8 research outputs found

    Kesepaduan sosial dalam menghadapi musibah kejadian tanah runtuh di Malaysia

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    Kesepaduan sosial menjadi sebagai satu set tingkah laku dan mekanisme bagi menguruskan kerencaman sesebuah komuniti dalam menangani sesuatu musibah atau ancaman terhadap faktor keselamatan manusia mahupun bencana yang melibatkan faktor alam semula jadi. Bencana alam yang berlaku tanpa sebarang amaran mewujudkan hubungan sosial diantara komuniti setempat secara tidak langsung. Artikel ini bertujuan melihat faktor kemanusiaan yang menyebabkan punca berlakunya tanah runtuh dan kesannya terhadap perubahan sosial masyarakat setempat. Hal ini bagi memberi penekanan kesepaduan sebagai asas nilai untuk kesedaran dalam kalangan masyarakat sekiranya berlakunya bencana khusunya tanah runtuh. Pendekatan utama kajian ini adalah kualitatif yang bersandarkan sumber data sekunder. Justeru itu, data sumber sekunder adalah daripada artikel jurnal, buku rujukan akademik dan berita akhbar dalam talian digunakan dengan meluas dalam penulisan ini. Berdasarkan dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa penglibatan individu sehingga ke peringkat kelompok komuniti mahupun penglibatan pihak-pihak berkepentingan adalah sebagai sifat tanggungjawab yang bekerjasama dalam menghadapi bencana alam

    Ecotourism activities, homestay recovery plan and strategy indicators in post covid-19 Kundasang, Sabah, Malaysia

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    The purpose of this article is to discuss strategies and recovery plans for community based ecotourism and homestays following the Covid-19 pandemic Movement Control Order (MCO), particularly in Kampung Mesilou, Kundasang, Sabah. The spread of the Covid-19 virus has had a significant impact, particularly on the tourism industry in Malaysia and, more specifically, on the ecotourism sector in the state of Sabah. The implementation of MCO in Malaysia, which aims to restrict population movement, has had a negative impact on the tourism sector, as all of them were ordered to halt operations completely. As a result, the question of the strategies and recovery plans implemented by ecotourism and homestay operators to restore the ecotourism sector, particularly in Kampung Mesilou, arises. Therefore, the main research approach in this study is qualitative and based on primary data. The primary data used were the results of in-field informant interviews, which were supplemented by secondary data from journal articles. The study's findings revealed that after the government announced the relaxation of the MCO, the communities in the area took the initiative to re-promote their ecotourism activities widely through social media, etc. One of the entrepreneurs' strategies for attracting tourists in their shorter and medium plans is the addition of new ecotourism products and the improvement of the quality of homestay facilities recently

    Impact of the Tourism Sector on the Socio-Economy of Indigenous People on The Islands Around Semporna

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    The natural beauty of the islands is the main attraction of the tourism sector in Semporna, Sabah. The development of this tourism industry is seen to have a positive impact on the overall development in the Semporna District. However, whether this tourism development has a positive impact on the socio-economic development of the indigenous people in the surrounding islands of Semporna is the primary focus of this pilot study. The objective of this study is to identify the impact of tourism on the socio-economic development of the indigenous communities in the surrounding islands of Semporna. The study adopts a quantitative approach involving 60 respondents, with 20 respondents in each study location. The study locations include three islands around Semporna: Larapan Island, Omadal Island, and Mabul Island. The results of the study found that the respondents strongly agreed that the arrival of tourists in Semporna increased the income of the island's residents and provided job opportunities for the local population, with a minimum mean value of 4.6 for both aspects. In the social aspect, the majority of community members were highly responsive and believed that tourism empowered women's involvement (mean=4.4) and strengthened cooperation among community members (mean=4.6). In conclusion, the development of tourism in Semporna has a positive impact on the socio-economic development of the indigenous communities in the surrounding islands. However, various initiatives need to be strengthened to ensure that this positive impact benefits a larger number of indigenous people and helps alleviate poverty issues among the indigenous communities, particularly on the islands

    Kepuasan pelancong terhadap aktiviti homestay berasaskan ekopelancongan di Kampung Seri Serbang, Bongawan, Papar, Sabah

