55 research outputs found

    Effective Teaching

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    این مقاله به منظور تعیین برخی ویژگیهای تدریس مؤثر در نظام آموزش عالی بویژه دانشگاههای علوم پزشکی در رشته تحصیلی پرستاری تدوین شده است. در طی تدوین مقاله ، ابتدا ویژگیهای تدریس مؤثر بطور اعم و سپس در رشته پرستاری بطور اخص مورد توجه قرار گرفته است در نهایت با تأکید بر تجدید نظر در ارتباط بین معلم و دانشجو در حیطه آموزش نظری و عملی ، برخی از ویژگیهای تدریس مؤثر معلمین پرستاری بویژه از دیدگاه دانشجو، از جمله : سبک بین فردی معلم، استراتژی های تدریس ، سبک ارتباطی ، بکارگیری تجارب تدریس ، ارزشیابی و استفاده از بازخورد تعیین شده است. بعلاوه بر ایجاد طرز فکر تازه در معلمین پرستاری در زمینه اعتقاد به فعال نمودن هر چه بیشتر دانشجویان در طی آموزش های نظری و عملی تأکید گردیده اس

    Effect of clinical supervision on the faculty teaching quality at Nursing and Midwifery School in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences‏

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    Introduction: In recent years, professional development of teachers has become an important issue in educational system. The question of work has been the kind of supervision needed to save and secure teacher's successful performance in his/her teaching career. The present study aimed at answering this question. Methods: The study was preformed in two phase: At first a quasi-experiment on ٣٧٢ randomly selected students was done. The exposed group's teachers were under clinical supervision. In the second phase, the clinical supervision method was evaluated based on opinions of ٥٠ faculties and educational authorities. Results: In the exposed group, the rate of student's learning proved to be significantly higher (P< ,٠٠١). Those students evaluated their teacher's professional behaviors as more positive compared to teacher evaluations made by students in the control group (P< ,٠٠١). Full agreement and agreement to perform clinical supervision were expressed by ٦٢, percent of respondents in the second phase study, whereas ٩١, percent of the same attitude was found toward self-evaluation (The latter was expressed as one of the best solutions for quality problems of teaching). The majority of respondents insisted on maintaining stable environment for teaching, a decrease in number of students and proper teacher selection methods as the other solutions. Conclusion: Applying clinical supervision method had a positive effect on students learning and teachers' performance. Thus this method should be considered as one of the basic ways to develop educational system in the field of medical sciences

    The Relationship between Self-Esteem and Coping Styles in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis‏

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    This paper is a report of a study of The Relationship between Self-Esteem and Coping Styles in patients undergoing hemodialysis in Iran. Hemodialysis patients face with multiple physical and psychological stressful factors; they use coping styles in order to cope with the challenges. A descriptive-correlation study was conducted based on the data collected from patients undergoing hemodialysis by census method in the city of Kerman using the Endler and Parker coping style, Self-esteem and demographic information questionnaires. The mean age of patients was 56.21 ± 1.45 years and 58.5% were male. The statistically positive relationship between self-esteem and problem-oriented coping style (p=0.05) and inverse relationship between self-esteem and emotion-oriented style (p<0.001). The patients with higher and lower self-esteem used problem-oriented and emotion-oriented styles, respectively. According to the results, it is necessary for nurses to enhance their role in promoting self-esteem and help patients undergoing hemodialysis while using problem-oriented style

    Effect of performing Collaborative Care Model on Controlling High Blood Pressure in patients referred to Semnan city's clinics, 2013.

