204 research outputs found
Power Law Distributions of Seismic Rates
We report an empirical determination of the probability density functions
of the number of earthquakes in finite space-time
windows for the California catalog. We find a stable power law tail
with exponent for all
space ( to km) and time intervals (0.1 to 1000
days). These observations, as well as the non-universal dependence on
space-time windows for all different space-time windows simultaneously, are
explained by solving one of the most used reference model in seismology (ETAS),
which assumes that each earthquake can trigger other earthquakes. The data
imposes that active seismic regions are Cauchy-like fractals, whose exponent
is well-constrained by the seismic rate data.Comment: 5 pages with 1 figur
Power Law Distributions of Offspring and Generation Numbers in Branching Models of Earthquake Triggering
We consider a general stochastic branching process, which is relevant to
earthquakes as well as to many other systems, and we study the distributions of
the total number of offsprings (direct and indirect aftershocks in seismicity)
and of the total number of generations before extinction. We apply our results
to a branching model of triggered seismicity, the ETAS (epidemic-type
aftershock sequence) model. The ETAS model assumes that each earthquake can
trigger other earthquakes (``aftershocks''). An aftershock sequence results in
this model from the cascade of aftershocks of each past earthquake. Due to the
large fluctuations of the number of aftershocks triggered directly by any
earthquake (``fertility''), there is a large variability of the total number of
aftershocks from one sequence to another, for the same mainshock magnitude. We
study the regime where the distribution of fertilities mu is characterized by a
power law ~1/\mu^(1+gamma). For earthquakes, we expect such a power-law
distribution of fertilities with gamma = b/alpha based on the Gutenberg-Richter
magnitude distribution ~10^(-bm) and on the increase ~10^(alpha m) of the
number of aftershocks with the mainshock magnitude m. We derive the asymptotic
distributions p_r(r) and p_g(g) of the total number r of offsprings and of the
total number g of generations until extinction following a mainshock. In the
regime \gamma<2 relevant for earhquakes, for which the distribution of
fertilities has an infinite variance, we find p_r(r)~1/r^(1+1/gamma) and
p_g(g)~1/g^(1+1/(gamma -1)). These predictions are checked by numerical
simulations.Comment: revtex, 12 pages, 2 ps figures. In press in Pure and Applied
Geophysics (2004
Most Efficient Homogeneous Volatility Estimators
We present a comprehensive theory of homogeneous volatility (and variance)
estimators of arbitrary stochastic processes that fully exploit the OHLC (open,
high, low, close) prices. For this, we develop the theory of most efficient
point-wise homogeneous OHLC volatility estimators, valid for any price
processes. We introduce the "quasi-unbiased estimators", that can address any
type of desirable constraints. The main tool of our theory is the parsimonious
encoding of all the information contained in the OHLC prices for a given time
interval in the form of the joint distributions of the high-minus-open,
low-minus-open and close-minus-open values, whose analytical expression is
derived exactly for Wiener processes with drift. The distributions can be
calculated to yield the most efficient estimators associated with any
statistical properties of the underlying log-price stochastic process. Applied
to Wiener processes for log-prices with drift, we provide explicit analytical
expressions for the most efficient point-wise volatility and variance
estimators, based on the analytical expression of the joint distribution of the
high-minus-open, low-minus-open and close-minus-open values. The efficiency of
the new proposed estimators is favorably compared with that of the
Garman-Klass, Roger-Satchell and maximum likelihood estimators.Comment: 46 pages including 17 figure
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