329 research outputs found


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    Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk berupa Lembar Kerja Mahasiswa yang berbasis tugas pada mata Kuliah Kimia Fisika yang valid dan praktis. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE yang meliputi Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation dan dievaluasi dengan menggunakan metode evaluasi formatif Tessmer. Tahapan dari evaluasi formatif Tessmer dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari self evaluation, expert review, one-to-one dan small group. Uji Validitas produk LKM dilakukan dengan pengumpulan data dari dosen ahli (validator) dan mahasiswa- mahasiswa yang telah mengikuti mata kuliah Kimia Fisika dengan menggunakan instrumen angket. Berdasarkan analisa data hasil tahap expert review dengan skor rata-rata kevalidan sebesar 0,80 dengan kategori sangat valid. Untuk skor akhir kepraktisan didapatkan dari uji coba one-to-one sebesar 0,87 (sangat praktis) dan uji coba small group 0,87 (sangat praktis). Berdasarkan hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa lembar kerja mahasiswa Termokimia berbasis tugas yang dihasilkan telah memenuhi kategori valid dan praktis. Kata kunci: Penelitian Pengembangan, lembar kerja mahasiswa berbasis tugas, Termokimia

    Arp 65 interaction debris: massive HI displacement and star formation

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    Context: Pre-merger interactions between galaxies can induce significant changes in the morphologies and kinematics of the stellar and ISM components. Large amounts of gas and stars are often found to be disturbed or displaced as tidal debris. This debris then evolves, sometimes forming stars and occasionally tidal dwarf galaxies. Here we present results from our HI study of Arp 65, an interacting pair hosting extended HI tidal debris. Aims: In an effort to understand the evolution of tidal debris produced by interacting pairs of galaxies, including in situ star and tidal dwarf galaxy formation, we are mapping HI in a sample of interacting galaxy pairs. The Arp 65 pair is one of them. Methods: Our resolved HI 21 cm line survey is being carried out using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT). We used our HI survey data as well as available SDSS optical, Spitzer infra-red and GALEX UV data to study the evolution of the tidal debris and the correlation of HI with the star-forming regions within it. Results: In Arp 65 we see a high impact pre-merger interaction involving a pair of massive galaxies (NGC 90 and NGC 93) that have a stellar mass ratio of ~ 1:3. The interaction, which probably occurred ~ 1.0 -- 2.5 ×\times 108^8 yr ago, appears to have displaced a large fraction of the HI in NGC 90 (including the highest column density HI) beyond its optical disk. We also find extended ongoing star formation in the outer disk of NGC 90. In the major star-forming regions, we find the HI column densities to be ~ 4.7 ×\times 1020^{20} cm−2^{-2} or lower. But no signature of star formation was found in the highest column density HI debris, SE of NGC 90. This indicates conditions within the highest column density HI debris remain hostile to star formation and it reaffirms that high HI column densities may be a necessary but not sufficient criterion for star formation.Comment: Accepted in A&

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional, Komunikasi, Kompensasi Finansial terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan Warung Mina

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    The issue of job satisfaction has been occurred in Warung Mina Peguyangan was bad relationship between leader and subordinate that the leader less give motivation and take attention for its subordinate. This study aims to find out the effect of transformational leadership, communication and financial compensation toward employee job satisfaction. This study was conducted at Warung Mina Peguyangan, Denpasar. Number of sample was taken 62 respondents with saturated sampling. Analysis technique has been applied that is multiple regression analysis. Based on the result of analysis the transformational leadership communication and financial compensation partially have positive and significant effect toward employee job satisfaction. Limitations in this study that are the researcher just only use three independent samples to measure work satisfaction. Next researcher should make it perfect by add other variable that have correlation with job satisfaction

    Pengembangan Algoritma Pembelajaran Untuk Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Diagonal Recurrent Dalam Sistem Kendali Derau Akustik Secara Aktif

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    Active Noise Control (ANC) system emphasizes at USAge of adaptation algorithm and adaptive control structure. In this research is presented experimental result of active noise control system at free space using Diagonal Recurrent Artificial Neural Network control structure. The objective of this research is to develop an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) algorithm for Diagonal Recurrent Artificial Neural Network control structure, named as Extended Kalman Filter Diagonal Recurrent (EKFDR) algorithm. Experimental result shows that amount of neuron in artificial neural network can be reduced by using diagonal recurrent artificial neural network, without lessening control system performance. Nonlinearity of secondary path in active noise control system can complicate control process. Experimental result shows that diagonal recurrent artificial neural network with EKFDR algorithm produced a better performance than linear controller in compensating of secondary path nonlinearity


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    Algoritma Genetika merupakan suatu metode pencarian berdasarkan pada mekanisme seleksi alam. Algoritma ini digunakan untuk mendapatkan solusi dalam masalah optimasi. Masalah optimasi yang akan dibahas adalah penentuan rute terpendek dalam rekomendasi obyek wisata. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan jalur yang terpendek dari beberapa tempat obyek wisata di Kalimantan Barat dengan menggunakan Algoritma Genetika sehingga mendapatkan rute yang terbaik optimal. Langkah –langkah yang dilakukan secara bertahap dengan algoritma genetika untuk mendapatkan jalur terpendek, terlebih dahulu mempresentasikan ke dalam bentuk pengkodean nomor urut lokasi obyek wisata, selanjutnya membangkitkan populasi awal diteruskan dengan proses seleksi, perkawianan silang dan mutasi sampai akhirnya diperoleh jalur yang diharapkan. Dari hasil yang diperoleh dengan probabilitas crossover 0.9 didapatkan hasil yang lebih baik dengan panjang jalur terbaik 6.465 km dan jalur terbaik dari 10 obyek wisata diawali dengan keraton Kadariah – Tugu Khatulistiwa – Makam Juang Mandor – Mangrove Park – Rindu Alam – Air Terjun Terinting – Air Terjun Riam Merasap – Bukit Kelam – Wisata Batu Jatok – Danau Laet – keraton Kadariah

    Akses Papan Informasi Dot Matrix Melalui Web Dan Jaringan GPRS Telepon Selular

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    The paper describes an access system for information display board through web and mobile internet using Wireless Application Protocol (WAP). For accessing the system through web, a web browser was used, and for accessing through cellular mobile, a WAP-enabled handphone was used. The application was developed by using HTML, WML, PHP, and C language. A computer with APACHE web server installed, was used for the server. The display board hardware was connected to the server with a serial connection. The hardware consists of microcontroller and display board which was simulated using an LCD dot matrix. The system has been tested and shows the good result by accessing the system through both of web and GPRS network of telephone cellular
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