13 research outputs found
Suzaku View of the Neutron Star in the Dipping Source 4U 182237
The dipping X-ray source 4U 182237 was observed by Suzaku on 2006 Octrober
20 for a net exposure of 37 ks. The source was detected with the XIS at a 1-10
keV flux of 5.5 erg cm s, and with the HXD
(HXD-PIN) at a 10-50 keV flux of 8.9 erg cm s.
With HXD-PIN, the pulsation was detected at a barycentric period of 0.592437 s,
and its change rate was reconfirmed as 10 s s. The
1-50 keV spectra of 4U 1822-37 were found to be very similar to those of Her
X-1 in the slopes, cutoff and iron lines. Three iron lines (Fe K, Fe
XXV, and Fe XXVI) were detected, on top of a 1-50 keV continuum that is
described by an NPEX model plus a soft blackbody. In addition, a cyclotron
resonance scattering feature was detected significantly ( confidence),
at an energy of 332 keV with a depth of 0.4. Therefore,
the neutron star in this source is concluded to have a strong magnetic field of
2.8 G. Further assuming that the source has a relatively high
intrinsic luminosity of several times 10 erg s, its spectral and
timing properties are consistently explained
RXTE Observations of the Low-Mass X-Ray Binary 4U 1608-522 in Upper-Banana State
To investigate the physics of mass accretion onto weakly-magnetized neutron
stars, 95 archival RXTE datasets of an atoll source 4U 1608-522, acquired over
1996-2004 in so-called upper-banana state, were analyzed. The object meantime
exhibited 3-30 keV luminosity in the range of <~ 10^35 - 4 x 10^37 erg s^-1,
assuming a distance of 3.6 kpc. The 3-30 keV PCA spectra, produced one from
each dataset, were represented successfully with a combination of a soft and a
hard component, of which the presence was revealed in a model-independent
manner by studying spectral variations among the observations. The soft
component is expressed by so-called multi-color disk model with a temperature
of ~1.8 keV, and is attributed to the emission from an optically-thick standard
accretion disk. The hard component is a blackbody emission with a temperature
of ~2.7 keV, thought to be emitted from the neutron-star surface. As the total
luminosity increases, a continuous decrease was observed in the ratio of the
blackbody luminosity to that of the disk component. This property suggests that
the matter flowing through the accretion disk gradually becomes difficult to
reach the neutron-star surface, presumably forming outflows driven by the
increased radiation pressure. On time scales of hours to days, the overall
source variability was found to be controlled by two independent variables; the
mass accretion rate, and the innermost disk radius which changes both
physically and artificially.Comment: ApJ accepted, 29 pages, 9 figure
The Nature of the Stable Soft X-ray Emissions in Several Types of Active Galactic Nuclei Observed by Suzaku
To constrain the origin of the soft X-ray excess phenomenon seen in many
active galactic nuclei, the intensity-correlated spectral analysis, developed
by Noda et al. (2011b) for Markarian 509, was applied to wide-band (0.5-45 keV)
Suzaku data of five representative objects with relatively weak reflection
signature. They are the typical bare-nucleus type 1 Seyfert Fairall 9, the
bright and typical type 1.5 Seyfert MCG-2-58-22, 3C382 which is one of the
X-ray brightest broad line radio galaxies, the typical Seyfert-like radio loud
quasar 4C+74.26, and the X-ray brightest radio quiet quasar MR2251-178. In all
of them, soft X-ray intensities in energies below 3 keV were tightly correlated
with that in 3-10 keV, but with significant positive offsets. These offsets,
when calculated in finer energy bands, define a stable soft component in 0.5-3
keV. In each object, this component successfully explained the soft excess
above a power-law fit. These components were interpreted in several alternative
ways, including a thermal Comptonization component which is independent of the
dominant power-law emission. This interpretation, considered physically most
reasonable, is discussed from a viewpoint of Multi-Zone Comptonization, which
was proposed for the black hole binary Cygnus X-1 (Makishima et al. 2008).Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, 7 table
学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 半場 藤弘, 東京大学教授 満田 和久, 東京大学教授 小林 富雄, 東京大学教授 黒田 和明, 東京大学准教授 早戸 良成University of Tokyo(東京大学
学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 半場 藤弘, 東京大学教授 満田 和久, 東京大学教授 小林 富雄, 東京大学教授 黒田 和明, 東京大学准教授 早戸 良成University of Tokyo(東京大学
Accretion Geometry of the Low-Mass X-ray Binary Aquila X-1 in the Soft and Hard States
The neutron-star Low-Mass X-ray Binary Aquila X-1 was observed seven times in
total with the Suzaku X-ray observatory from September 28 to October 30 in
2007, in the decaying phase of an outburst. In order to constrain the
flux-dependent accretion geometry of this source over wider energy bands than
employed in most of previous works, the present study utilized two out of the
seven data sets. The 0.8-31 keV spectrum on September 28, taken with the XIS
and HXD-PIN for an exposure of 13.8 ks, shows an absorbed 0.8-31 keV flux of
erg s cm, together with typical
characteristics of the soft state of this type of objects. The spectrum was
successfully explained by an optically-thick disk emission plus a Comptonized
blackbody component. Although these results are in general agreement with
previous studies, the significance of a hard tail recently reported using the
same data was inconclusive in our analysis. The spectrum acquired on October 9
for an exposure of 19.7 ks was detected over a 0.8-100 keV band with the XIS,
HXD-PIN, and HXD-GSO, at an absorbed flux of erg s
cm (in 0.8-100 keV). It shows characteristics of the hard state, and was
successfully explained by the same two continuum components but with rather
different parameters including much stronger thermal Comptonization, of which
the seed photon source was identified with blackbody emission from the
neutron-star surface. As a result, the accretion flow in the hard state is
inferred to take a form of an optically-thick and geometrically-thin disk down
to a radius of km from the neutron star, and then turn into an
optically-thin nearly-spherical hot flow.Comment: PASJ in publish. 12 pages including 16 figure
Utilizing archived Suzaku data acquired on 2007 December 25 for 46 ks, the X-ray spectroscopic properties of the dipping and eclipsing low-mass X-ray binary EXO 0748?676 were studied. At an assumed distance of 7.1 kpc, the data provided a persistent unabsorbed luminosity of
erg cm?2 s?1 in 0.6?55 keV. The source was in a relatively bright low/hard state, wherein the 0.6?55 keV spectrum can be successfully explained by a “double-seed” Comptonization model incorporating a common corona with an electron temperature of ~13 keV. The seed photons are thought to be supplied from both the neutron star surface and a cooler truncated disk. Compared to a sample of non-dipping, low-mass X-ray binaries in the low/hard state, the spectrum is subject to stronger Comptonization with a relatively larger Comptonizing y-parameter of ~1.4 and a larger coronal optical depth of ~5. This result, when attributed to the high inclination of EXO 0748?676, suggests that the Comptonizing corona may elongate along the disk plane and provide a longer path for the seed photons when viewed from edge-on inclinations