47 research outputs found
After the issuance of the Regional Autonomy Law in 2004, land concessions in the border area were of particular concern to the corporation. In addition to the changing and increasingly open situation, the land area has experienced a narrowing of space due to the ease with which the local government issues permits in both forest, mining and plantation land concessions (HGU). Even though full authority over large-scale land concessions is at the center, the recommendations of local governments largely determine the process of issuing "licenses/ rights". in reality, the "narrowing of space" in the land area must be transferred to other regions that are politically advantageous, far from the center of the crowd and public attention, namely the border area which is still considered non-monitored. This study would like to illustrate how the strategy of the community to survive and fight defends its land and manages the land on the basis of local wisdom to protect the ecology of peat forests belonging to the community. The model and strategy of struggle chosen are decisive in the level of success of the community in maintaining their land. This paper uses field studies with a "action" research approach involving actors and advocacy parties. As a result, Seven villages in Tebingtinggi Timur were included in the 10,390 hectare Industrial Plantation concession scheme. Successfully resisted and expelled the company which had been regarded as the party responsible for the ecological crisis and environmental damage. Another interesting finding is how the model and strategy of the Sungaitohor and surrounding communities fought and defended their land. The strategy promoted as a central issue is saving ecology and food with a collaborative approach from various parties. And finally, the issue succeeded in delivering "victory" to the local community, and "drive away" the company from Sungaitohor, Riau. Keywords: Sungaitohor, strategy for struggle, agrarian reform-social forestr
In the beginning of the 21st century, agrarian movements in Indonesia began to rise and found its identity. The implementationof the Basic Agrarian Law (UUPA) has taken the dreams of the socialist and populist on their struggle for “a countrygooddeed”. UUPA firmly revised the Colonial Policy in Indonesian agrarian matters. Unfortunately, UUPA was buried by Suharto andreplaced by the Forestry Law 1967 as a way of “new tenuring system” on agrarian resources. Afterward, the New Order conductedcentralization and build bases of inequalities for the mastery of Indonesian agrarian structure. As a result, resistance of farmers,students, NGOs, and other groups emerged with a main issue to fight against the repressive policies of the New Order in theAgricultural field. After 1998, regime changes occurred over the history of the reversal of previous events, reclaiming occurrednearly throughout Indonesia. The character of the movement has changed. Farmers, NGOs, student and Scholar-Activist weredirectly involved in advocacies and movements. History tells that agrarian movements have extended through bureaucracies andpolitics (penetration policy and legislation) and the struggle in the Constitutional Court. This paper described a map of the New-Order-agrarian-regime reform and the reformation of the emerged movement characteristics by depicted some actors on the field.This paper used a comparison approach between movements during the new order regime and post-reformation era.Key words: movement characteristic, struggle, agrarian movement, New Order, Reformation
Pembaharuan Data Profil Desa Bumirejo Sebagai Dasar Menetapkan Sasaran Program Pembangunan Desa
The rural development process in Indonesia ideally translates village character and responds to community needs. However, some of these villages have not prepared and updated village profile data based on real-world conditions in order to provide a complete picture of the village's character. The purpose of this paper is to photograph the development of Bumirejo Village so that it can be used to set development program targets and assess the effectiveness of village development. This community service activity employs qualitative methods. Data collection techniques such as observational studies and in-depth interviews and data analysis employs narrative analysis. As part of the village government, this activity resulted in a village profile book containing basic family data, potential, and regional development of each hamlet
Reconciling community land and state forest claims in Indonesia: A case study of the Land Tenure Settlement Reconciliation Program in South Sumatra