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        High blood pressure has become increasingly commonbetween people and also it takes a major risk factor for many diseases. The present study is done toperformthe collaborative care model in patients with high blood pressure. Hypertension is defined as: Systolic blood pressure (SBP) ≥140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure (DBP) ≥90 mmHg .A collaborative care model is a native educating method based on patient's participation in the management of chronic disease. In this quasi-experimental study, 40 patients with high blood pressure (two equal groups of test and control) selected from two clinics in the city of Semnan in 2013, and they were evaluated using the targeted and simple random sampling.The checklists included demographic information (5 items), medical and smoking history (13 items), anthropometric parameters (3 items), laboratory measurements (6 items), diet (5 items), activities (7 items), dependent variables (5 items), cardiac complications (6 items), and frequency of doctor visits.The test group participated in intervention and participatory meetingsevery week. Collaborative care model, is comprised of4 stages; motivation, preparation, involvement, and evaluation over 3 months of intervention. Evaluation was based on the following criteria: Hypertensive patients(systolic blood pressure higher than 140 mmHg and diastolic blood pressureabove 90 mmHg, measured and approved in two different visits), to improvepatient health and knowledge, to decrease risk factors for disease,and to increase satisfaction and quality of health care services before and after intervention. Descriptive statistics, the independent t-test, and chi-square test were calculated at a significance level of 5%.Body mass index, triglyceride level, diastolic blood pressure, and salt intake declined in the test group after intermediation.Althoughthe consumption of bread and rice wasdecreased in the control group, but not in the test group.As previously described,performing the collaborative care model resulted in less catching high blood pressure, thus it can act as an efficient and cost-effective method for preventing and controlling high blood pressure.

    The effect of orem’s self-care model on quality of life of patients with hypothyroid goiter‏

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    Abstract Background & aim: Hypothyroid goiter, like other chronic diseases, can affect the patients’ quality of life (QOL). This study aimed to examine the effect of Orem’s Self-care Model Application on QOL of patients with hypothyroid goiter. Methods: In this interventional study, 70 patients with hypothyroid goiter referred to healthcare clinics of Yasuj were randomly divided into experimental and control groups (n=35). Data were collected by a questionnaire, evaluating self-care, according to Orem’s Model, and the SF-36 questionnaire, measuring the QOL at baseline and 3 months following intervention. For intervention, patients received Orem’s Self-care instructions adjusted to their self-care needs during eight 45-minute sessions. Data were analyzed by using paired and independent t-tests. Results: In the experimental group, mean of QOL was 43.28±17.26 before and 79.64±11.86 after intervention. Paired t-test showed that the difference between pre and post intervention scores is significant (P=0.001). In the control group, however, there was no significant difference in QOL before and after intervention. After intervention, eight domains of QOL in experimental group were significantly higher than those in the control group. Conclusion: This study revealed that applying Orem’s Self-care Model could improve the quality of life in patients with hypothyroid goiter

    Critical thinking and clinical decision making in nurse‏

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    BACKGROUND: Today, nurses are exposed to everchanging complicated conditions in health care services, they provide. To be able to cope with these conditions effectively, they should be competent decision makers. Besides, as decision making conditions get more complicated, using critical thinking is a need. The current study was carried out to evaluate the relationship between critical thinking and clinical decision making, in nurses of critical and general care units of hospitals in Isfahan. In addition, it is also aimed to compare the nurses of critical and general units in critical thinking and clinical decision making. METHODS: This is a correlation, descriptive study of cross-sectional type. The participants are 140 nurses; 70 working in critical care unit and 70, working in general units. Sampling method was random stratified sampling and the data was collected using a questionnaire with three sections; containing items on demographic data, clinical decision making and California critical thinking skills test. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire was approved using content validity, test-retest method and internal correlation test. The data was analyzed using variance analysis, Pearson correlation and t-test. RESULTS: The mean score of critical thinking and clinical decision making was 10.61, 63.27 and 10.67, 61.66 for nurses of critical care and general units, respectively. No statistical significant difference between two groups was observed in the area of clinical decision making and critical thinking. In addition, no statistical correlation was observed between the clinical decision making and critical thinking. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of the study demonstrated that the mean score of critical thinking was low in nurses. Probably, it originates from the educational system shortages and also, the professional environment problems. Some experts believe that the reason for lack of correlation between critical thinking and clinical decision making goes back to the absence of appropriate tool to measure the correlatio

    A Qualitative Investigation into Components of Patient Safety Organizational Culture in the Medical Education Centers: A Medical Errors Management Approach

