226 research outputs found

    The Effect of Tidal Stripping on Composite Stellar Populations in Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies

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    We use N-body simulations to study the effects of tides on the kinematical structure of satellite galaxies orbiting a Milky Way-like potential. Our work is motivated by observations of dwarf spheroidal galaxies in the Local Group, for which often a distinction is possible between a cold centrally concentrated metal rich and a hot, extended metal poor population. We find that an important attenuation of the initial differences in the distribution of the two stellar components occurs for orbits with small pericentric radii (r_per < 20 kpc). This is mainly due to: i) the loss of the gravitational support provided by the dark matter component after tidal stripping takes place, which forces a re-configuration of the luminous components, and ii) tides preferentially affect the more extended stellar component, leading to a net decrease in its velocity dispersion as a response for the mass loss, which thus shrinks the kinematical gap. We apply these ideas to the Sculptor and Carina dwarf spheroidals. Differences in their orbits might help to explain, under the assumption of similar initial configurations, why in the former a clear kinematical separation between metal poor and metal rich stars is apparent, while in Carina this segregation is significantly more subtle.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, Accepted for publication in Advances in Astronomy, special issue on "Dwarf-Galaxy Cosmology

    Dark influences III. Structural characterization of minor mergers of dwarf galaxies with dark satellites

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    In the current concordance cosmology small halos are expected to be completely dark and can significantly perturb low-mass galaxies during minor merger interactions. These interactions may well contribute to the diversity of the dwarf galaxy population. Dwarf galaxies in the field are often observed to have peculiarities in their structure, morphology, and kinematics, as well as strong bursts of star formation without apparent cause. We aim to characterize the signatures of minor mergers of dwarf galaxies with dark satellites to aid their observational identification. We explore and quantify a variety of structural, morphological, and kinematic indicators of merging dwarf galaxies and their remnants using a suite of hydrodynamical simulations. The most sensitive indicators of mergers with dark satellites are large asymmetries in the gaseous and stellar distributions, enhanced central surface brightness and starbursts, and velocity offsets and misalignments between the cold gas and stellar components. In general, merging systems span a wide range of values of the most commonly used indicators, while isolated objects tend to have more confined values. Interestingly, we find in our simulations that a significantly off-centered burst of star formation can pinpoint the location of the dark satellite. Observational systems with such characteristics are perhaps the most promising for unveiling the presence of the hitherto, missing satellites.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures. Accepted in A&

    Stellar feedback by radiation pressure and photoionization

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    The relative impact of radiation pressure and photoionization feedback from young stars on surrounding gas is studied with hydrodynamic radiative transfer (RT) simulations. The calculations focus on the single-scattering (direct radiation pressure) and optically thick regime, and adopt a moment-based RT-method implemented in the moving-mesh code AREPO. The source luminosity, gas density profile and initial temperature are varied. At typical temperatures and densities of molecular clouds, radiation pressure drives velocities of order ~20 km/s over 1-5 Myr; enough to unbind the smaller clouds. However, these estimates ignore the effects of photoionization that naturally occur concurrently. When radiation pressure and photoionization act together, the latter is substantially more efficient, inducing velocities comparable to the sound speed of the hot ionized medium (10-15 km/s) on timescales far shorter than required for accumulating similar momentum with radiation pressure. This mismatch allows photoionization to dominate the feedback as the heating and expansion of gas lowers the central densities, further diminishing the impact of radiation pressure. Our results indicate that a proper treatment of the impact of young stars on the interstellar medium needs to primarily account for their ionization power whereas direct radiation pressure appears to be a secondary effect. This conclusion may change if extreme boosts of the radiation pressure by photon trapping are assumed.Comment: 18 pages, 19 figures (main results presented in 13 pages, 10 figures; extended appendix for RT tests with extra 9 figures). Accepted for publication in MNRAS after tiny change

    A box full of chocolates: The rich structure of the nearby stellar halo revealed by Gaia and RAVE

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    The hierarchical structure formation model predicts that stellar halos should form, at least partly, via mergers. If this was a predominant formation channel for the Milky Way's halo, imprints of this merger history in the form of moving groups or streams should exist also in the vicinity of the Sun. Here we study the kinematics of halo stars in the Solar neighbourhood using the very recent first data release from the Gaia mission, and in particular the TGAS dataset, in combination with data from the RAVE survey. Our aim is to determine the amount of substructure present in the phase-space distribution of halo stars that could be linked to merger debris. To characterise kinematic substructure, we measure the velocity correlation function in our sample of halo (low metallicity) stars. We also study the distribution of these stars in the space of energy and two components of the angular momentum, in what we call "Integrals of Motion" space. The velocity correlation function reveals substructure in the form of an excess of pairs of stars with similar velocities, well above that expected for a smooth distribution. Comparison to cosmological simulations of the formation of stellar halos indicate that the levels found are consistent with the Galactic halo having been built fully via accretion. Similarly, the distribution of stars in the space of "Integrals of motion" is highly complex. A strikingly high fraction (between 58% and upto 73%) of the stars that are somewhat less bound than the Sun are on (highly) retrograde orbits. A simple comparison to Milky Way-mass galaxies in cosmological hydrodynamical simulations suggests that less than 1% have such prominently retrograde outer halos. We also identify several other statistically significant structures in "Integrals of Motion" space that could potentially be related to merger events.Comment: 19 pages, 16 figures. A&A in pres