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    Program homestay adalah program pelancongan luar bandar yang sedang berkembang di Malaysia dan salah satunya alternatif produk pelancongan yang berpotensi untuk mendapat daya tarikan sebagai peningkatan permintaan antara perjalanan antarabangsa untuk pelancongan yang mempunyai ciri-ciri pengetahuan, termasuk memerhatikan, mengalami dan belajar bagaimana penduduk tempatan tinggal di destinasi yang dikunjungi. Oleh itu, kerajaan secara aktif memperkenalkan pelancongan berasaskan komuniti homestay sedang berkembang, terutamanya di kawasan luar bandar. Di samping itu, penglibatan masyarakat juga merupakan salah satu yang paling penting dalam kejayaan ekopelancongan atau pelancongan luar bandar. Tambahan pula, industri eko-pelancongan adalah yang terbesar penyumbang kepada negara pada masa ini tujuan utama kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti tahapnya kepuasan pelancong terhadap aktiviti ekopelancongan yang dilakukan oleh anggota masyarakat di Kampung Seri Serbang, Bongawan. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kuantitatif di mana pengedaran 50 borang soal selidik kepada pelancong domestik dan antarabangsa untuk menilai tahap kepuasan dengan aktiviti ekopelancongan yang dilakukan oleh anggota masyarakat. Kaedah untuk temu ramah mendalam juga dilakukan dengan anggota masyarakat yang terlibat ekopelancongan untuk maklumat tambahan. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa tahap kepuasan pelancong terhadap aktiviti ekopelancongan yang dilakukan berada pada tahap memuaskan. Ini kajian menunjukkan pentingnya sebilangan pihak berkepentingan, terutama majikan dan anggota masyarakat yang menjalankan inap desa untuk mengetahui minat pelancong

    Penglibatan komuniti dalam program homestay berasaskan ekopelancongan: kajian kes di kampung Seri Serbang Bongawan, Papar, Sabah

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    Program homestay berasaskan ekopelancongan sering dikaitkan dengan penglibatan komuniti luar bandar sebagai penggerak utama membangunkan pelancongan desa. Namun, pada peringkat awal penubuhan homestay di Kg. Seri Serbang ini terdapat beberapa cabaran yang terpaksa dihadapi oleh penaja program ini seperti ahli komuniti kurang berminat untuk turut serta, kurang pengetahuan dan kurang yakin terhadap faedah yang diperolehi dari program homestay. Namun, melalui sokongan oleh pihak Kementerian Pelancongan, Budaya dan Alam Sekitar, Sabah bersama Kementerian Pembangunan Luar Bandar, Sabah program homestay berjaya diperkenalkan di kampung ini. Penglibatan komuniti dalam aktiviti ekopelancongan menjadi salah satu alternatif kegiatan ekonomi dan pekerjaan baru berasaskan aktiviti ekopelancongan sekaligus membantu memenuhi permintaan serta kehendak pelancong domestik dan antarabangsa untuk berkunjung ke kampung ini. Pendekatan utama kajian ini adalah kajian kualitatif. Kaedah kutipan data melalui temu bual mendalam adalah bersama peserta dan Jawatankuasa Homestay Kg Seri Serbang. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa komuniti setempat di Kg. Seri Serbang ini mula menunjukkan minat untuk turut serta setelah beberapa individu menunjukkan kejayaan melalui penglibatan mereka dalam program homestay berasaskan ekopelancongan ini. Walau bagaimana pun cabaran masih lagi dihadapi oleh kebanyakan peserta homestay di kampung ini seperti berlakunya persaingan dengan pengusaha penginapan swasta yang ada di kawasan pekan Bongawan ini. Manakala isu hakisan tebing sungai dan usaha untuk mengekalkan hidupan liar seperti monyet bangkatan dan kelip-kelip merupakan cabaran besar untuk kelestarian program homestay dan ekopelancongan agar terus berjaya menarik kehadiran pelancong ke kampung ini pada masa depan

    Kelestarian pelancongan dan hubungannya dengan kesepaduan sosial: Kajian kes komuniti tempatan Bongawan

