131 research outputs found
Drahtlose Netzwerke
Dieses Modul bietet eine aktuelle Ăśbersicht der drahtlosen Netzwerke im Allgemeinen und der drahtlosen LAN-Netzwerke im Besonderen. Es beschreibt die Grundlagen der verschiedenen drahtlosen Technologien, ihre Hauptcharakteristiken, die Sicherheitsproblematik sowie Vorund Nachteile und Anwendungen.Postprint (published version
BezdrátovĂ© sĂte
Tento modul poskytuje aktuálnĂ prehled bezdrátovĂ˝ch sĂtĂ s primárnĂm zamerenĂm na
bezdrátovĂ© sĂte typu LAN. Popisuje a vysvetluje základy ruznĂ˝ch typu bezdrátovĂ˝ch
technologiĂ uĹľĂvanĂ˝ch u modernĂch komunikacnĂch systĂ©mu se zamerenĂm na jejich hlavnĂ
charakteristiky, problematiku bezpecnosti, vĂ˝hody a nevĂ˝hody a jejich moĹľnĂ© uplatnenĂ
v konkrĂ©tnĂch sĂtovĂ˝ch aplikacĂch.Postprint (published version
Wireless networks
This module provides an introduction to wireless networks in general and wireless LANs in particular. It describes and explains what the different wireless technologies are, their main features, security issues, advantages, disadvantages and uses or applications.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
Redes inalámbricas
Este mĂłdulo proporciona una introducciĂłn a las redes inalámbricas en general y a las redes inalámbricas de área local en particular. Describe y explica lo que son las diferentes tecnologĂas inalámbricas, sus principales caracterĂsticas, problemas de seguridad, ventajas, desventajas y usos o aplicaciones.Postprint (published version
Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design process and fabrication
This module describes main characteristics of Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs). A brief history of PCBs is introduced in the first chapter. Then, the design processes and the fabrication of PCBs are addressed and finally a study case is presented in the last chapter of the module.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
Internet de las cosas
Este es un curso de introducciĂłn a la IoT (Internet de las cosas). En los capĂtulos primeros
capĂtulos se introducen los conceptos básicos sobre la IoT. Seguidamente se presentan nociones
básicas sobre el protocolo de internet IPv6 que es el más utilizado en el entorno de la IoT y se
describen las principales aplicaciones, el estado actual del mercado y las tecnologĂas que
permiten la existencia de la IoT. Finalmente se analizan los retos de futuro que se consideran
más importantes.Postprint (published version
Internet vecĂ
V sĂşcasnosti architektĂşra zaloĹľená na Internete dovoluje vĂ˝menu sluĹľieb a tovarov medzi prvkami, zariadeniami a objektami pripojenĂ˝mi do siete. IoT sa odvoláva na sietovĂ© pripojenie kaĹľdodennĂ˝ch objektov, ktorĂ© sĂş casto vybavenĂ© urcitĂ˝m druhom inteligencie. V tomto kontexte mĂ´Ĺľe byt Internet taktieĹľ platforma pre zariadenia na elektronickĂş komunikáciu, zdielanie informáciĂ a špecifickĂ˝ch dát so svetom okolo nich. TakĹľe IoT mĂ´Ĺľe byt vnĂmanĂ˝ ako reálna evolĂşcia toho, co rozumieme pod slovom Internet. Internet bol z väcšej casti vyuĹľĂvanĂ˝ na spojovo orientovanĂ© aplikacnĂ© protokoly ako HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) a SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). Napriek tomu v dnešnej dobe velkĂ© mnoĹľstvo inteligentnĂ˝ch zariadenĂ komunikuje medzi sebou a dalšĂmi riadiacimi systĂ©mami. Tento koncept je známy ako M2M (Machine-to-Machine communications).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
Internet of things
This is an introductory course to the IoT (Internet of things). In the early chapters the basics about the IoT are introduced. Then basics of IPv6 internet protocol that is the most used in IoT environment as well as main applications, the current state of the market and the technologies
that enable the existence of the IoT are described. Finally the future challenges that are considered most important are discussed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
Green energy
This book descrives main characteristics and applications of most relevant sources of renewable energies as hydroelectric, wind and geothermal
energies, biomass, and photovoltaic solar energy.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
Internet der Dinge
Dieser Kurs bietet die Einführung zum Thema Internet der Dinge (engl. IoT, Internet of Things). In den ersten Kapiteln werden grundlegende Informationen über IoT präsentiert. Danach folgt die Beschreibung des im IoT am häufigsten eingesetzten Internetprotokolls IPv6, der wichtigsten Anwendungen, des jetzigen Zustands auf dem Markt und der Technologien, welche die Existenz von IoT an sich erlauben. Schließlich werden die wesentlichsten künftigen Herausforderungen behandelt.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
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