12,747 research outputs found
Probe of anomalous neutrino couplings to W and Z in medium energy setup of a beta-beam facility
Capability of medium energy setup of a beta beam experiment to probe new
physics contributions to neutrino-W and neutrino-Z couplings are investigated.
We employ the effective lagrangian approach of Buchmuller and Wyler and obtain
95% confidence level limits on neutrino couplings to these gauge bosons without
assuming the flavor universality of the coupling of neutrinos. We show that a
beta beam facility can place 3 to 20 times more restrictive limits than present
ones on the deviations from the electron neutrino couplings in the Standard
Model.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure
A space-fractional cable equation for the propagation of action potentials in myelinated neurons
Myelinated neurons are characterized by the presence of myelin, a
multilaminated wrapping around the axons formed by specialized neuroglial
cells. Myelin acts as an electrical insulator and therefore, in myelinated
neurons, the action potentials do not propagate within the axons but happen
only at the nodes of Ranvier which are gaps in the axonal myelination. Recent
advancements in brain science have shown that the shapes, timings, and
propagation speeds of these so-called saltatory action potentials are
controlled by various biochemical interactions among neurons, glial cells, and
the extracellular space. Given the complexity of brain's structure and
processes, the work hypothesis made in this paper is that non-local effects are
involved in the optimal propagation of action potentials. A space-fractional
cable equation for the action potentials propagation in myelinated neurons is
proposed that involves spatial derivatives of fractional order. The effects of
non-locality on the distribution of the membrane potential are investigated
using numerical simulations.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figures; added reference, updated formulas, added new
formulas, corrected typos, added 4 figure
-AlN-Mg(OH) vdW Bilayer Heterostructure: Tuning the excitonic characteristics
Motivated by recent studies that reported the successful synthesis of
monolayer Mg(OH) [Suslu \textit{et al.}, Sci. Rep. \textbf{6}, 20525
(2016)] and hexagonal (\textit{h}-)AlN [Tsipas \textit{et al}., Appl. Phys.
Lett. \textbf{103}, 251605 (2013)], we investigate structural, electronic, and
optical properties of vertically stacked -AlN and Mg(OH), through
\textit{ab initio} density-functional theory (DFT), many-body quasi-particle
calculations within the GW approximation, and the Bethe-Salpeter equation
(BSE). It is obtained that the bilayer heterostructure prefers the
stacking having direct band gap at the with Type-II band
alignment in which the valance band maximum and conduction band minimum
originate from different layer. Regarding the optical properties, the imaginary
part of the dielectric function of the individual layers and hetero-bilayer are
investigated. The hetero-bilayer possesses excitonic peaks which appear only
after the construction of the hetero-bilayer. The lowest three exciton peaks
are detailedly analyzed by means of band decomposed charge density and the
oscillator strength. Furthermore, the wave function calculation shows that the
first peak of the hetero-bilayer originates from spatially indirect exciton
where the electron and hole localized at -AlN and Mg(OH),
respectively, which is important for the light harvesting applications.Comment: Accepted by Physical Review
A Search for pair production of the LSP at the CLIC via RPV Decays
In this work we consider pair production of LSP tau-sneutrinos at the Compact
Lineer Collider. We assume that tau-sneutrinos decays in to e\textmu pair via
RPV interactions. Backgroundless subprocess
is analyzed in details. Achievable limits on
at and CL are
obtained depending on mass.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure
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