Longstanding land tenure claims in state forest by communities continues to pose a challenge to government institutions in Indonesia. Such conditions require institutions to develop mechanisms to assure communities of their rights in the state ideals of manifest justice and welfare. One government policy to reconcile these goals is the mechanism on Land Tenure Settlement Reconciliation in State Forests (Penyelesaian Penguasaan Tanah dalam Kawasan Hutan/PPTKH). This study aims to describe this policy in the context of fieldwork experience related to fundamental problems in the process of identification and settlement of land tenure claimed by communities in state forests. Data collection was obtained through participant observation conducted with communities in Ogan Kemoring Ulu Regency by identifying and verifying community lands in state forests. This method allowed for a more nuanced understanding of settlement challenges and afforded the opportunity to develop a formula for addressing conflicts. The results of the study show that the main problems are a lack of access to information related to the PPTKH policy emergent from ineffective dissemination of information combined with an underdeveloped capacity of processes that support the community to convene and discuss with government actors, academics/researchers, and activists/scholars. The participative learning process conducted by the authors helped the community effectively prepare documents to propose to an Inventory and Verification (Inver) team of Land Tenure in State Forests. Therefore, going forward more collaborative work is needed within the framework of community assistance and capacity building so that the communities have the means and resources to able to understand the challenges of land tenure recognition and be empowered to propose such mechanisms independently. Communities who claim land in state forests depend upon formalized legality, without which can potentially harm their access and assets
The research is aimed at describing conflict on the land acquisition of expanding the Komodo Airport at WestManggarai Regency, NTT. The expansion of airport is intended to accommodate the tourist since Komodo was determined to beThe New 7 Wonder of Nature. The increase of tourist place, especially on Sail Komodo program in September 2013. The focus ofexpansion was on three places namely the 300 meter runaway which belonged to Department of Transportation. The west part ofthe airport that is Binongko Hill and Batu Hill. At the last two areas, the expansion was done by eliminating the people’s land. Thisresulted protests from the society as they do not get any financial return. Using the qualitative and critical approaches, the studywas able to show the map of conflict location between the regional government and the society. At the Binongko and Batu Hillareas, the conflict took place as people did not set any financial return.Keywords: land acquisitions of Komodo airport, conflict, compensatio
Akuisisi Tanah-Tanah Rakyat: Problem HGU PT. BMS DI Rejang Lebong Dan Jalan Penyelesaiannya
Abstract : In 1988, PT. BMS Acquired Cultivation Rights Title (CRT/HGU) for 6.925 acres in Kabupaten Rejang Lebong. The land acquisition process after CRT has been given through land relinquishment, however PT. BMS only able to relinquish people’s land for 2.046 acres. This condition caused uncertainty of land rights upon community. Later on, the condition caused overlapping of land ownership and authorization of PT. BMS CRT, ended by the reclaiming and cancellation upon the land right. Formal legal perspective and descriptive analytic study describe several issues related to the constraints of the right and status of land for the farmers. This study found some fundamental issues, first related to objects of CRT as state land. Legally, it was considered flawed because the company only released less than half of the rights, triggering reclaimings by the residents who assumed that it was their land. Therefore, the state should seek ways to strengthen the rights of peasants with the scheme of redistribution or the reinforcement of the right to avoid land right conflicts. This review offers main alternative policy solution scheme: Redistribution, the granting of a Right License, or a plasma core plantation scheme. Intisari: Pada tahun 1988, PT BMS memperoleh Hak Guna Usaha seluas 6.925 Ha di Kabupaten Rejang Lebong. Proses perolehan tanah HGU-nya lewat pembebasan lahan masyarakat, namun PT BMS hanya mampu membebaskan tanah masyarakat 2.046 Ha sehingga menimbulkan ketidakpastian hak atas tanah masyarakat. Kondisi tersebut kemudian mengakibatkan terjadinya tumpang tindih pemilikan dan penguasaan tanah pada areal HGU PT BMS yang berakhir dengan reklaiming dan pembatalan hak atas tanah. Perspektif legal formal dan deskriptif analitis kajian ini menjelaskan beberapa hal terkait kendala kedudukan hak dan status bagi petani penggarap. Kajian ini menemukan beberapa hal mendasar, pertama terkait obyek HGU sebagai tanah negara yang cacat hukum karena perusahaan hanya membebaskan kurang dari separo hak yang diberikan, sehingga menimbulkan gelombang reklaiming oleh warga yang merasa lahan tersebut adalah miliknya. Oleh karena itu, negara semestinya berupaya memberikan penguatan hak bagi petani penggarap dengan skema redis atau penguatan hak untuk menghindari konflik ketidakpastian hak garapannya. Kajian ini menawarkan skema solusi alternatif kebijakan utamanya: Redistribusi, pemberian Surat Izin Hak Garap, atau skema perkebunan inti plasma
