3,151 research outputs found
Alpha decay chains from superheavy nuclei
Magic islands for extra-stable nuclei in the midst of the sea of
fission-instability were predicted to be around Z=114, 124 or, 126 with N=184,
and Z=120, with N=172. Whether these fission-survived superheavy nuclei with
high Z and N would live long enough for detection or, undergo alpha-decay in a
very short time remains an open question. Alpha-decay half lives of nuclei with
130 < Z < 100 have been calculated in a WKB framework using density-dependent
M3Y interaction with Q-values from different mass formulae. The results are in
excellent agreement with the experimental data. Fission survived Sg nuclei with
Z=106, N=162 is predicted to have the highest alpha-decay half life ~ 3.2 hrs
in the Z=106-108, N=160-164 region called, small island/peninsula. Superheavy
nuclei with Z > 118 are found to have alpha-decay half lives of the order of
microseconds or, less.Comment: Invited Talk presented at the "International School Of Nuclear
Physics. 30th Course. Heavy-Ion Collisions from the Coulomb Barrier to the
Quark-Gluon Plasma", Erice-Sicily: 16 - 24 September 200
Reply to Comment on Extension of the Bethe-Weizsacker mass formula to light nuclei and some new shell closures
Some properties of the modified Bethe-Weizsacker mass formula (BWM) are
discussed. As BWM has no shell effect included, the extra-stability or,
magicity in nuclei clearly stands out when experimental mass data are compared
with BWM predictions. If the shell effect quenches, the BWM predictions come
closer to the experimental data.Comment: 2 pages, no figur
Shell effect in Pb isotopes near the proton drip line
A mass formula (BWM) without shell effect is employed to study the variation
of the shell effect in Pb isotopes through comparison with the experimental
data. Unlike other macroscopic formulae, the BWM reproduces the general trend
of the binding energy versus neutron number curves of all the nuclei from Li to
Bi. The shell effect in Pb-isotopes reduces to ~56 keV at N=106 but, increases
gradually for N<106, indicating increasing shell effect in Pb near the proton
drip line.Comment: Presented at the Cluster03 Conference, 4 pages, 3 figures, uses
Lambda hyperonic effect on the normal driplines
A generalized mass formula is used to calculate the neutron and proton drip
lines of normal and lambda hypernuclei treating non-strange and strange nuclei
on the same footing. Calculations suggest existence of several bound
hypernuclei whose normal cores are unbound. Addition of Lambda or,
Lambda-Lambda hyperon(s) to a normal nucleus is found to cause shifts of the
neutron and proton driplines from their conventional limits.Comment: 6 pages, 4 tables, 0 figur
Stability analysis for cosmological models in gravity using dynamical system analysis
Modified gravity theories have received increased attention lately to
understand the late time acceleration of the universe. This viewpoint
essentially modifies the geometric components of the universe. Among numerous
extension to Einstein's theory of gravity, theories which include higher order
curvature invariant, and specifically the class of theories, have
received several acknowledgments. In our current work we try to understand the
late time acceleration of the universe by modifying the geometry of the space
and using dynamical system analysis. The use of this technique allows to
understand the behavior of the universe under several circumstances. Apart from
that we study the stability properties of the critical point and acceleration
phase of the universe which could then be analyzed with observational data. We
consider a particular model with for the study. As a first case we consider the matter and
radiation component of the universe with an assumption of no interaction
between them. Later, as a second case we take matter, radiation and dark energy
(cosmological constant) where study on effects of linear, non-linear and no
interaction between matter and dark energy is considered and results have been
discussed in detail.Comment: 16 pages and 10 figures, published in EPJ
Dark energy in spherically symmetric universe coupled with Brans-Dicke scalar field
The phenomenon of dark energy and its manifestations are studied in a
spherically symmetric universe considering the Brans-Dicke scalar tensor
theory. In the first model the dark energy behaves like a phantom type and in
such a universe the existence of negative time is validated with an indication
that our universe started its evolution before . Dark energy prevalent in
this universe is found to be more active at times when other types of energies
remain passive. The second model universe begins with big bang. On the other
hand the dark energy prevalent in the third model is found to be of the
quintessence type. Here it is seen that the dark energy triggers the big bang
and after that much of the dark energy reduces to dark matter. One peculiarity
in such a model is that the scalar field is prevalent eternally, it never tends
to zero.Comment: 15 page
Qualitative behavior of cosmological models combining various matter fields
The late time accelerated expansion of the universe can be realized using
scalar fields with given self-interacting potentials. Here we consider a
straightforward approach where a three cosmic fluid mixture is assumed. The
fluids are standard matter perfect fluid, dark matter, and a scalar field with
the role of dark energy. A dynamical system analysis is developed in this
context. A central role is played by the equation of state which
determines the acceleration phase of the models. Determining the domination of
a particular fluid at certain stages of the universe history by stability
analysis allows, in principle, to establish the succession of the various
cosmological eras.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, accepted in IJMP
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