prolactin levels in antipsychotic-treated patients with first-episode psychosis
<p>Supplemental material, jop-2017-3257-File005 for Impact of <i>NTRK2, DRD2</i> and <i>ACE</i> polymorphisms on prolactin levels in antipsychotic-treated patients with first-episode psychosis by Patricia Gassó, Sergi Mas, Miquel Bioque, Bibiana Cabrera, Antonio Lobo, Ana González-Pinto,
Covadonga M. Díaz-Caneja, Iluminada Corripio, Eduard Vieta, Josefina Castro-Fornieles, Salvador Sarró, Anna Mané, Julio Sanjuan, Adrián Llerena, Amalia Lafuente, Jerónimo Saiz-Ruiz, Miguel Bernardo and PEPs Group in Journal of Psychopharmacology</p
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Elevated Extracellular Free-Water in a Multicentric First-Episode Psychosis Sample, Decrease During the First 2 Years of Illness.
Recent diffusion imaging studies using free-water (FW) elimination have shown increased FW in gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) in first-episode psychosis (FEP) and lower corrected fractional anisotropy (FAt) in WM in chronic schizophrenia. However, little is known about the longitudinal stability and clinical significance of these findings. To determine tissue-specific FW and FAt abnormalities in FEP, as part of a multicenter Spanish study, 132 FEP and 108 healthy controls (HC) were clinically characterized and underwent structural and diffusion-weighted MRI scanning. FEP subjects were classified as schizophrenia spectrum disorder (SSD) or non-SSD. Of these subjects, 45 FEP and 41 HC were longitudinally assessed and rescanned after 2 years. FA and FW tissue-specific measurements were cross-sectional and longitudinally compared between groups using voxel-wise analyses in the skeletonized WM and vertex-wise analyses in the GM surface. SSD and non-SSD subjects showed (a) higher baseline FW in temporal regions and in whole GM average (P.adj(SSD vs HC) = .003, P.adj(Non-SSD vs HC) = .040) and (b) lower baseline FAt in several WM tracts. SSD, but not non-SSD, showed (a) higher FW in several WM tracts and in whole WM (P.adj(SSD vs HC)= .049) and (b) a significant FW decrease over time in temporal cortical regions and in whole GM average (P.adj = .011). Increased extracellular FW in the brain is a reliable finding in FEP, and in SSD appears to decrease over the early course of the illness. FAt abnormalities are stable during the first years of psychosis