Digital Earth Surface Model for The Estimation of Solar Panel Electric Power Towards Renewable Energy
The development of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is able to create future value in various sectors and become a solution to the problem of limitations and disparity of electricity resources in Indonesia. This condition encourages GIS to be an analytical solution to the problem of electricity resources, which is by utilizing solar radiation as a source of renewable energy. This study aimed to optimize GIS in the use of solar radiation on the slope of building roofs which affects the estimated number and average electric power. This study used the mixed method. Research data includes aerial photos, which were analyzed digitally using the area of solar radiation and the slope angle of building roofs so as to produce a spatial analysis of the utilization of solar panels on Derawan Island. The data analysis showed that buildings in Derawan Island can produce 17,355.254 mWh per year with each building producing an average of 28,686 kWh annually. The result of the study is expected to encourage the realization of the use of renewable energy as part of the SDGs by utilizing solar panels as a source of electricity, replacing fossil-derived energy. This study is also expected to be applied in other small inhabited islands to support the sustainability of electricity use and increase the use of renewable energy
Improving Quality of Land Data Towards Modern Land Administration in The Administrative City of West Jakarta
Land data quality plays a pivotal role in advancing modern land administration, impacting both national economic growth and Indonesia’s competitive position in the global property index, where it currently ranks 106th in Ease of Doing Business. This research focuses on the need for systematic quality improvements in both physical (spatial) and juridical (textual) land data within the West Jakarta City Administration to address existing data deficiencies. Applying the Driver-Pressures-States-Impacts-Responses (DPSIR) framework, this study investigates key challenges, causal factors, and strategic interventions aimed at enhancing land data quality. In-depth interviews with stakeholders were conducted to elucidate these dynamics and inform the proposed strategies. The findings highlight the successful digitization and validation of 94.52% of 423,189 Land Book records, 69.03% of 494,071 Ownership Rights Plans/Measurement Letters, and the spatial data of 94.68% across 427,569 land parcels, thereby improving the Data Quality Classification (KW) across categories 4–6. This study underscores the critical importance of robust data validation processes in modernizing Indonesia’s Land Administration System (LAS), offering valuable insights for enhancing the efficiency, transparency, and reliability of land data, thereby supporting economic development and improving Indonesia’s standing in the global property market.Kualitas data pertanahan memainkan peran penting dalam memajukan administrasi pertanahan modern, yang berdampak pada pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional dan posisi kompetitif Indonesia dalam indeks properti global, di mana saat ini menduduki peringkat ke-106 dalam kemudahan berbisnis. Penelitian ini berfokus pada kebutuhan peningkatan kualitas data secara sistematis, baik fisik (spasial) maupun yuridis (tekstual), di Administrasi Kota Jakarta Barat untuk mengatasi kekurangan data yang ada. Dengan menerapkan kerangka Driver-Pressures-States-Impacts-Responses (DPSIR), studi ini menginvestigasi tantangan utama, faktor penyebab, dan intervensi strategis untuk meningkatkan kualitas data pertanahan. Wawancara mendalam dengan pemangku kepentingan dilakukan untuk menguraikan dinamika ini dan mendukung strategi yang diusulkan. Temuan menunjukkan keberhasilan digitalisasi dan validasi 94,52% dari 423.189 dokumen Buku Tanah, 69,03% dari 494.071 dokumen Rencana Hak Milik/Surat Ukur, serta data spasial dari 94,68% di 427.569 bidang tanah, sehingga meningkatkan Klasifikasi Kualitas Data (KW) di kategori 4–6. Penelitian ini menekankan pentingnya proses validasi data yang kuat dalam memodernisasi Sistem Administrasi Pertanahan (LAS) Indonesia, menawarkan wawasan berharga untuk meningkatkan efisiensi, transparansi, dan keandalan data pertanahan yang mendukung pembangunan ekonomi dan memperbaiki posisi Indonesia di pasar properti global
