840 research outputs found

    Virtue in the Ancient Tamil Books

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    U. V. Saminatha Iyer traces the works of Sangam period, wrote them down in his works for Tamil people and presented it as a golden treasure. Tamil language is honoured with the special epithet Tamil without self. Tamil language is rich in literature, excellent in epic, in piety, in books of charity, in books of justice, a language cannot be matched with other languages, an archaic language and the distinctive language. Books such as Ettuthogai, Pathupaatu and Paripadal describes the intellectual richness of the Tamil language. Ancient Tamil texts like Kurundogai, Thirumantram, Trikadugam, Manimegalai, Naladiyar, Pazhmozhinanuru, Sirupanchamulam, Innaanarpadu, Vivekasintamani, Purananuru, Iniyavai Narpathu, Muthurai, Nalvali, Tolkappiyam, Mudumozhikanchi, Asarakovai and Ulaganeethi mentions that people should live by virtue, piety and culture. It also mentions the methods and concepts very clearly so that all people can accept them

    Effect of Nitrogen fixing Microorganisms and organic manures on the Biomass production of vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides)

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              Vetiver (Vetiveria Zizaniodies) is a tall tufted, perennial, scented grass with long narrow leaves and an abundant network of roots. Roots are more useful part of the plant. In the present study, the vetiver is grown using garden soil, cowdung, vermicompost with and without the N2 fixing bacteria Azospirillum and Azotobacter. The 120th day results showed that the ideal combination for the growth of vetiver is vermicompost + Azospirillum + Azotobacter. The morphological parameters showed that the maximum root and shoot length, dry weight, number of culms, number of leaves and total chlorophyll were 99.75 cm, 231.00 cm, 2.45 g, 40 culms/plant, 172 leaves/plant and 41.00 mg/g respectively. The antibacterial activity of V. Zizanioides leaves and roots by disc diffusion method showed the maximum zone of inhibition against various pathogenic bacteria. However the root extract showed larger zone of inhibition than leaf extract. It was observed that the maximum zone of inhibition was found to be 32 mm against Staphylococuss aureus and the minimum inhibition was found to be 22 mm against Enterobacter faecalis. These results showed that, the extracts of vetiver are pharmacologically important they may be tested for control of pests and other ailments of human beings

    A Systematic Study and Empirical Analysis of Lip Reading Models using Traditional and Deep Learning Algorithms

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    Despite the fact that there are many applications for analyzing and recreating the audio through existinglip movement recognition, the researchers have shown the interest in developing the automatic lip-readingsystems to achieve the increased performance. Modelling of the framework has been playing a major role inadvance yield of sequential framework. In recent years there have been lot of interest in Deep Neural Networks(DNN) and break through results in various domains including Image Classification, Speech Recognition andNatural Language Processing. To represents complex functions DNNs are used and also they play a vital rolein Automatic Lip Reading (ALR) systems. This paper mainly focuses on the traditional pixel, shape and mixedfeature extractions and their improved technologies for lip reading recognitions. It highlights the mostimportant techniques and progression from end-to-end deep learning architectures that were evolved duringthe past decade. The investigation points out the voice-visual databases that are used for analyzing and trainthe system with the most common words and the count of speakers and the size, length of the language andtime duration. On the flip side, ALR systems developed were compared with their old-style systems. Thestatistical analysis is performed to recognize the characters or numerals and words or sentences in English andcompared their performances

    EuCo2P2: A Model Molecular-Field Helical Heisenberg Antiferromagnet

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    The metallic compound EuCo2P2 with the body-centered tetragonal ThCr2Si2 structure containing Eu spins 7/2 was previously shown from single-crystal neutron diffraction measurements to exhibit a helical antiferromagnetic (AFM) structure below TN = 66.5 K with the helix axis along the c axis and with the ordered moments aligned within the ab-plane. Here we report crystallography, electrical resistivity, heat capacity, magnetization and magnetic susceptibility measurements on single crystals of this compound. We demonstrate that EuCo2P2 is a model molecular-field helical Heisenberg antiferromagnet from comparisons of the anisotropic magnetic susceptibility chi, high-field magnetization and magnetic heat capacity of EuCo2P2 single crystals at temperature T < TN with the predictions of our recent formulation of molecular field theory. Values of the Heisenberg exchange interactions between the Eu spins are derived from the data. The low-T magnetic heat capacity ~ T^3 arising from spin-wave excitations with no anisotropy gap is calculated and found to be comparable to the lattice heat capacity. The density of states at the Fermi energy of EuCo2P2 and the related compound BaCo2P2 are found from the heat capacity data to be large, 10 and 16 states/eV per formula unit for EuCo2P2 and BaCo2P2, respectively. These values are enhanced by a factor of ~2.5 above those found from DFT electronic structure calculations for the two compounds. The calculations also find ferromagnetic Eu-Eu exchange interactions within the ab-plane and AFM interactions between nearest- and next-nearest planes, in agreement with the MFT analysis of chi{ab}(T < TN).Comment: 20 pages, 17 figures, 3 tables, 46 references. This is an extended replacement of arXiv:1512.02958 with an additional coautho

    Cultural Identity Loss of the Main Characters in Chinua Achebe�s Things Fall Apart

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    Identity and culture are considered to be the relevant aspects of the post-colonial literature for two reasons: First, because they are so central to the growing power of imperial discourse over the nineteenth century, and secondly they remain central and unavoidable facts of the modern society as known as the dominant parts of the social discrimination and prejudice. Africa has a unique cultural heritage with a distinct past. African Literature often makes assumptions about the existence of the unified �African� culture, but closer inspection reveals a far more complex and a problematic picture. It reflects the cultural traditions, colonial history, and inner conflicts of African people. While drawing together a wide variety of theoretical and critical perspectives of post-colonial literature in English, the present study aims at exploring perpetuate unequal economic and cultural relations with the struggle of the people concerned with race, religion, invasion and pacification in the form of the issues of identity and culture

    NMR Determination of an Incommensurate Helical Antiferromagnetic Structure in EuCo2As2

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    We report 153^{153}Eu, 75^{75}As and 59^{59}Co nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) results on EuCo2_2As2_2 single crystal. Observations of 153^{153}Eu and 75^{75}As NMR spectra in zero magnetic field at 4.3 K below an antiferromagnetic (AFM) ordering temperature TNT_{\rm N} = 45 K and its external magnetic field dependence clearly evidence an incommensurate helical AFM structure in EuCo2_2As2_2. Furthermore, based on 59^{59}Co NMR data in both the paramagnetic and the incommensurate AFM states, we have determined the model-independent value of the AFM propagation vector k{\bf k} = (0, 0, 0.73 ±\pm 0.07)2π\pi/cc where cc is the cc lattice parameter. Thus the incommensurate helical AFM state was characterized by only NMR data with model-independent analyses, showing NMR to be a unique tool for determination of the spin structure in incommensurate helical AFMs.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.
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