5,759 research outputs found
Time-Domain Measurement of Broadband Coherent Cherenkov Radiation
We report on further analysis of coherent microwave Cherenkov impulses
emitted via the Askaryan mechanism from high-energy electromagnetic showers
produced at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC). In this report, the
time-domain based analysis of the measurements made with a broadband (nominally
1-18 GHz) log periodic dipole array antenna is described. The theory of a
transmit-receive antenna system based on time-dependent effective height
operator is summarized and applied to fully characterize the measurement
antenna system and to reconstruct the electric field induced via the Askaryan
process. The observed radiation intensity and phase as functions of frequency
were found to agree with expectations from 0.75-11.5 GHz within experimental
errors on the normalized electric field magnitude and the relative phase; 0.039
microV/MHz/TeV and 17 deg, respectively. This is the first time this agreement
has been observed over such a broad bandwidth, and the first measurement of the
relative phase variation of an Askaryan pulse. The importance of validation of
the Askaryan mechanism is significant since it is viewed as the most promising
way to detect cosmogenic neutrino fluxes at E > 10^15 eV.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, accepted by Phys. Rev.
Experimental Limit on the Cosmic Diffuse Ultra-high Energy Neutrino Flux
We report results from 120 hours of livetime with the Goldstone Lunar
Ultra-high energy neutrino Experiment (GLUE). The experiment searches for <10
ns microwave pulses from the lunar regolith, appearing in coincidence at two
large radio telescopes separated by 22 km and linked by optical fiber. Such
pulses would arise from subsurface electromagnetic cascades induced by
interactions of >= 100 EeV neutrinos in the lunar regolith. No candidates are
yet seen, and the implied limits constrain several current models for
ultra-high energy neutrino fluxes.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, revtex4 style. New intro section, Fig. 2, Fig 4;
in final PRL revie
Picosecond timing of Microwave Cherenkov Impulses from High-Energy Particle Showers Using Dielectric-loaded Waveguides
We report on the first measurements of coherent microwave impulses from
high-energy particle-induced electromagnetic showers generated via the Askaryan
effect in a dielectric-loaded waveguide. Bunches of 12.16 GeV electrons with
total bunch energy of GeV were pre-showered in tungsten, and
then measured with WR-51 rectangular (12.6 mm by 6.3 mm) waveguide elements
loaded with solid alumina () bars. In the 5-8 GHz
single-mode band determined by the presence of the dielectric in the waveguide,
we observed band-limited microwave impulses with amplitude proportional to
bunch energy. Signals in different waveguide elements measuring the same shower
were used to estimate relative time differences with 2.3 picosecond precision.
These measurements establish a basis for using arrays of alumina-loaded
waveguide elements, with exceptional radiation hardness, as very high precision
timing planes for high-energy physics detectors.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figure
Limit on UHE Neutrino Flux from the Parkes Lunar Radio Cherenkov Experiment
The first search for ultra-high energy (UHE) neutrinos using a radio
telescope was conducted by Hankins, Ekers and O'Sullivan (1996). This was a
search for nanosecond duration radio Cherenkov pulses from electromagnetic
cascades initiated by ultra-high energy (UHE) neutrino interactions in the
lunar regolith, and was made using a broad-bandwidth receiver fitted to the
Parkes radio telescope, Australia. At the time, no simulations were available
to convert the null result into a neutrino flux limit. Since then, similar
experiments at Goldstone, USA, and Kalyazin, Russia, have also recorded null
results, and computer simulations have been used to model the experimental
sensitivities of these two experiments and put useful limits on the UHE
neutrino flux.
Proposed future experiments include the use of broad-bandwidth receivers,
making the sensitivity achieved by the Parkes experiment highly relevant to the
future prospects of this field. We have therefore calculated the effective
aperture for the Parkes experiment and found that when pointing at the lunar
limb, the effective aperture at all neutrino energies was superior to
single-antenna, narrow-bandwidth experiments, and that the detection threshold
was comparable to that of the double-antenna experiment at Goldstone. However,
because only a small fraction of the observing time was spent pointing the
limb, the Parkes experiment places only comparatively weak limits on the UHE
neutrino flux. Future efforts should use multiple telescopes and
broad-bandwidth receivers.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
Development Toward a Ground-Based Interferometric Phased Array for Radio Detection of High Energy Neutrinos
The in-ice radio interferometric phased array technique for detection of high
energy neutrinos looks for Askaryan emission from neutrinos interacting in
large volumes of glacial ice, and is being developed as a way to achieve a low
energy threshold and a large effective volume at high energies. The technique
is based on coherently summing the impulsive Askaryan signal from multiple
antennas, which increases the signal-to-noise ratio for weak signals. We report
here on measurements and a simulation of thermal noise correlations between
nearby antennas, beamforming of impulsive signals, and a measurement of the
expected improvement in trigger efficiency through the phased array technique.
We also discuss the noise environment observed with an analog phased array at
Summit Station, Greenland, a possible site for an interferometric phased array
for radio detection of high energy neutrinos.Comment: 13 Pages, 14 Figure
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