9 research outputs found


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    Kemampuan memahami masalah adalah suatu kemampuan untuk memperoleh pemahaman yang tepat tentang suatu persoalan yang dihadapi dan dapat mengidentifikasi dengan tepat apa yang menjadi masalahnya. Kesulitan dalam memahami masalah akan mempengaruhi proses selanjutnya dalam pemecahan masalah. Ketika siswa mengalami kesulitan, siswa perlu mengeluarkan upaya untuk memahami lebih dalam dan melibatkannya dalam suatu perjuangan yang produktif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai kemampuan siswa dalam memahami masalah, kesulitan siswa dalam memahami masalah, kecenderungan daya juang produktif siswa, dan kemampuan memahami masalah siswa berdasarkan daya juang produktif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan desain fenomenologi hermeneutik yang dilaksanakan di SMP Kota Bandung, dengan melibatkan 86 siswa kelas VIII sebagai partisipan. Subjek dalam penelitian ini dipilih secara purposive. Data dalam penelitian dikumpulkan menggunakan test Kemampuan Memahami Masalah, skala daya juang produktif, dan wawancara. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan mayoritas siswa dalam memahami masalah masuk ke dalam kategori sedang. Ditinjau dari kesulitan, kesulitan yang paling signifikan muncul dalam memahami masalah kontekstual adalah kesulitan dalam menangkap makna tersirat. Mayoritas siswa juga memiliki kecenderungan daya juang produktif kategori sedang. Kecenderungan daya juang produktif berpengaruh positif pada bagaimana siswa mengatasi kesulitannya sehingga mengakibatkan pencapaian yang cenderung meningkat. Siswa dengan daya juang produktif kategori tinggi lebih mampu untuk memahami masalah dibandingkan siswa dengan daya juang produktif sedang dan rendah. The ability to understand problems is the ability to gain a precise understanding of a problem faced and be able to identify exactly what the problem is. Failure to understand the problem will affect the next process in problem solving. When students experience difficulties, they need to expend effort to understand them more deeply and involve them in a productive struggle. This research aims to obtain a description of students' abilities in understanding problems, students' difficulties in understanding problems, students' productive struggle tendencies, and students' ability to understand problems based on productive struggle. This is qualitative research with a hermeneutic phenomenological design carried out at Bandung City Secondary School, involving 86 class VIII students as participants. The subjects in this research were selected purposefully. The data in the research was collected using tests, productive struggle scale, and interviews. Research findings show that the ability of most students to understand problems falls into the medium category. Based on the difficulties, the most significant difficulty that arises in understanding contextual problems is the difficulty in capturing implicit meaning. The majority of students also have a tendency to struggle in the medium category. Productive struggle has a positive effect on how students overcome their difficulties, resulting in increased achievement. The student with a high productive struggle is better able to understand problems than the student with a medium or low productive struggle. Keywords: Understand Problems, Productive Struggle, Contextual Problem

    Bibliometric Analysis: Adobe Flash Cs6 Research in Mathematics Learning

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    The use of animation on Adobe Flash media in learning mathematics has many benefits, especially in helping students understand mathematics more meaningfully, connecting mathematics with the real world, visualizing, and understanding the importance of mathematics. This study aims to capture the landscape of previous research that is relevant to Adobe Flash in mathematics learning in the last decade, namely from 2012 to 2022 using bibliometric analysis with the help of the VOSviewer application. The Google Scholar database was used to search for data with the keywords "adobe flash" and "mathematics learning" which were then refined to become 72 publications. The trend of publications related to Adobe Flash in learning mathematics has increased from 2015 to 2018, while the most publications occurred in 2021 with 19 documents. Publications in 2018 have been cited in more than 150 citations. The focus of research related to Adobe Flash in learning mathematics is 1) problems, motivations and interests; 2) development, contextual teaching and elementary school; 3) outcomes and technology. The keyword "Adobe Flash" is not directly related to the keywords contextual teaching, android and stem. The new themes related to this field are pandemic, interest, e-learning, stem and primary school

    Research on Self-Regulated Learning in Mathematics Learning (1980-2023): A Bibliometric Review