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    The patient safety is a subset of organizational culture and is defined as a set of individual and organizational priorities, values, attitudes and behaviors which look for minimizing errors and damages arising from the process of patient treatment. This study seeks to describe the experiences of patients and their companions about the patient safety organizational culture and medical errors management. Methods: This qualitative study was conducted in the health and medical education centers affiliated with Isfahan University of Medical Sciences in 2017. A total of 15 patients and companions receiving health services in medical education centers were selected using purposive sampling and in-depth interviews were conducted with the participants. Conventional qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the data. Results: 186 initial codes, 23 sub-subcategories and 6 main themes were extracted from the data which are as follows: culture of errors acceptance vs. non-acceptance, culture of disclosing vs. hiding errors, psychological and physical consequences and financial burden of medical errors, learning from errors, the culture of patient participation and training, developing the culture of safety and all-inclusive quality improvement. Conclusion: The results of the present study indicate a vast array of culture of nonacceptance vs. acceptance of errors and disclosing vs. hiding errors. Thus, it is imperative for the organization's senior managers to make corrective interventions so as to maintain and promote the culture of learning from errors and patient education and participation in the process of their treatment and ultimately the culture of safety and all-inclusive quality improvement

    Investigating the effect of nurses’ supportive and educative careon the quality of life in breast cancer patients referred for radiotherapy in Seyedoshohada hospitals in Isfahan in 1392

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    Background and aims: breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in Iran and many countries; but in recent years, survival rate was longer in patients and yet there is a greater emphasis on their quality of life. Therefore, this study was aimed to evaluate the effect of nurses’ supportive and educative care on the quality of life in breast cancer patients. Methods: This is a quasi-experimental, pre- and post- study. 45 patients with breast cancer referred to radiotherapy clinic of Seyedoshohada hospital were studied in 2013. The instruments used in this study were demographic and quality of life questionnaires from Backman institute completed before and after the training and support for patients. Questionnaires were completed and finally the obtained data were analyzed using SPSS software and statistical tests. Results: Based on the results obtained on the overall quality of life, it was observed that the average score for the quality of life in the sample was 51.73±13.91 before the intervention and 60.46±13.80 after the intervention (P<0.001). Also, the average scores in all four domains of quality of life after the intervention has increased, but the difference was significant only in two dimensions, physical and mental health (P<0.001). Conclusion: The results confirm the positive effect of nurses’ supportive and educative programs on the promotion of quality of life in patients with breast cancer. Therefore, planning and implementation of such programs on a broader basis and based on the educational and supportive patients' needs is recommended

    The Need for Education and Improvement of Occupational Knowledge: Experience of Telephone Triage Nurses in the 115 Emergency Call Center of the Emergency Medical Services and Disaster Management Center at Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Iran

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    Background & Objective: Efficient emergency call answering services are vital for the medical emergency services all around the world. The provision of emergency services is based on ordering and prioritizing received calls. In addition, educating this kind of services has a prominent role in answer time and quality. The aim of this study was to describe the experience of telephone triage nurses in 115 Emergency Call Center of the Emergency Medical Services and Disaster Management Center at Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Iran. Methods: This study was conducted in form of phenomenological qualitative study. The sample was selected based on purposive sampling method including 5 nurses in emergency medical services at Kerman University of Medical Sciences, with at least 5 years of experience in the 115 Emergency Call Center. Data were collected using deep unstructured individual interviews. The average time of each interview was 63 minutes and an electronic recorder was used to record the interviews. The data were analyzed using Colaizzi method. The collected data were reconsidered by the researcher in order to confirm their reliability. Results: From the interviews, 737 summarized concepts were extracted and formed 9 thematic categorizations. Finally, the 3 themes of “performing cultural and societal roles”, “performing professional and organizational roles”, and “performing personal roles” were obtained. Experiences of nurses were stated in the form of a compact and continuum set between strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats. Conclusion: The findings of the study can be summarized in two fundamental points. First, evaluation skills which are used in face-to-face consultation cannot be transferred directly by telephone. This shows that specific training on telephone consultation, treatment evaluation, and decision-making skills should be provided for triage nurses who work at such centers. Second, a greater degree of job satisfaction can be achieved among the emerging class of telephone triage nurses through allowing independent decision-making and decreasing decision-making errors by consistent telephone triage instructions, and creating suitable educational methods in order to control experienced stresses. These are points that must be considered by the Medical Emergency and Disaster Management Centre to promote occupational knowledge of nurses in 115 Emergency Call Center. Key Words: Triage nurses, Telephone triage, Experience, Emergency medical dispatcher, Disaster Management Center, Educatio