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    Kelestarian pelancongan merupakan isu penting dalam era globalisasi kini kerana faedah eknomi dan sosial komuniti tempatan wujud daripada pertumbuhan industri pelancongan yang pesat. Walau bagaimanapun, tanpa kesepaduan sosial yang kukuh maka kelestarian pelancongan mungkin sukar dicapai terutamanya dalam kalangan komuniti luar bandar. Kesepaduan sosial melibatkan hubungan harmoni yang wujud daripada persefahaman dan saling hormat - menghormati dalam kalangan pemain industri pelancongan. Justeru, artikel ini membincangkan indikator kesepaduan sosial komuniti yang menjadikan pembangunan pelancongan di Kampung Seri Serbang, Bongawan lebih lestari. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kaedah kualitatif melalui pemerhatian dan temubual mendalam bersama informan terpilih di Kampung Seri Serbang. Hasil dapatan menunjukkan, wujud eleman dan indikator kesepaduan sosial yang terbina melalui penglibatan aktif aktiviti pelancongan seperti river cruise, persembahan tarian dan pakaian tradisional etnik iaitu sebagai usaha pembangunan homestay mampan di Kampung Seri Serbang. Oleh itu, melalui usaha meningkatkan kesepaduan sosial, ia diharap dapat mewujudkan persekitaran yang kondusif dan kelestarian pelancongan di Kampung Seri Serbang dicapai. Sekaligus, dapat memberikan faedah jangka panjang kepada komuniti tempatan, pelancong dan alam sekitar secara maksimum

    Impact of the tourism sector on the socio-economy of indigenous people on the islands around Semporna

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    The natural beauty of the islands is the main attraction of the tourism sector in Semporna, Sabah. The development of this tourism industry is seen to have a positive impact on the overall development in the Semporna District. However, whether this tourism development has a positive impact on the socio-economic development of the indigenous people in the surrounding islands of Semporna is the primary focus of this pilot study. The objective of this study is to identify the impact of tourism on the socio-economic development of the indigenous communities in the surrounding islands of Semporna. The study adopts a quantitative approach involving 60 respondents, with 20 respondents in each study location. The study locations include three islands around Semporna: Larapan Island, Omadal Island, and Mabul Island. The results of the study found that the respondents strongly agreed that the arrival of tourists in Semporna increased the income of the island's residents and provided job opportunities for the local population, with a minimum mean value of 4.6 for both aspects. In the social aspect, the majority of community members were highly responsive and believed that tourism empowered women's involvement (mean=4.4) and strengthened cooperation among community members (mean=4.6). In conclusion, the development of tourism in Semporna has a positive impact on the socio-economic development of the indigenous communities in the surrounding islands. However, various initiatives need to be strengthened to ensure that this positive impact benefits a larger number of indigenous people and helps alleviate poverty issues among the indigenous communities, particularly on the islands

    Impact of the Tourism Sector on the Socio-Economy of Indigenous People on The Islands Around Semporna

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    The natural beauty of the islands is the main attraction of the tourism sector in Semporna, Sabah. The development of this tourism industry is seen to have a positive impact on the overall development in the Semporna District. However, whether this tourism development has a positive impact on the socio-economic development of the indigenous people in the surrounding islands of Semporna is the primary focus of this pilot study. The objective of this study is to identify the impact of tourism on the socio-economic development of the indigenous communities in the surrounding islands of Semporna. The study adopts a quantitative approach involving 60 respondents, with 20 respondents in each study location. The study locations include three islands around Semporna: Larapan Island, Omadal Island, and Mabul Island. The results of the study found that the respondents strongly agreed that the arrival of tourists in Semporna increased the income of the island's residents and provided job opportunities for the local population, with a minimum mean value of 4.6 for both aspects. In the social aspect, the majority of community members were highly responsive and believed that tourism empowered women's involvement (mean=4.4) and strengthened cooperation among community members (mean=4.6). In conclusion, the development of tourism in Semporna has a positive impact on the socio-economic development of the indigenous communities in the surrounding islands. However, various initiatives need to be strengthened to ensure that this positive impact benefits a larger number of indigenous people and helps alleviate poverty issues among the indigenous communities, particularly on the islands