819 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Tingkat Keberhasilan Perawatan Pulpotomi dan Pulpektomi pada Gigi Molar Sulung

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    Bentuk anatomi gigi sulung dan letaknya pada lengkung gigi menentukan kerentanannya terhadap serangan karies. Gigi molar jauh lebih rentan terhadap karies dibandingkan gigi lain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan gigi molar satu tetap merupakan gigi yang mudah terserang karies dengan persentase 66 sampai 88 % diantara semua gigi pada anak-anak. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan rancangan cross sectional. Penelitian dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Makassar. Waktu penelitian selama bulan Juni sampai Juli 2017. Populasinya adalah Semua pasien anak yang datang ke poli gigi Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Makassar tahun 2010 yang telah dilakukan perawatan pulpotomi dan pulpektomi. Pengambilan sampel dengan cara acak sederhana atau random sampling. Dari hasil data yang diambil untuk pasien anak yang datang kontrol setelah satu bulan perawatan pulpotomi dan pulpektomi tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna dalam gejala radang yang ditimbulkan dan pengambilan jaringan pulpa kedua perawatan pada penelitian ini. Perawatan pulpotomi dapat dilakukan pada anak karena cara perawatannya lebih sederhana, lebih cepat dan hasil sementara cukup memuaskan

    Analysis of Superior Extremity Strength on the Groundstroke Attack Skills of Tennis Athletes

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    A tennis player must be able to produce groundstroke attacks effectively because these strokes have an important strategic role in controlling and dominating the course of the match. To produce a groundstroke attack, a tennis player must have muscle strength in the superior extremities, because the superior extremities are the primary source of kinetic energy required to transfer momentum to the racket. Apart from that, good coordination between the muscles of the arms, shoulders, and back is also important to achieve optimality in groundstroke attacks. In a coordinated movement, energy from the tennis player's body is transferred through the arms to the tip of the racket when the racket makes contact with the ball. The aim of this study was to determine how much influence superior extremity strength has on forehand groundstroke skills. The type of research used is a correlational description, involving the independent variable being superior extremity muscle strength while the dependent variable is forehand groundstroke attack skill. The research sample was 20 POMNAS South Sulawesi tennis athletes taken by purposive sampling. The instruments used were the Bouncing Medicine Ball Test and the Hewitt Tennis Performance Test. Analysis through a correlation regression test. The results concluded that the ability to groundstroke attack was influenced by upper limb muscle strength by 59.3%

    The Influence of Body Structure and Eye-Hand Coordination on Upper Passing Ability in Volleyball Games

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    The cause is not optimal due to non-bio motor factors, namely inadequate body structure, and bio motor factors, namely poor hand-eye coordination. This study aims to determine whether or not there is an effect of body structure on the ability of pass over, to determine whether there is an effect of eye coordination on the ability to passing-over and to determine whether there is an influence of body and eye-hand coordination on the ability to pass over. This type of research is descriptive correlational by involving the independent variables (independent) consisting of body structure and eye-hand coordination, while the controlling variable is the ability to pass. The research sample was students of SMP Negeri 27 Makassar with a total of 30 people drawn by random sampling. The research instrument used an upper passing test, measurement of body structure by measuring height, weight and arm length, and eye-hand coordination with a chess pass test. The results showed that there was a significant effect on the body's upper passing ability (p<0.05), there was a significant structural effect of eye-hand coordination on the upper-passing ability, and there was a jointly significant effect of body structure and eye coordination on upper passing ability (p<0.05)

    Effectiveness of Medicine Ball Twist Toss Exercises Against Flick Drag Skills In Hockey Games

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    The drag flick technique is currently used by following the development of the synthetic field (carpet) with a more flat and slippery surface, so this technique can be used as a strategy to create goals. This study aims to determine the effect of medicine ball twist toss on drag flick skills in hockey games. This type of research is experimental with the treatment variable being medicine ball twist toss (MBT) exercise while the response variable is drag flick (DF) skill in hockey games. The sample was 20 people from the Hockey BKMF FIK UNM athletes, and they were divided into two groups, namely the experimental group (MBT training) and the control group (KK). The data collection technique used the shooting drag flick test instrument. Based on the results of the study, MBT training significantly improved DF skills in hockey (p<0.05). Therefore, improving DF skills can be done through MBT exercises

    Development of A Learning Model For Basic Javaline Throwing Movements Through The Teaching Games for Understanding Approach

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    In general, this research and development aim to produce a learning model for basic javelin throwing movements using the TGfU approach for elementary school students. Apart from that, this research and development was carried out to obtain in-depth information about competencies, characteristics and initial abilities of elementary school students in implementing physical education learning, especially on learning material for basic javelin throwing movements. The design for research and development of this learning model uses Sugiyono's research and development approach model. Meanwhile, the subjects in this research and development were all 30 grade VI students at Mamajang I State Elementary School and Baddoka Makassar State Elementary School. The instruments used in this research and development are questionnaires and questionnaires which are used to collect data at stages: (1) needs analysis; (2) expert evaluation (initial product evaluation); (3) limited trials (small group trials); and (4) main trial (field test). To test the effectiveness of the model, a javelin-throwing process test and a rubric for assessing the correctness of the javelin-throwing movement were used. To see the results of the effectiveness of the model, a statistical test was used using the repeated observation t-test formula with a significance level of α = 0.05. Based on the development results, it can be concluded that: (1) Learning the basic javelin throwing movements through the TGfU approach using simple tools, namely the bombardier game for grade VI elementary school students is needed by Physical Education teachers; (2) overall this product is effectively implemented by Physical Education teachers in teaching basic javelin throwing movements to grade VI elementary school students; (3) Based on the results of the model effectiveness test, it has been empirically proven that the product results in the form of a learning model for basic javelin throwing movements for grade VI elementary school students have very good effectiveness.

    Efektifitas Metode Sikat Gigi Vertikal dan Horizontal terhadap Penurunan Indeks Plak pada Anak Usia 9-11 Tahun di Mi DDI Seppange di Desa Tungke Kecamatan Bengo Kabupaten Bone

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    Latar belakang, Pembersihan gigi yang kurang baik dapat menyebabkan terjadinya akumulasi plak. Salah satu cara menghilangkan plak yaitu dengan menyikat gigi. Plak adalah lapisan tipis, tidak berwarna, mengandung kumpulan bakteri, melekat pada permukaan gigi dan selalu terbentuk di dalam mulut dan bila bercampur dengan gula yang ada dalam makanan akan membentuk asam. Metode, Penentuan Sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan sampel random sampling dengan mencari 40 siswa siswi MI DDI Seppange di Desa Tungke Kecamatan Bengo Kabupaten Bone kemudian membaginya menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu 20 siswa dengan metode menyikat gigi secara vertkal dan 20 siswa dengan metode menyikat gigi secra horizontal yang diberi penyuluhan tentang kesehatan gigi dan mulu
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