107 research outputs found

    Orthogonally Based Digital Content Management Applicable to Projects-bases

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    There is defined the concept of digital content. The requirements of an efficient management of the digital content are established. There are listed the quality characteristics of digital content. Orthogonality indicators of digital content are built up. They are meant to measure the image, the sound as well as the text orthogonality as well. Projects-base concept is introduced. There is presented the model of structuring the content in order to maximize orthogonality via a convergent iterative process. The model is instantiated for the digital content of a projects-base. It is introduced the application used to test the model. The paper ends with conclusions.digital, quality, orthogonality, projects-bases

    Особливості дослідження експертом колісних транспортних засобів із газобалонним обладнанням

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    The article considers the issue of LPG equipment installed and operated on modern vehicles, as well as its varieties, peculiarities of structure and configuration. This article purpose is to get acquainted with the types of LPG equipment of modern cars and determine research peculiarities while forensic expert inspection of such vehicles. The order of forensic expert actions while technical inspection of investigated wheeled vehicle is given, authors insist on the need to take into account the availability of LPG equipment while determining the market value of vehicle determining the cost of repair and material damage caused to the vehicle owner. The advantages and disadvantages faced by car owners with installed LPG equipment are considered. Considerable attention was paid to the classification of gas cylinder equipment, discrepancies were noted while installation of gas LPG equipment on carburetor and injection engines.Розглянуто питання газобалонного обладнання, яке встановлюють та експлуатують на сучасних транспортних засобах, а також його різновидів, особливостей будови та комплектації. Метою статті є ознайомлення з різновидами газобалонного обладнання сучасних автомобілів і визначення особливостей дослідження під час експертного огляду таких транспортних засобів. Наведено порядок дій експерта під час проведення технічного огляду досліджуваного колісного транспортного засобу. Зауважено про необхідність ураховувати наявності газобалонного обладнання під час визначення ринкової вартості транспортного засобу, відновлювального ремонту та матеріального збитку, завданого власникові автомобіля. Розглянуто переваги й недоліки, із якими стикаються власники автомобілів зі встановленим газобалонним обладнанням. Докладно розглянуто класифікацію газобалонного обладнання, зазначено розбіжності під час установлення газобалонного обладнання на карбюраторні й інжекторні двигуни

    Comparative Study Regarding Communication Styles of The Students

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    AbstractThe communication style is an indicator of a pattern of a person organises his interpersonal relationships. In fact, the style of communication is a way which shows how the pupils see and judge the information around them. According to these, the teachers, families can improve their interactions. The art of effective communication should not just stop at the correct use of language, but also at other forms of communication. We have proposed to present a theoretical and practical approach about how the gender of pupils influences communication, with the objective of preventing conflicting style. The method used is a questionnaire of the Romanian psychologist Solomon Marcus. It includes four styles–aggressive, assertive, persuasive and passive. The participants are 60 pupils, equal numbers of girls and boys, 12- 14 years old, from schools in Bucharest. We used statistical t test to see the differences between boys and girls. We also wanted to see if preadolescents already have a pattern of aggresivity or passiveness. The research findings coming according to recent studies, there is a need among students to create an orientation towards interpersonal communication for success in the future and for the formation of human society. The teacher must realize the importance of communication in their relationships with students and encourage the development of quality communication skills to help children communicate better in the future. Communication skills are very important for the future personality of the young person

    O comportamento do shlagmetal aplicado a diferentes tipos de mordentes

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    The schlagmetal (Dutch Gold), obtained from an alloy of copper and zinc is a cheap alternative for gold leaf, but its colour changes due to oxidations which appear as a result of incorrect manipulations or of exposure to environmental factors (temperature, humidity). This paper presents the influence of shellac based protection film and of two mixtion binders (water and oil based size) on the schlagmetal applied on a gessoed wooden support. To evaluate the behaviour of the metal sheet in the structures presented in this study, the samples were exposed to artificial ageing, and the occurred changes were analyzed by optical microscopy (OM), SEM-EDX and colorimetry in CIE L*a*b* system.El schlagmetal (Oro holandés) , obtenido a partir de una aleación de cobre y zinc es una alternativa barata a la hoja de oro , pero su color cambia debido a la oxidación que aparece a consecuencia de una manipulación incorrecta o de la exposición a factores ambientales (temperatura, humedad). En este artículo se estudia la influencia de la película de protección a base de goma laca y de dos aglutinantes (a base de agua y aceite) en el schlagmetal, aplicada sobre un soporte de madera con preparación de yeso. Para evaluar el comportamiento de la hoja metálica en las estructuras que se presentan en este estudio, se expusieron las muestras a un envejecimiento artificial y los cambios registrados se analizaron por microscopía óptica (MO), SEM-EDX, por y colorimetría en sistema CIE L*a*b*.O schlagmetal (ouro holandês), obtido a partir de uma liga de cobre e zinco é uma alternativa barata à folha de ouro, mas sua cor muda devido a oxidações que aparecem como resultado de manipulações incorrectas ou de exposição a fatores ambientais (temperatura, umidade). Este artigo apresenta a influência da película de proteção à base de goma-laca e de dois aglutinantes (à base de óleo e água) no schlagmetal. aplicado sobre um suporte de madeira com preparação de gesso. Para avaliar o comportamento da folha de metal nas estruturas apresentadas no presente estudo, as amostras foram expostas a envelhecimento artificial e as alterações registadas foram analisadas por microscopia óptica (MO), SEM-EDX e colorimetria em sistema CIE L*a*b*

