1,560 research outputs found

    Relating multihadron production in hadronic and nuclear collisions

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    The energy-dependence of charged particle mean multiplicity and pseudorapidity density at midrapidity measured in nucleus-nucleus and (anti)proton-proton collisions are studied in the entire available energy range. The study is performed using a model, which considers the multiparticle production process according to the dissipating energy of the participants and their types, namely a combination of the constituent quark picture together with Landau relativistic hydrodynamics. The model reveals interrelations between the variables under study measured in nucleus-nucleus and nucleon-nucleon collisions. Measurements in nuclear reactions are shown to be well reproduced by the measurements in (anti)proton-proton interactions common and the corresponding fits are presented. Different observations in other types of collisions are discussed in the framework of the proposed model. Predictions are made for measurements at the forthcoming LHC energies.Comment: Europ. Phys. J. C (to appear). Recently CMS reported (arXiv:1005.3299) on the midrapidity density value of 5.78 +/- 0.01(stat) +/- 0.23(syst) in pp collisons at 7 TeV, which agrees well with the value of 5.8 of our prediction

    Antimatter regions in the baryon-dominated Universe

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    Quantum fluctuations of a complex, baryonic charged scalar field caused by inflation can generate large domains, which convert later into antimatter regions. As a result the Universe can become globally matter-dominated, with minor contribution of antimatter regions. The distribution and evolution of such antimatter regions could cause every galaxy to be a harbour of an anti-star globular cluster. At the same time, the scenario does not lead to large-scale isocuvature perturbations, which would disturb observable CMB anisotropy. The existence of one of such antistar globular cluster in our Galaxy does not contradict the observed γ\gamma-ray background, but the expected fluxes of 4Heˉ\bar{\rm ^4He} and 3Heˉ\bar{\rm ^3He} from such an antimatter object are definitely accessible to the sensitivity of the coming AMS--02 experiment.Comment: Talk given at the XIVth Rencontres de Blois 2002 on Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry, Blois, France, June, 2002, to be published in the proceedings, ed. J. Tran Thanh Van, 4 latex pages, 2 eps figure

    Possible Origin of Antimatter Regions in the Baryon Dominated Universe

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    We discuss the evolution of U(1) symmetric scalar field at the inflation epoch with a pseudo Nambu-Goldstone tilt revealing after the end of exponential expansion of the Universe. The U(1) symmetry is supposed to be associated with baryon charge. It is shown that quantum fluctuations lead in natural way to baryon dominated Universe with antibaryon excess regions. The range of parameters is calculated at which the fraction of Universe occupied by antimatter and the size of antimatter regions satisfy the observational constraints, survive to the modern time and lead to effects, accessible to experimental search for antimatter.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Study of Air Curtain in Context of Individual Protection from Exposure to Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) Contained in Cough-Generated Fluid Particles

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    The ongoing respiratory COVID-19 pandemic has heavily impacted the social and private lives of the majority of the global population. This infection is primarily transmitted via virus-laden fluid particles (i.e., droplets and aerosols) that are formed in the respiratory tract of infected individuals and expelled from the mouth in the course of breathing, talking, coughing, and sneezing. To mitigate the risk of virus transmission, in many places of the world, the public has been asked or even obliged to use face covers. It is plausible that in the years ahead we will see the use of face masks, face shields and respirators become a normal practice in our life. However, wearing face covers is uncomfortable in some situations, like, for example, in summer heat, while staying on beaches or at hotel swimming pools, doing exercises in gyms, etc. Also, most types of face cover become contaminated with time and need to be periodically replaced or disinfected. These nuisances are caused by the fact that face covers are based on material barriers, which prevent inward and outward propagation of aerosol and droplets containing the pathogen. Applying well established gas-particle flow formalism, we study a non-material based protection barrier created by a flow of well directed down stream of air across the front of the open face. The~protection is driven by dragging virus-laden particles inside the width of the air flow and hence, as a consequence, displacing them away from their primary trajectories. The study, shows that such, potentially portable, air curtains can effectively provide both inward and outward protection and serve as an effective personal protective equipment (PPE) mitigating human to human transmission of virus infection like COVID-19.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, version accepted for publication in Physics MDP

    Effective-energy budget in multiparticle production in nuclear collisions

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    The dependencies of charged particle pseudorapidity density and transverse energy pseudorapidity density at midrapidity on the collision energy and on the number of nucleon participants, or centrality, measured in nucleus-nucleus collisions are studied in the energy range spanning a few GeV to a few TeV per nucleon. The model in which the multiparticle production is driven by the dissipating effective energy of participants is introduced. The model is based on the earlier proposed approach, combining the constituent quark picture together with Landau relativistic hydrodynamics shown to interrelate the measurements from different types of collisions. Within this model, the dependence on the number of participants in heavy-ion collisions are found to be well described in terms of the effective energy defined as a centrality-dependent fraction of the collision energy. For both variables under study, the effective energy approach reveals a similarity in the energy dependence obtained for the most central collisions and centrality data in the entire available energy range. Predictions are made for the investigated dependencies for the forthcoming higher energy measurements in heavy-ion collisions at the LHC.Comment: Regular article, Replaced with published versio

    Effective-energy universality approach describing total multiplicity centrality dependence in heavy-ion collisions

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    The recently proposed participant dissipating effective-energy approach is applied to describe the dependence on centrality of the multiplicity of charged particles measured in heavy-ion collisions at the collision energies up to the highest LHC energy of 5 TeV. The effective-energy approach relates multihadron production in different types of collisions, by combining, under the proper collision energy scaling, the constituent quark picture with Landau relativistic hydrodynamics. The measurements are shown to be well described in terms of the centrality-dependent effective energy of participants and an explanation of the differences in the measurements at RHIC and LHC are given by means of the recently introduced hypothesis of the energy-balanced limiting fragmentation scaling. A similarity between the centrality data and the data from most central collisions is proposed pointing to the central character of participant interactions independent of centrality. The findings complement our recent investigations of the similar midrapidity pseudorapidity density measurements extending the description to the full pseudorapidity range in view of the considered similarity of multihadron production in nucleon interactions and heavy-ion collisions.Comment: Same as published versio

    Leptogenesis from Gravity Waves in Models of Inflation

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    We present a new mechanism for creating the observed cosmic matter-antimatter asymmetry which satisfies all three Sakharov conditions from one common thread, gravitational waves. We generate lepton number through the gravitational anomaly in the lepton number current. The source term comes from elliptically polarizated gravity waves that are produced during inflation if the inflaton field contains a CP-odd component. In simple inflationary scenarios, the generated matter asymmetry is very small. We describe some special conditions in which our mechanism can give a matter asymmetry of realistic size.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX4.1 format; an error in computations correcte
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