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    Self Regulated Learning (SRL) is the ability of individuals to effectively use various strategies in achieve their learning goals. The purpose of this study is to capture the research landscape related to Self-Regulation Student learning at the secondary school level from 1980 to 2023. The method used in this study is a descriptive bibliometric analysis method, it is aimed at analyzing scientific literature, focusing on the measurement and description of patterns in bibliographic data. The Scopus database is used as the research data. The results showed that a rapid increase in the number of publications occurred from 2014 to 2015 and from 2017 to 2018. Publications in 2006 were cited more than any other year. The United States of America is the most influential country in this field. Publications in journals related to self-regulated research The most learning is at the Q1 level. The focus of research related to this field is divided into three parts, namely, 1) development, practice, and tasks; 2) strategy, mathematics achievements, and reasoning; 3) environment and understanding. The new theme in this research is self efficacy, attitude, environment, age and reasoning

    Bibliometric analysis: Learning outcomes research in mathematics learning (1992-2023)

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    Learning Outcomes are values, attitudes and skills as a result of the learning process. The purpose of this study is to look at the research landscape related to learning outcomes in mathematics learning from 1992 to 2023. The method used is descriptive bibliometric analysis. The data taken comes from the enhanced Scopus database. The results showed that the trend of the most publications related to learning outcomes in learning mathematics was in 2020 and 2022 with a total of 14 publications. The most citation trend occurred in the 2009 publication which has been cited 262 times. The country that has had a major impact on research on learning outcomes in mathematics learning is the United States of America. The research focus is divided into three parts, namely, 1) motivation and reasoning; 2) , technology and higher school; 3) universities and assessments. New themes in this field are mathematical problems, higher education, blended learning and geogebra. The learning outcomes keyword is not directly connected with the 7 other keywords, namely, ict, critical thinking, mathematics achievement, pre service teacher, gender different, secondary school. Keywords with new themes such as mathematical problems are not together with learning outcomes but are not directly connected with keywords with other new themes such as higher education, blended learning and geogebr

    Penyelesaian Soal Matematika Kontekstual Siswa Kelas VII Berdasarkan Struktur Kalimat Ditinjau Dari Daya Juang Produktif

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    Penyelesaian masalah dan daya juang produktif memiliki hubungan yang erat dalam pembelajaran matematika. Siswa yang memiliki daya juang produktif cenderung memberikan pengaruh positif pada bagaimana siswa mengatasi kesulitannya saat menyelesaikan masalah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kemampuan siswa dalam menyelesaikan masalah kontekstual berdasarkan struktur kalimat ditinjau dari daya juang produktif serta mendeskripsikan strategi pembelajaran yang sesuai untuk mendorong daya juang produktif siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan di salah satu SMP Swasta Kota Bandung yang berjumlah 20 siswa. Metode yang digunakan adalah tes, wawancara dan think aloud. Tes divalidasi oleh ahli pendidikan matematika pada validitas konten, konstruk dan muka. Analisis data pada penelitian ini mencakup reduksi data, penyajian data dan kesimpulan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa siswa dengan daya juang produktif yang tinggi mampu menyelesaikan soal dengan struktur bahasa kompleks dan penyelesaian kompleks. Sedangkan siswa dengan daya juang produktif rendah, masih kesulitan dalam menyelesaikan soal dengan stuktur bahasa kompleks maupun penyelesaian kompleks. Adapun beberapa strategi yang dapat dilakukan untuk mendorong daya juang produktif adalah dengan memberikan soal yang menantang, mengajukan pertanyaan pendorong, memberikan waktu yang cukup serta menekankan pentingnya proses kepada siswa

    Kemampuan Membuat Model Matematika dan Daya Juang Produktif Siswa SMP dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Pemecahan Masalah

