162 research outputs found

    Holes or Empty Pseudo-Triangles in Planar Point Sets

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    Let E(k,)E(k, \ell) denote the smallest integer such that any set of at least E(k,)E(k, \ell) points in the plane, no three on a line, contains either an empty convex polygon with kk vertices or an empty pseudo-triangle with \ell vertices. The existence of E(k,)E(k, \ell) for positive integers k,3k, \ell\geq 3, is the consequence of a result proved by Valtr [Discrete and Computational Geometry, Vol. 37, 565--576, 2007]. In this paper, following a series of new results about the existence of empty pseudo-triangles in point sets with triangular convex hulls, we determine the exact values of E(k,5)E(k, 5) and E(5,)E(5, \ell), and prove bounds on E(k,6)E(k, 6) and E(6,)E(6, \ell), for k,3k, \ell\geq 3. By dropping the emptiness condition, we define another related quantity F(k,)F(k, \ell), which is the smallest integer such that any set of at least F(k,)F(k, \ell) points in the plane, no three on a line, contains a convex polygon with kk vertices or a pseudo-triangle with \ell vertices. Extending a result of Bisztriczky and T\'oth [Discrete Geometry, Marcel Dekker, 49--58, 2003], we obtain the exact values of F(k,5)F(k, 5) and F(k,6)F(k, 6), and obtain non-trivial bounds on F(k,7)F(k, 7).Comment: A minor error in the proof of Theorem 2 fixed. Typos corrected. 19 pages, 11 figure

    Performance Studies of Bulk Micromegas of Different Design Parameters

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    The present work involves the comparison of various bulk Micromegas detectors having different design parameters. Six detectors with amplification gaps of 64, 128, 192, 220 μm64,~128,~192,~220 ~\mu\mathrm{m} and mesh hole pitch of 63, 78 μm63,~78 ~\mu\mathrm{m} were tested at room temperature and normal gas pressure. Two setups were built to evaluate the effect of the variation of the amplification gap and mesh hole pitch on different detector characteristics. The gain, energy resolution and electron transmission of these Micromegas detectors were measured in Argon-Isobutane (90:10) gas mixture while the measurements of the ion backflow were carried out in P10 gas. These measured characteristics have been compared in detail to the numerical simulations using the Garfield framework that combines packages such as neBEM, Magboltz and Heed.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1605.0289

    The pp-Center Problem in Tree Networks Revisited

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    We present two improved algorithms for weighted discrete pp-center problem for tree networks with nn vertices. One of our proposed algorithms runs in O(nlogn+plog2nlog(n/p))O(n \log n + p \log^2 n \log(n/p)) time. For all values of pp, our algorithm thus runs as fast as or faster than the most efficient O(nlog2n)O(n\log^2 n) time algorithm obtained by applying Cole's speed-up technique [cole1987] to the algorithm due to Megiddo and Tamir [megiddo1983], which has remained unchallenged for nearly 30 years. Our other algorithm, which is more practical, runs in O(nlogn+p2log2(n/p))O(n \log n + p^2 \log^2(n/p)) time, and when p=O(n)p=O(\sqrt{n}) it is faster than Megiddo and Tamir's O(nlog2nloglogn)O(n \log^2n \log\log n) time algorithm [megiddo1983]

    Disjoint Empty Convex Pentagons in Planar Point Sets

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    In this paper we obtain the first non-trivial lower bound on the number of disjoint empty convex pentagons in planar points sets. We show that the number of disjoint empty convex pentagons in any set of n points in the plane, no three on a line, is at least ⌊5n/47⌋. This bound can be further improved to (3n−1)/28 for infinitely many n

    On the Minimum Size of a Point Set Containing a 5-Hole and a Disjoint 4-Hole

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    Let H(k; l), k ≤ l denote the smallest integer such that any set of H(k; l) points in the plane, no three on a line, contains an empty convex k-gon and an empty convex l-gon, which are disjoint, that is, their convex hulls do not intersect. Hosono and Urabe [JCDCG, LNCS 3742, 117–122, 2004] proved that 12 ≤ H(4, 5) ≤ 14. Very recently, using a Ramseytype result for disjoint empty convex polygons proved by Aichholzer et al. [Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol. 23, 481–507, 2007], Hosono and Urabe [Kyoto CGGT, LNCS 4535, 90–100, 2008] improve the upper bound to 13. In this paper, with the help of the same Ramsey-type result, we prove that H(4; 5) = 12