Modeling missing cases and transmission links in networks of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Patterns of transmission of drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) remain poorly understood, despite over half a million incident cases worldwide in 2017. Modeling TB transmission networks can provide insight into drivers of transmission, but incomplete sampling of TB cases can pose challenges for inference from individual epidemiologic and molecular data. We assessed the effect of missing cases on a transmission network inferred from Mycobacterium tuberculosis sequencing data on extensively drug-resistant TB cases in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, diagnosed in 2011–2014. We tested scenarios in which cases were missing at random, missing differentially by clinical characteristics, or missing differentially by transmission (i.e., cases with many links were under- or oversampled). Under the assumption that cases were missing randomly, the mean number of transmissions per case in the complete network needed to be larger than 20, far higher than expected, to reproduce the observed network. Instead, the most likely scenario involved undersampling of high-transmitting cases, and models provided evidence for super-spreading. To our knowledge, this is the first analysis to have assessed support for different mechanisms of missingness in a TB transmission study, but our results are subject to the distributional assumptions of the network models we used. Transmission studies should consider the potential biases introduced by incomplete sampling and identify host, pathogen, or environmental factors driving super-spreading.This work was presented at the Seventh International Conference on Infectious Disease Dynamics (Epidemics7), Charleston, South Carolina, December 3–6, 2019.The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, US National Institutes of Health, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the Emory Center for AIDS Research, the Einstein Center for AIDS Research and the Einstein/Montefiore Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.https://academic.oup.com/ajehj2021Medical Microbiolog
Global overview of the management of acute cholecystitis during the COVID-19 pandemic (CHOLECOVID study)
Background: This study provides a global overview of the management of patients with acute cholecystitis during the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: CHOLECOVID is an international, multicentre, observational comparative study of patients admitted to hospital with acute cholecystitis during the COVID-19 pandemic. Data on management were collected for a 2-month study interval coincident with the WHO declaration of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and compared with an equivalent pre-pandemic time interval. Mediation analysis examined the influence of SARS-COV-2 infection on 30-day mortality. Results: This study collected data on 9783 patients with acute cholecystitis admitted to 247 hospitals across the world. The pandemic was associated with reduced availability of surgical workforce and operating facilities globally, a significant shift to worse severity of disease, and increased use of conservative management. There was a reduction (both absolute and proportionate) in the number of patients undergoing cholecystectomy from 3095 patients (56.2 per cent) pre-pandemic to 1998 patients (46.2 per cent) during the pandemic but there was no difference in 30-day all-cause mortality after cholecystectomy comparing the pre-pandemic interval with the pandemic (13 patients (0.4 per cent) pre-pandemic to 13 patients (0.6 per cent) pandemic; P = 0.355). In mediation analysis, an admission with acute cholecystitis during the pandemic was associated with a non-significant increased risk of death (OR 1.29, 95 per cent c.i. 0.93 to 1.79, P = 0.121). Conclusion: CHOLECOVID provides a unique overview of the treatment of patients with cholecystitis across the globe during the first months of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The study highlights the need for system resilience in retention of elective surgical activity. Cholecystectomy was associated with a low risk of mortality and deferral of treatment results in an increase in avoidable morbidity that represents the non-COVID cost of this pandemic