    Ceramic Nanofiltration Membrane Fouling: Application of Mathematical Modelling to the Use of Excitation Emission Matrix Spectroscopy

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    This paper presents a mathematical modeling for a series of experiments in which humic acid (AH) and calcium chloride (CaCl2) were used, in order to visualize the amount of contaminant before and after the nanofiltration (NF) process, using Excitation Emission Matrix Spectroscopy (EEMS). It allows to a better understanding of membrane fouling. The membrane used for these experiments was a NF ceramic membrane made of titanium dioxide (TiO2). For the experimental determinations, a constant amount of 10 mg/L HA and different amounts of CaCl2, respectively 1, 2, 3 and 4 mmol/L were used, considering the working methodology presented in this article. The presence of the amount of contaminant in water was determined using the EEMS method using the FP-8300 Spectrophotometer, after which a spectral analysis was performed. TableCurve 3D software was used to make the mathematical models in order to ensure that the equations obtained had the same shape. The values of the correlation coefficients, corresponding to the generated equations, have values ranging from 0.91 to 0.93. In order to verify the mathematical models thus obtained, graphs of the difference between the surface obtained with the help of the mathematical models and the surface obtained by means of real data were drawn. In conclusion, it turns out that, the largest difference was obtained in the case of samples taken from the feed, with a maximum difference of 31 fluorescence intensity arbitrary units (a.u.), and for the samples taken from the permeate the deference is 14 fluorescence intensity a.u

    A Typical Surface Formations Found on the Corrosion Layer of Iron Artefacts

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    The paper presents the experimental results obtained by applying non-invasive methods (OM, SEM-EDX, XRF) on two iron artefacts from the IInd and the IIIrd centuries A.D. (discovered in the incineration graves from Gabăra-Moldoveni and Văleni-Boteşti, Neamt County), for determining the surface and the internal microstructures (cross-section), corrosion products distribution and some atypical formations resulted from the incineration processes. The results allow the rendering evident of some attributes used in authentication, the determination of the conservation state and the establishing of the proper procedures for the active conservation and the restoration of the artefacts

    Study on the Specific Effects of Corrosion Processes on Ancient Bronze Artefacts

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    The paper presents the cases of the corrosion processes which take place on starting from the usage period when the primary patina is being formed and when the secondary patina starts, than continuing with the archaeological site where the contamination patina is obtained under the influence of the pedological processes. The paper is a review from the specialised literature and from the contributions of the authors. There has been used the direct analysis with optical instruments, electron microscopy and EDX

    Integrated Analytical Study for the Somes Metalic Artefact Discoveri in Ibida Site, Romania

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    The paper presents the results of the analyses conducted using the SEM-EDX and micro-FTIR co-assisted techniques, on several metallic artefacts unearthed during the excavations at the (L)Ibida archaeological site in Slava Rusă, Tulcea County, Romania, that took place between 2001 and 2008. The data produced is of use in identifying several archaeometrical structural and compositional features which allow for the identification of the origin of the ores, of the alloy type, and of the manufacturing technology. A series of new data is thus produced, that can consolidate the three databases of scientific conservation of metallic artefacts (iarchaeometallurgy/archaeometry/historiography, ii-museum exhibiting, iii-tinerate/transfer/exchange/trade)

    New Materials to Support the Preservation of Old Wood Used for Art Objects

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    This paper presents new materials that replaced the main list of substances with a high toxicity level (banned in the European Community), and the interventions in the preservation of old wood used for art objects. Although in the process of stopping the four evolutionary effects of deterioration and degradation of the wood, highly effective methods of preservation were developed, it was found that the toxic atmosphere maintains a high risk for curators. These methods involved the use of derivatives of naphthalene and polymers containing chlorine, bromine-based derivatives, namely a series of highly dangerous pesticides. In this context, most research centers in wood preservation have studied new systems supposing minimal toxicity, compatible with different types of timber, in a series of natural or synthetic substances, such as: Pyrethroids, boron compounds, tannins, woodsulfonates, silicates and phosphates

    Obtaining and Characterisation of Thermoresistive Pigments

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    The paper describes the obtaining and chemical and physico-structural characterisation of a green thermoresistive pigment. The pigment is made of ZnO dopped with Sb, Bi, Cr, Co and Fe oxides and it is used at mosaics and stained glass. The procedure is based on a sequential coprecipitation “layer on layer” process in aqueous solution, followed by drying and calcinations at controlled temperature conditions, then grinding in a colloidal mill and mixed with glass powder forming the “frit pigment”. This by vitrification and frosting colours superficial the glass. The powder was analysed by SEM-EDX and DSC