    Self-Interacting Dark Matter Subhalos in the Milky Way's Tides

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    We study evolution of self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) subhalos in the Milky Way (MW) tidal field. The interaction between the subhalos and the MW's tides lead to more diverse dark matter distribution in the inner region, compared to their cold dark matter counterparts. We test this scenario with two MW satellite galaxies, Draco and Fornax, opposite extremes in the inner dark matter content, and find that they can be accommodated within the SIDM model proposed to explain the diverse rotation curves of spiral galaxies in the field.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Updated figures and text. Accepted for publication in PR

    Stellar 3-D kinematics in the Draco dwarf spheroidal galaxy

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    Aims. We present the first three-dimensional internal motions for individual stars in the Draco dwarf spheroidal galaxy. Methods. By combining first-epoch HubbleHubble SpaceSpace TelescopeTelescope observations and second-epoch GaiaGaia Data Release 2 positions, we measured the proper motions of 149149 sources in the direction of Draco. We determined the line-of-sight velocities for a sub-sample of 8181 red giant branch stars using medium resolution spectra acquired with the DEIMOS spectrograph at the Keck II telescope. Altogether, this resulted in a final sample of 4545 Draco members with high-precision and accurate 3D motions, which we present as a table in this paper. Results. Based on this high-quality dataset, we determined the velocity dispersions at a projected distance of 120\sim120 pc from the centre of Draco to be σR=11.01.5+2.1\sigma_{R} =11.0^{+2.1}_{-1.5} km/s, σT=9.93.1+2.3\sigma_{T}=9.9^{+2.3}_{-3.1} km/s and σLOS=9.01.1+1.1\sigma_{LOS}=9.0^{+1.1}_{-1.1} km/s in the projected radial, tangential, and line-of-sight directions. This results in a velocity anisotropy β=0.251.38+0.47\beta=0.25^{+0.47}_{-1.38} at r120r \gtrsim120 pc. Tighter constraints may be obtained using the spherical Jeans equations and assuming constant anisotropy and Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) mass profiles, also based on the assumption that the 3D velocity dispersion should be lower than 1/3\approx 1/3 of the escape velocity of the system. In this case, we constrain the maximum circular velocity VmaxV_{max} of Draco to be in the range of km/s. The corresponding mass range is in good agreement with previous estimates based on line-of-sight velocities only. Conclusions. Our Jeans modelling supports the case for a cuspy dark matter profile in this galaxy. Firmer conclusions may be drawn by applying more sophisticated models to this dataset and with new datasets from upcoming GaiaGaia releases.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication by A&

    The impact of baryonic discs on the shapes and profiles of self-interacting dark matter halos

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    We employ isolated N-body simulations to study the response of self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) halos in the presence of the baryonic potentials. Dark matter self-interactions lead to kinematic thermalization in the inner halo, resulting in a tight correlation between the dark matter and baryon distributions. A deep baryonic potential shortens the phase of SIDM core expansion and triggers core contraction. This effect can be further enhanced by a large self-scattering cross section. We find the final SIDM density profile is sensitive to the baryonic concentration and the strength of dark matter self-interactions. Assuming a spherical initial halo, we also study evolution of the SIDM halo shape together with the density profile. The halo shape at later epochs deviates from spherical symmetry due to the influence of the non-spherical disc potential, and its significance depends on the baryonic contribution to the total gravitational potential, relative to the dark matter one. In addition, we construct a multi-component model for the Milky Way, including an SIDM halo, a stellar disc and a bulge, and show it is consistent with observations from stellar kinematics and streams.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, submitted to MNRAS, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Why stellar feedback promotes disc formation in simulated galaxies

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    We study how feedback influences baryon infall onto galaxies using cosmological, zoom-in simulations of haloes with present mass Mvir=6.9×1011MM_{vir}=6.9\times10^{11} M_{\odot} to 1.7×1012M1.7\times10^{12} M_{\odot}. Starting at z=4 from identical initial conditions, implementations of weak and strong stellar feedback produce bulge- and disc-dominated galaxies, respectively. Strong feedback favours disc formation: (1) because conversion of gas into stars is suppressed at early times, as required by abundance matching arguments, resulting in flat star formation histories and higher gas fractions; (2) because 50% of the stars form in situ from recycled disc gas with angular momentum only weakly related to that of the z=0 dark halo; (3) because late-time gas accretion is typically an order of magnitude stronger and has higher specific angular momentum, with recycled gas dominating over primordial infall; (4) because 25-30% of the total accreted gas is ejected entirely before z~1, removing primarily low angular momentum material which enriches the nearby inter-galactic medium. Most recycled gas roughly conserves its angular momentum, but material ejected for long times and to large radii can gain significant angular momentum before re-accretion. These processes lower galaxy formation efficiency in addition to promoting disc formation.Comment: 23 pages, 29 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA