43 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Capaian KKM Mata Pelajaran Matematika SD dan SMP melalui Penerapan Cooperative Learnig Tipe Stad: Studi Meta-Analisis

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    The success of learning is one of the indicators seen from the cut score achievements. Learning is said to be successful if it can lead students to reach or exceed the cut score that has been set. The use of learning methods leads students to achieve the cut score if the method matches the material and student characteristics. In mathematics, the cooperative learning type STAD is often used as alternative learning for this purpose. Much has been done to improve mathematics learning outcomes by applying STAD at the elementary and junior high school levels. This study examines the results of classroom action research (CAR) publications in mathematics involving nine (9) publications as a sample. Research data is collected online through the Publish or Parish application and indexed in the Google Scholar database. Data analysis was performed using Excel and JASP programs. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that the SE publications studied were homogeneous, both cycle I and cycle II. The results of data analysis also obtained a summary effect size (SES) of 0.654 and SE of 0.031 in cycle I and an SES of 0.918 with an SE of 0.18 in cycle II. Both SES have a p-value <0.01 which indicates that the SES is significant. The results of the analysis also found that SES belongs to the strong classification. Based on the results of this research analysis concluded that the application of cooperative learning in learning mathematics can improve KKM achievement in learning mathematics at the elementary and junior high school levels. Therefore it is suggested that learning mathematics in class apply the STAD cooperative learning model


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi (KBTT) siswa SMP dalam mata pelajaran matematika. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik testing (pengujian) yang melibatkan 913 siswa SMP di Ibukota Kabupaten Muna. Tes yang digunakan telah  diketahui memiliki bukti validitas, reliabilitas tinggi, dan parameter butir yang baik. Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah data kuantitatif. Data dianalisi secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diperoleh simpulan bahwa: (1) reliabilitas hasil pengukuran sangat tinggi (2) kemampuan higher order thinking siswa SMP dalam mata pelajaran masih rendah yang ditunjukkan oleh persentase siswa yang berada pada kategori kemampuan rendah dan sangat rendah sebanyak 66,05%, sedangkan siswa yang mencapai kategori tinggi dan sangat tinggi hanya sebanyak 33,95%, (3) persentase siswa yang mencapai kemampuan tinggi dan sangat tinggi di SMPN 4 Raha lebih tinggi dibandingkan siswa SMP lainnya, (4) rata-rata skor setiap sekolah berada di bawah rata-rata ideal


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    Kualitas atau kekuatan nilai-nilai karakter telah menjadi salah satu prioritas utama banyak negara dalam menghadapi perkembangan abad ke-21. Nilai karakter disiplin merupakan kekuatan karakter yang berhubungan dengan diri sendiri. Sudah banyak penelitian yang mengkaji hubungan nilai karakter disiplin dengan hasil belajar atau prestasi belajar matematika siswa sekolah dasar. Berdasarkan penelitian yang sudah pernah ada, maka perlu dilakukan studi meta analisis hubungan nilai karakter disiplin dengan keberhasilan belajar matematika di sekolah dasar. Meta analisis dilakukan untuk memperoleh summary effect size. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan meta analisis korelasi. Sebanyak 19 artefak penelitian yang bersumber dari artikel dan skripsi dikumpulan melalui Google Scholar dengan bantuan aplikasi publish or perish 8 telah memenuhi kriteria yang ditetapkan. Analisis data menggunakan bantuan aplikasi JASP Hasil penelitian diperoleh ada hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara nilai karakter disiplin dengan keberhasilan belajar matematika siswa sekolah dasar dengan summary effect size (0,70) merupakan ukuran yang maksimal pada kategori sedang. Hasil penelitian ini, tentunya telah membuktikan konsistensi dan memperkuat teori atau temuan peneliti sebelumnya bahwa dengan studi meta analisis mampu memberikan informasi meyakinkan dan efektif tentang hubungan kedua variabel tersebut. Kualiatas atau kekuatan nilai karakter disiplin yang dimiliki siswa sekolah dasar menjadi salah satu keterampilan dalam menghadapi perkembangan abad ke-21 yang penuh dengan tantangan

    Meta-Analisis Pengaruh Model Problem-Based Learning Terhadap Kemampuan Matematika Siswa

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    Seiring dengan berubahnya paradigma pembelajaran dari teacher-oriented menjadi student-oriented, Problem-Based Learning dirasa cocok digunakan dalam pembelajaran matematika. Kajian terhadap implementasinya juga telah banyak dilakukan dan secara umum dilaporkan efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji secara simultan pengaruh penerapan PBL dalam pembelajaran matematika di sekolah. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode meta-analisis yang melibatkan 20 studi primer di sekolah dasar hingga sekolah menengah atas dari empat negara. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pencarian Google Scholar dengan bantuan aplikasi Publish or Perish 8. Data dianalisis secara inferensial menggunakan aplikasi JASP Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa penerapan model PBL efektif dalam mencapai hasil belajar matematika (g=2,084; nilai p <0,01). Berdasarkan hasil analisis data variabel moderator ditemukan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan efektivitas antar jenjang pendidikan (Qb=203.324; nilai p=7.06>0.05), dalam dan luar negeri (Qb=128.711; nilai p=7.84>0.05), maupun studi antar rentang waktu (Qb=1.822; nilai p=0.18>0.05). Hasil penelitian ini menemukan konsistensi dampak penerapan model PBL terhadap pencapaian kemampuan matematika pada tingkat SD, SMP, dan SMA/SMK. Temuan penelitian ini berimplikasi pada peningkatan pengetahuan dan penerapan model Problem-Based Learning di kelas

    Identifikasi Muatan Differential Item Functioning Pada Data Ujian Nasional Matematika

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    One of the test criteria used in ability testing is a test that is free from Differential Item Functioning (DIF). Tests containing DIF can harm certain groups and benefit certain groups as well. However, sometimes the standard tests used are unknowingly containing DIF. The National Examination must meet the DIF-free criteria to avoid erroneous decision-making regarding the results of the exam. The purpose of this study is to detect Differential Item Functioning (DIF) through a unidimensional-based item response theory approach using explorative quantitative research. The results of the national mathematics exam as data for detecting DIF. The analysis technique uses the Mantel-Haenszal and Logistic Regression. In addition, DIF detection focused on gender, namely groups of men and women. Estimation of item parameters was carried out with the help of BILOG-MG, and the identification of DIF content using the R program tool. The results of the analysis showed that of the 21 items analyzed using Mantel-Haenszal and Logistic Regression, one item (Number 27) was suspected to contain DIF. This item is likely or suspected to benefit the male group, because in completing it the students first illustrate it in the form of an image, making it easier to calculate the height of the building, so that a long enough analysis is needed to be able to answer it

    Meta-Analisis Komparasi Contextual Teaching and Learning dan Pembelajaran Konvensional

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    Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) is a learning approach adopted from the United States that began to be implemented in Indonesia starting around the 2000s. Since then, there have been many studies examining the effectiveness of CTL compared to other approaches, one of which is the conventional approach. This study examines the results of comparative studies using meta-analysis. The aim was to describe the significance of CTL's effectiveness compared to conventional approaches by analyzing the effect sizes of 16 published studies. The studies analyzed were obtained from search results using the Publish or Parish application. The 16th study was obtained using the Google Scholar index with the criteria for the publication period of 2014 - 2019, the study contained the sample size, mean, standard deviation or variance of the experimental and control classes. The effect size and standard error of each study were analyzed using MS Excel. Furthermore, heterogeneity testing and combined effect size were analyzed using the JASP application. Based on the results of data analysis using a significance level of α = 0.05, Q = 0.388 was obtained with a p-value = 1.000. This shows that the effect sizes of the 16 studies analyzed are homogeneous or not heterogeneous. Based on the results of data analysis, an effect size of 0.106 was also obtained with a p-value of 0.692 at the 95% confidence level. The effect size is in the weak and insignificant category. Therefore it is concluded that the effectiveness of the application of CTL is not significant compared to the conventional approach.This could be due to the small effect size of some studies. In addition, studies that have large effect sizes also have large standard errors. This finding has implications for increasing teacher competence in implementing CTL


