72 research outputs found
Valence and Na content dependences of superconductivity in NaxCoO2.yH2O
Various samples of sodium cobalt oxyhydrate with relatively large amounts of
Na ions were synthesized by a modified soft-chemical process in which a
NaOH aqueous solution was added in the final step of the procedure. From these
samples, a superconducting phase diagram was determined for a section of a
cobalt valence of +3.48, which was compared with a previously obtained
one of +3.40. The superconductivity was significantly affected by the
isovalent exchanger of Na and HO, rather than by variation of
Co valence, suggesting the presence of multiple kinds of Fermi surface.
Furthermore, the high-field magnetic susceptibility measurements for one sample
up to 30 T indicated an upper critical field much higher than the Pauli limit
supporting the validity of the spin-triplet pairing mechanism.Comment: 4 figures and 1 tabl
Superconducting phase diagram of NaxCoO2.yH2O
We synthesized Nax(H3O)zCoO2yH2O samples with various Na/H3O ratios but with
the constant Co valence of s = +3.40, and measured their magnetic properties to
draw phase diagrams of the system. The superconductivity is very sensitive to
the Na/H3O ratio. With varying x under fixed s of +3.40, magnetically ordered
phase appears in the intermediate range of x sandwiched by two separated
superconducting phases, suggesting that the superconductivity is induced by
moderately strong magnetic interactions. In the vicinity of the magnetic phase,
transition from the superconducting state to the magnetically ordered state was
induced by applying high magnetic field. This transition is of the second
order, at least, above 1.8 K. The upper-critical field is expected to be much
higher than the Pauli limit for a phase located far away from the magnetic
phase regarding the Na/H3O ratio.Comment: proceedings of ISS200
Na-ion dynamics in Quasi-1D compound NaV2O4
We have used the pulsed muon source at ISIS to study high-temperature Na-ion
dynamics in the quasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) metallic antiferromagnet NaV2O4. By
performing systematic zero-field and longitudinal-field measurements as a
function of temperature we clearly distinguish that the hopping rate increases
exponentially above Tdiff=250 K. The data is well fitted to an Arrhenius type
equation typical for a diffusion process, showing that the Na-ions starts to be
mobile above Tdiff . Such results makes this compound very interesting for the
tuning of Q1D magnetism using atomic-scale ion-texturing through the periodic
potential from ordered Na-vacancies. Further, it also opens the door to
possible use of NaV2O4 and related compounds in energy related applications.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics: Conference Series
この博士論文は内容の要約のみの公開(または一部非公開)になっています筑波大学 (University of Tsukuba)201
Pressure-Induced Restoration of the Reversed Crystal-Field Splitting in -SrCrO
Motivated by an experimental finding that the successive phase transitions in
-SrCrO observed at ambient pressure ceases to exist under high
pressures, we carry out the density-functional-theory-based electronic
structure calculations and demonstrate that the reversal of the crystal-field
splitting reported previously is restored under high pressures, so that the
orbital degrees of freedom disappears, resulting in the single phase transition
that divides the system into high-temperature Mott insulating and
low-temperature antiferromagnetic insulating phases.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, to appear in JPS Conf. Proc. (Proceedings for
The magnetic structure of the chain family NaCaVO determined by muon-spin rotation
We present muon-spin rotation measurements on polycrystalline samples of the
complete family of the antiferromagnetic (AF) chain compounds,
NaCaVO. In this family, we explore the magnetic properties
from the metallic NaVO to the insulating CaVO. We find a
critical which separates the low and high Na-concentration
dependent transition temperature and its magnetic ground state. In the
compounds, the magnetic ordered phase is characterized by a single homogenous
phase and the formation of incommensurate spin-density-wave order. Whereas in
the compounds, multiple sub-phases appear with temperature and .
Based on the muon data obtained in zero external magnetic field, a careful
dipolar field simulation was able to reproduce the muon behavior and indicates
a modulated helical incommensurate spin structure of the metallic AF phase. The
incommensurate modulation period obtained by the simulation agrees with that
determined by neutron diffraction.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in PR
Magnetic nature of wolframite MgReO
Rhenium oxides belonging to the family ReO where is a metal
cation, exhibit interesting electronic and magnetic properties. In this study
we have utilized the muon spin rotation/relaxation (SR) technique to
study the magnetic properties of the MgReO compound. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the first investigation reported on this interesting
material, that is stabilized in a wolframite crystal structure using a special
high-pressure synthesis technique. Bulk magnetic studies show the onset of an
antiferromagnetic (AF) long range order, or a possible singlet spin state at
~K, with a subtle second high-temperature transition at
~K. Both transitions are also confirmed by heat capacity
() measurements. From our SR measurements, it is clear that the
sample enters an AF order below ~K. We find no
evidence of magnetic signal above , which indicates that is likely linked to a structural transition. Further, via sensitive zero
field (ZF) SR measurements we find evidence of a spin reorientation at
~K. This points towards a transition from a collinear AF
into a canted AF order at low temperature, which is proposed to be driven by
competing magnetic interactions
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