826 research outputs found

    Lexical Cohesion Roles In Speech Rhetorical Strategy of 2016 U.S Presidential Debate, Trump Vs Clinton

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    This research aims at describing the speech text cohesion and its contribution to the rhetorical strategy used in the 2016 U.S Presidential debate between Trump and Clinton in their first campaign debate on the political topic area on achieving prosperity, America's direction, and securing America. As an effort to reach the purpose of research, the researcher applies qualitative descriptive method on Discourse Analysis (D.A.) as the theory to describe and analyze the lexical cohesion relation and rhetorical devices linguistically used in the discourse of presidential debate. Furthermore, based on the analysis, the data were found around 399 lexical cohesion devices of reiteration and 64 collocations used by Clinton, and as many as 576 lexical cohesion devices for reiteration and 58 markers of collocation relations were applied by Trump in the debate over U.S presidential debates. Repetition is the most dominant type of lexical cohesion at U.S presidential debate, both realized by Clinton and Trump. The repetition achieved by both debate partners was 39.74% and 63.25%. Some of the lexical relation roles used by the two pairs of candidates based on the topics discussed reveal some differences in their political objectives, namely, economic and industrial issues, law, trade, investment, labor, taxes, and terrorism. Meanwhile, the rhetorical tools used by the two candidate pairs include; metaphor, a list of three, parallelism, and contrastive pairs (antithesis). In addition, the debate rhetoric technique used by both candidates includes; anaphora, epiphora, and climax

    Respons Tanaman Karet Belum Menghasilkan terhadap Pemupukan Organik dan Anorganik di Tanah Latosol Sukabumi

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    Kebutuhan pupuk tanaman karet belum menghasilkan (TBM) dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, di antaranya adalah jenis tanah, jenis klon, umur tanaman, dan teknis budi daya. Informasi kebutuhan pupuk tanaman karet TBM pada berbagai jenis tanah masih terbatas. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui respons tanaman karet TBM terhadap pemupukan organik dan anorganik di tanah latosol Sukabumi, Jawa Barat. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Pakuwon, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar (Balittri), Sukabumi, mulai bulan Juni 2014 sampai Juni 2016. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan petak terpisah dengan 3 ulangan. Petak utama adalah takaran pupuk organik (0, 2, dan 4 kg/pohon), sedangkan anak petak adalah takaran pupuk anorganik (50%, 75%, 100%, dan 125% dari takaran rekomendasi umum). Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap lilit batang, panjang cabang ujung, jumlah dan kerapatan daun pada cabang ujung, panjang tangkai daun, panjang dan lebar anak daun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat interaksi yang nyata antara perlakuan takaran pupuk organik dengan pupuk anorganik terhadap semua parameter pertumbuhan tanaman karet TBM pada tanah latosol Sukabumi. Pemupukan organik berpengaruh nyata terhadap karakter lilit batang, serta panjang dan lebar anak daun. Semakin banyak pupuk organik diberikan maka lilit batang semakin meningkat, tetapi ukuran panjang dan lebar anak daun semakin menurun

    Realisasi Strategi Kesantunan dalam Wacana Dakwah

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    AbstractThe research dealing with the speech acts and politeness strategy in the texts of religius speech/Khutbah Jum’at aims at describing the kinds of illocutionary speech acts and politeness strategy used by da’i in making speech text or discourse. The method used in the reasearch is qualitative and descriptive method. This researh is a contectual one by deciding the research components. The speech acts study is mainly based on the searle’s theory, and the other suppoting theories, especilaly related to the functional language theory. The data is taken from the collection of Islamic speeh, which were published by Masjid Agung Sunda Kelapa Jakarta. Furthermore, based on the analysis, the data  found in the texts involve speech acts modes, kinds of illocitionary speech acts, and the politeness strategy as well.. However, the meaning or massage implied in the texts is still informative expressions, but not able to touch an important aspect of the other different speech acts and the politeness strategies suitable to the context of situation and culture.     AbstrakPenelitian tentang kesantunan berbahasa pada teks ceramah/khutbah Jumat ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan jenis tindak tutur ilokusi dan strategi kesantunan yang digunakan oleh penceramah/khotib dalam pembuatan teks atau wacana ceramah/khutbahnya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Penelitian ini bersifat kontekstual dengan mempertimbangan komponen tutur. Kajian tindak tutur berlandaskan pada teori J.L Austin dan Searle, serta teori-teori pendukung lainnya, terutama yang terkait dengan bahasa fungsional. Data diambil dari kumpulan ceramah/khutbah Jum’at yang diterbitkan oleh Masjid Agung Sunda Kelapa. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan pemaparan data-data yang ditemukan dalam wacana ceramah/khotbah Jum’at meliputi; modus tuturan, jenis tuturan ilokusioner, serta strategi kesantunan. Namun demikian, pesan yang terkandung dalam teks ceramah/Khutbah Jum’at masih bersifat informatif, belum sampai menyentuh persoalan pentingnya tindak tutur yang lain dan strategi kesantunan sesuai dengan konteks situasi dan budaya. DOI: 10.15408/al-turas.v23i1.5159