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    Reliabilitas merupakan salah satu properti tes yang berkaitan dengan kesalahan atau konsistensi pengukuran. Kesalahan pengukuran dalam teori tes klasik dihasilkan perbedaan antara skor tampak dengan suatu skor yang sesungguhnya-tidak tampak (skor murni). Reliabilitas suatu tes terlihat dari koefisien reliabilitasnya. Koefisien reliabilitas dapat diestimasi dengan beberapa cara, salah satunya tergantung pada jenis tes. Hasil estimasi koefisien reliabilitas dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, antara lain panjang tes dan heterogenitas kemampuan peserta tes. Hasil penelitian simulasi ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin panjang suatu tes, koefisien reliabilitasnya semakin tinggi. Sebaliknya semakin pendek suatu tes, koefisien reliabilitasnya semakin rendah. Ditemukan juga bahwa tes yang memiliki tingkat kesukaran tinggi, koefisien reliabilitasnya lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan koefisien reliabilitas tes yang lebih pendek. Dalam penelitian ini tidak ditemukan pola perubahan koefisien reliabilitas akibat peningkatan atau pengurangan banyak peserta tes

    Meta-Analisis Hubungan Motivasi Belajar dan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa di Indonesia

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    Learning motivation is an essential element for a student in learning mathematics. Mathematics learning achievement is closely related to learning motivation. This study analyzes the relationship between the two variables using a meta-analysis design. Meta-analysis was carried out using the help of the JASP computer program, while data searches used Harzing’s Publih or Perish  that was indexing by Google Scholar. The data analyzed as a sample were 11 studies at the elementary, junior high, and high school levels. Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that the effect sizes of the 11 studies analyzed varied. The results of this study found that the correlation coefficient rE was 0.452 with a p-value <0.001 at the 95% confidence level. While the results of the analysis of moderator variables at the school level and study period respectively, obtained p-value = 0.008 with Qb = 9.641 and 0.036 with Qb = 4.441. Based on the results of the data analysis, this study concluded that there was a significant positive relationship between learning motivation and students' mathematics learning outcomes in Indonesia. The relationship differed significantly between school levels and between publication period. The research findings have implications for the need for serious attention from teachers, principals, parents of students, and related parties to always maintain and continue to arouse students' learning motivation in learning mathematics. on increasing student motivation

    A meta-analysis study of the effect of the blended learning model on students’ mathematics learning achievement

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    Many studies have researched the effect of blended learning on mathematics learning achievement, but the results of previous research reported different results. Therefore, this research aims to determine the effect of the blended learning model on mathematics learning achievement. The design of this study used a meta-analysis approach by analyzing 20 effect sizes from 18 primary studies that were Scopus-indexed and met the inclusion criteria. The results of the analysis show that the use of the blended learning model affects mathematics achievement compared to traditional learning (d = 0.725; p 0.05). The results of the analysis according to the moderator variable are known that the effect of the blended learning model on mathematics achievement is different based on the level of education (Qb = 13.923; p 0.05) and the year of research (Qb = 16.140; p 0.05). However, no differences were found according to the sample size group (Qb = 0.039; p 0.05) and media platform (Qb = 2.861; p 0.05. The findings show the consistency of the publication of research results on the effect of using the blended learning model on students' mathematics learning achievement

    Developing an assessment instrument of junior high school students’ higher order thinking skills in mathematics

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    This study is a research and development study. It aims to produce an instrument for assessing junior high school (JHS) students’ higher order thinking skills (HOTS) in mathematics. Its procedure consists of nine steps: (1) Constructing the test specification; (2) writing test items; (3) analyzing test items; (4) conducting the first tryout; (5) analyzing the results of the first try out; (6) revising the test; (7) assembling the test; (8) conducting the second tryout; and (9) analyzing the results of the second tryout. The instrument content validity was obtained through the focus group discussion (FGD) forum, and Delphi technique. The construct validity was found out through the tryout data analysis. The instrument tryout was conducted twice involving 264 participants in the first tryout and 821 participants in the second tryout. The results of the study indicate that the instrument for assessing JHS students’ HOTS in mathematics has met the validity and reliability criteria. From the results of the content validity analysis, it can be concluded that the instrument is valid, and it was supported by the items validity indices above  0.79. From the results of the construct validity analysis, it can be concluded that the instrument is valid, as indicated by the value of χ2 = 67.69, with p-value = 0.10, Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) = 0.03, supported by Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) of 0.97, Normed Fit Index (NFI) of 0.95, and Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index (AGFI) of 0.95. The instrument reliability is 0.88. The developed instrument for assessing HOTS in mathematics consists of 12 items, each of which is of essay test type. The test items have difficulty indices in a range of 0.30 ≤ Pi ≤ 0.7