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    Membuat model matematika adalah kemampuan menerjemahkan situasi realitas ke dalam bahasa matematika. Model matematika sama dengan kemampuan representasi matematis. Ada tiga representasi matematika yang menjadi sorotan dalam penelitian ini yaitu konkrit, piktorial, dan abstrak. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di salah satu sekolah di kabupaten Bandung Barat sejumlah 51 siswa. Peneliti memilih siswa berdasarkan tingkatan daya juang produktifnya yaitu tinggi, sedang dan rendah. Siswa yang memiliki daya juang produktif tinggi dapat menjawab ketiga soal dengan benar dengan model matematika abstrak. Siswa yang memiliki daya juang produktif yang sedang dapat menjawab dua soal dengan benar dengan model matematika konkrit dan abstrak. Siswa yang memiliki daya juang produktif yang rendah dapat menjawab satu soal dengan bantuan intervensi/perlakuan dari peneliti guna mendorong daya juang produktif dengan memberikan soal pemecahan masalah dan mengajukan pertanyaan gaya Socrates. Bantuan ini tidak menghilangkan kesempatan siswa untuk aktif berfikir, sebaliknya melalui metode ini siswa dituntut untuk memaknai pengetahuannya. Sebanyak 2% siswa mengerjakan soal dengan menggunakan model matematika konkret dan seluruh siswa yang mengerjakan dengan menggunakan model matematika konkret tersebut dapat menjawab soal dengan benar. Sebanyak 7.5% siswa mengerjakan soal dengan menggunakan model pictorial dan seluruh siswa yang mengerjakan dengan menggunakan model pictorial tersebut dapat menjawab soal dengan benar. Sebanyak 90.5% siswa memilih untuk mengerjakan soal dengan menggunakan model matematika abstrak. Hanya 12.5% siswa yang mampu mengerjakan soal dengan tepat. Sebanyak 78% siswa yang gagal diakibatkan mereka memilih menggunakan model matematika abstrak padahal mereka belum menguasai model matematika abstrak dengan baik

    The Effect of Math Anxiety On Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability: The Effect of Math Anxiety On Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability

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    One of the factors that influence the ability to solve mathematical problems is that students do not like mathematics and lack the ability to understand concepts. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of math anxiety on students' mathematical problem solving abilities. This research uses SLR (Systematic Literature Review). The result of this study is that the effect of math anxiety on problem solving abilities is negative. Based on the studies reviewed, it can be concluded that the level of students' math anxiety is high, so the resulting problem-solving ability is low, and vice versa. Problem solving abilities are strongly influenced by students' math anxiety

    Bibliometric Analysis: Research on Articulate Storylines in Mathematics Learning

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    Articulate Storyline is part of the media authoring tools that can be used in making a product, especially for teaching tools that have been combined into one that contains images, videos, text, sound, drafts, and learning animations. This study aims to capture the landscape of previous research that is relevant to the Articulate Storyline in mathematics learning in the last decade, from 2013 to 2022 using bibliometric analysis. The data taken from the Google Scholar database was refined so that it became 111 publications. The publication trend related to Articulate Storyline in mathematics learning has increased every year, starting from 2019 to 2022, the most publications occurred in 2022 with 58 documents. Publications in 2020 have been cited in more than 180 citations. The focus of research related to Adobe Flash in learning mathematics is 1) critical thinking ability and motivation; 2) understanding mathematics, technology and elementary school; 3) development and junior high school; 4) mathematics and outcome

    Research Trends in Problem Based Learning in Middle School (1998-2023): A Bibliometric Review

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    Problem-based learning is a learning model that uses real-life problems that require authentic investigations to construct knowledge actively and collaboratively. The aim of this study was to capture the research landscape related to problem-based learning applied to students at the middle school level from 1998 to 2023. A descriptive bibliometric analysis method was used in this study. The data obtained was taken from the Scopus database. The results of the study show that publications related to problem-based learning, especially in middle schools, go up and down every year. Publications in 2003 have been cited more than any other year. The United States of America is the most influential country in this field. publications in journals related to problem-based learning research applied to middle school students are mostly at the Q1 rank, namely 45 journals. The research focus is divided into 3 namely, 1) knowledge, skills and development; 2) effect, self-efficacy, achievement and effectiveness; 3) middle school students, environment and abilities. These three research focuses can be used as a reference for future researchers to determine the focus of their research related to problem-based learnin