56 research outputs found
Additional file 1: of Gene structure and expression characteristics of liver-expressed antimicrobial peptide-2 isoforms in mud loach (Misgurnus mizolepis, Cypriniformes)
Information on oligonucleotide primers used. (PDF 97Â kb
Additional file 3: of Gene structure and expression characteristics of liver-expressed antimicrobial peptide-2 isoforms in mud loach (Misgurnus mizolepis, Cypriniformes)
Transcription factor prediction in LEAPâ2 gene promoter. (PDF 122Â kb
Additional file 1: of Effective behavioral intervention strategies using mobile health applications for chronic disease management: a systematic review
Title of data: Detailed search strategy per database. Detailed search strategy per database in order to find all published interventions using mobile health applications to improve chronic disease management for adults in randomized controlled trials. (DOCX 21Â kb
Additional file 1: of Flux-sum analysis identifies metabolite targets for strain improvement
Ethanol, acetate and succinate production profiles in Escherichia coli under metabolite flux-sum attenuation/intensification. (DOC 129Â kb)
Additional file 2: of Flux-sum analysis identifies metabolite targets for strain improvement
Attenuation/intensification targets for succinate overproduction in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. (DOC 62Â kb)
MOESM1 of PEGylated crushed gold shell-radiolabeled core nanoballs for in vivo tumor imaging with dual positron emission tomography and Cerenkov luminescent imaging
Additional file 1. Additional Figures S1âS13
Additional file 1: Table S1. of Combined effects of education level and perceived social class on self-rated health and life satisfaction: Results of Korean labor and income panel study wave 8-wave 15
Adjusted combined effects of Education and Subjective Social Class on Self-Rated Health and Life Satisfaction. (DOC 134 kb
Additional file 1: of The cross-interaction between global and age-comparative self-rated health on depressive symptomsâconsidering both the individual and combined effects
Figure S1. Combined variables between global self-rated health (SRH-global) and age-comparative self-rated health (SRH-age). (JPG 56 kb
Additional file 2: of The cross-interaction between global and age-comparative self-rated health on depressive symptoms–considering both the individual and combined effects
Figure S2. CESD by SRH-global and SRH-age separately, according to the quartile income group. SRH means self-rated health. SRH-global is general self rated health, while SRH-age is age-comparative self –rated health. The vertical axis means the estimates of CESD and the horizontal one is four income categories from low to high group. * p < 0.05 **p < 0.001. (JPG 80 kb
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