    Kajian Parasitisme Tumbuhan Cendana (Santalum Album L.) Sebagai Dasar Dalam Pembudidayaannya

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    Cendana {Santalum album L.)merupakan tumbuhan yang termasuk dalam kelompok suku Santalaceae. Sebagai anggota kelompok tumbuhan parasit, pada fase pertumbuhannya cendana memerlukan interaksi dengan tumbuhan lain yang berfungsi sebagai inang, melalui alat-alat kontak yang disebut haustorium. Sistem perakaran cendana, di mana padanya haustoria berkembang, lebih didominasi oleh pertumbuhan horizontal. Jenis tanaman inangnya tidak spesifik, sehingga pemilihan jenis tanaman inang untuk cendana dapat disesuaikan dengan model-model yang akan dikembangkan yaitu model agroforestri atau konservasi

    Perlindungan Hak-hak Konsumen E-Commerce dalam Perspektif Hukum Positif Indonesia dan Konvensi Internasional

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    In economy, consumers are usually placed as sub sides, their rights are ignored.On the contrary, producers/capitalist are always prioritied. Moreover, it develops cybereconomy such as e-commerce, e-trading, dropship and so on, the consumers position isweaker vis a vis producers’. Therefore, state must be present in regulating and protectingconsumers. Besides, global economy activities require the intervension of global andregional institution. This writing describes the concept of consumers protection in thepsoitive law of Indonesia and international covenant, especially related to e-commerce

    Effect of Storing and Packaging of Scion Sticks on the Success of Rubber Green Budding

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    The long distance between scion and production garden requires storage and transport processes for the scion that are needed in rubber green budding. Therefore, information about the rubber scion storage and packaging technology need to be known. This study was aimed to determine the effect of storage period and packaging types of scion on the success and growth of rubber green budding. The study was conducted at Pakuwon Experimental Station of Indonesian Industrial and Beverage Crops Research Institute, Sukabumi, from February until May 2015. The split plot design with three replications was used in this study. The main plot factor was three levels of scion storage periods, i.e. 3, 4, and 5 days after harvesting the scion. The subplot factor was the 4 techniques of scion packaging: (1) the wood box with five layers of moistened newsprint paper, (2) the wood box with moistened sawdust, (3) the wood box with five layers of moistened newsprint paper and scion wrapped in plastic bags, and (4) the wood box with moistened sawdust and scion wrapped in plastic bags. The variables measured were the success level and bud growth of rubber green budding. The results showed that the success level and growth of rubber green budding from scion stored for 4 days are not significantly different compared to those that stored for 3 days. Meanwhile, the best technique of scion packaging is the woodbox with five layers of moistened newsprint or moistened sawdust medium and the scion wrapped in plastic bags

    Implementation of Biology Learning by Utilizing The Local Potential of The Citarum River to Increase Students' Environmental Literacy on Environmental Change Material

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    This study aims to increase students' environmental literacy through the implementation of biology learning by utilizing the local potential of the Citarum River on environmental change material. The research method used is Quasi-experimental. The population in this study were all environmental literacy abilities of class X students of SMA Negeri 1 Baleendah, while the sample in this study was the environmental literacy of class X students of SMA Negeri 1 Baleendah which consisted of two classes as an experimental class and a control class totaling 88 people. The instruments used consisted of multiple choice questions for indicators of environmental literacy, knowledge and cognitive skills, and questionnaires for responsible attitudes and behavior indicators. The results showed that from the pretest and posttest scores there was an increase in scores on indicators of knowledge and cognitive skills seen from the average Ngain in the experimental class of 0.60 which could be categorized as medium and the control class was 0.45 which was categorized as medium. For indicators of responsible attitudes and behavior, the average Ngain score in the experimental class is 0.50, categorized as medium, and in the control class is 0.26, categorized as low. So it can be concluded that the implementation of biology learning by utilizing the local potential of the Citarum River can increase students' environmental literacyThis study aims to increase students' environmental literacy through the implementation of biology learning by utilizing the local potential of the Citarum River on environmental change material. The research method used is Quasi-experimental. The population in this study were all environmental literacy abilities of class X students of SMA Negeri 1 Baleendah, while the sample in this study was the environmental literacy of class X students of SMA Negeri 1 Baleendah which consisted of two classes as an experimental class and a control class totaling 88 people. The instruments used consisted of multiple choice questions for indicators of environmental literacy, knowledge and cognitive skills, and questionnaires for responsible attitudes and behavior indicators. The results showed that from the pretest and posttest scores there was an increase in scores on indicators of knowledge and cognitive skills seen from the average Ngain in the experimental class of 0.60 which could be categorized as medium and the control class was 0.45 which was categorized as medium. For indicators of responsible attitudes and behavior, the average Ngain score in the experimental class is 0.50, categorized as medium, and in the control class is 0.26, categorized as low. So it can be concluded that the implementation of biology learning by utilizing the local potential of the Citarum River can increase students' environmental literac
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